Transformers Transformers nominated for 3 Oscars!!!

Kargo Warrior

Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Hell Yes!!!!

Visual effects,Sound editing and Sound Mixing

Wohooooo :word: :word: :word:
That is great!

Michael Bay really put his heart and soul into Transformers, and it's good to see he's appreciated for his efforts to help put things together.
Lol, you guys make it sound like the Olympics and Michael Bay is like Mother Teresa.

So you can stop worrying about The Bourne Ultimatum getting the visual FX nod.
I think in all 3 of these categories, Transformers is undoubtedly the winner for me, the sound and visual effects were both astonishing.

A movie's sound effects havent had such an effect on me since Master And Commander in 2004!

And the visual effects speak for themselves.
Yeah, I think Transformers will win all three noms. Still, a shame it didn't get a score nomination.
Yeah, I think Transformers will win all three noms. Still, a shame it didn't get a score nomination.

True, the score was great, i sincerely hope it doesnt get changed for the next movie, which seems to happen a lot in Comic Book movie sequels.
Pretty cool; I know I should be enthused about this, but I'm out of it, ever since yesterday.:csad:

Anywho, Transformers better win for best effects or else. *hint, hint, I'll be keeping an eye on the host with a sniper rifle*:cwink:
Good news for Bay I guess, ILM should get it with there amazing FX of the bots. :up:
^It deserves to win all 3 IMO, both the FX and sound in the movie were amazing, and used to full effect.
Oscars? You gotta be kidding me. It was a popcorn flick with no heart.

Do not reply to this, I won't be listening.
I also think it deserves all three awards. It was defenantly the best movie I had seen in theaters in a couple years and I can't wait to see the next movie.:woot:
I'd definately say best 2007 movie, dunno about that last few years but it was the best movie last year by some way for me, so yeah, i definately think it deserves all 3.
Its looking good, and so it should, in all 3 category's it would be well deserved IMO.
It'll definitely win at least two of those three nominations.

it certainly deserves these 3 oscars.
I think in all 3 of these categories, Transformers is undoubtedly the winner for me, the sound and visual effects were both astonishing.

A movie's sound effects havent had such an effect on me since Master And Commander in 2004!

And the visual effects speak for themselves.

lol wtf, so random.
^Ha ha i was talking about how well the sound effects augment the experience in the movie, in MaC, the sound effects enhanced the battle scene's so much it was unbelievable, same with TF, but it was in most scene's, not just the battle one's.

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