The Dark Knight Rises Was the Anticipation worth it?


Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score
I first discovered this forum a few days before the release of TDKR. It was very, very busy and highly speculative. Many individuals here and in another like forum had spent quite some time- as in hundreds of posts, months if not years... and plenty of thought- speculating about the film.

Now that the movie is over, this forum and the other has slowed down immensely. I find this quite surprising. Because I would have expected to see the discussion rate to increase.

So was the anticipation worth it? I guess part of enjoying TDKR was the build-up, right?
The anticipation has been the best yet, better than TDK or Batman Begins.

Though TDK was by far the most satisfying experience, in terms of hype and reaction to the finished product.

TDKR's premiere was an incredibly depressing day to be on these boards.
I got more anticipation when TDK started up their marketing on

That was always a fun place to go to :D

I didn't see them really doing that with TDKR so everyone was trying to decode what the chant meant and that was pretty much it. When the first pic of Bane showed up, different story.

I still didn't have as much hype though

I don't know what to call it. Some of it was just bizzarre.

The nitpick that stays in my mind was "How the hell is JGL gonna fit in the bat-suit?"
I don't know what to call it. Some of it was just bizzarre.

The nitpick that stays in my mind was "How the hell is JGL gonna fit in the bat-suit?"


Its amazing what gets picked up on a film, no stone is left unturned it seems!
I followed the production and hype of TDK very closely, for nearly two years. When TDK finally came out, I watched it, and afterward I loved what I saw, but at the same time felt somehow empty, because the anticipation was over. When I returned to the Batman boards, it would be from the perspective of someone who had viewed the movie, not someone who was excited to see it soon. It's an odd feeling.

All the speculation and arguments leading up to TDK were in some ways more intense than the movie itself.

I made it a point to stay away from following the production of TDKR, and I'm glad I did.
the nitpicking, people went overboard with it. As if they were LOOKING for reasons to not like the movie. Thing is, TDK had just as many inconsitencies and people ignored them and enjoyed the film. In The Dark Knight, Batman saves Rachel from a fall that neither of them should have survived even with Batmans armour and cape and we never know what happened to the Joker in Wayne's Mansion who was still trying to find Harvey Dent at the time, they just cut to the next scene. Jokers hair was 3 different lengths over the course of the movie, or how about the Joker placing a grenade in the bank managers mouth, while the bank manager, whos hands are free, just leaves it there? Or what about Joker killing cutting his mouth? I am not bashing The Dark Knight, I am just wondering why it's heralded as this masterpiece whil TDKR is shat on for something the Dark Knight itself was heavy on: Inconsistencies. ANd alot of the so called "inconsistencies" stem from the viewers own lack of imagination and common sense. Like all the people who can't understand how Bane knew Batman was Bruce Wayne. I mean, it's not like Bane was part of the same terrorist organization that trained Bruce Wayne and burned his house down.
the nitpicking, people went overboard with it. As if they were LOOKING for reasons to not like the movie. Thing is, TDK had just as many inconsitencies and people ignored them and enjoyed the film. In The Dark Knight, Batman saves Rachel from a fall that neither of them should have survived even with Batmans armour and cape and we never know what happened to the Joker in Wayne's Mansion who was still trying to find Harvey Dent at the time, they just cut to the next scene. Jokers hair was 3 different lengths over the course of the movie, or how about the Joker placing a grenade in the bank managers mouth, while the bank manager, whos hands are free, just leaves it there? Or what about Joker killing cutting his mouth? I am not bashing The Dark Knight, I am just wondering why it's heralded as this masterpiece whil TDKR is shat on for something the Dark Knight itself was heavy on: Inconsistencies. ANd alot of the so called "inconsistencies" stem from the viewers own lack of imagination and common sense. Like all the people who can't understand how Bane knew Batman was Bruce Wayne. I mean, it's not like Bane was part of the same terrorist organization that trained Bruce Wayne and burned his house down.


Agree Completely.
For sure.

I still regret staying on the boards during the final week leading up to opening weekend. But besides that, it was damn well worth it.
the nitpicking, people went overboard with it. As if they were LOOKING for reasons to not like the movie.

It's the rationalization people do but that comes usually after. Many didn't like it so they try to find reasons. Just as most liked The Dark Knight so they never really thought about its mistakes although the movie has many.
The first few days sucked because the nitpickers were much much louder than anyone else, so I honestly got the impression most peopled despised this movie when in truth, most people I know really enjoyed it, whether they liked it better than its predecessor or not.

Also, the complaints about the RT score...:whatever:. Inception is heralded as a masterpiece around here by so many people and it has an 86% on RT. TDKR has an 87%. :whatever:
We got an excellent Batman film and the first Batman trilogy. Yes, it was worth it.
I don't agree with the expectation that there would be be more discussion.

It was the conclusion so it answers a lot of its questions. I don't think the reaction is going to be so immediate. People will still be digesting it especially once it's available on DVD when they can put the trilogy together and when it really hits the gut that Nolan's exploration of the Batman is done.
In a word, Yes, it was definitely worth it despite it's minor flaws (which any movie have anyway)
Yes. And I'm having a hard time accepting that Nolan and Bale will never do another Batman movie.

Yes. And I'm having a hard time accepting that Nolan and Bale will never do another Batman movie.

I suspect this as well.

Bale has stated that he will come back for a IV if Nolan asked him to.

After TDK, Nolan publicly stated that he won't do another Batman movie unless he was given plans that could match TDK. When he did during Inception, he made the movie immediately afterwards.

He is going to advise the production of Superman 2013 now, so things may change once again. He has no other work than an advisory role for Superman.

If suitable plans for a Batman 4 emerges, I believe he will attempt it. However, judging from TDKR, I also suspect that Nolan is exhausted of Batman- after doing it so much. I believe that he has utilized and exhausted all of his best techniques and ideas.
I think a few insisted posters making it look like it was a disappointment for everybody like they felt about it but other than that for most of us anticipation was worth it.

Most of the criticism comes from personal taste & expectations rather than logical reasons. It's not better than "Bane should be 8 feet tall" stuff.
It's hard to say exactly. The Dark Knight Rises itself absolutely was, no question. Thing is, the internet backlash is amongst the most moronic, misinformed reaction to a film I've seen in almost my entire time on the internet- you know, a while.

A huge part of what made TDK (and Inception) such amazing experiences was seeing the culture embrace something in a really exciting enthralling manner, but at least in the states, that wasn't what happened. At least not yet. I'm sure it has been world wide given the incredible box office, but still.

It's hard to say exactly. The Dark Knight Rises itself absolutely was, no question. Thing is, the internet backlash is amongst the most moronic, misinformed reaction to a film I've seen in almost my entire time on the internet- you know, a while.

A huge part of what made TDK (and Inception) such amazing experiences was seeing the culture embrace something in a really exciting enthralling manner, but at least in the states, that wasn't what happened. At least not yet. I'm sure it has been world wide given the incredible box office, but still.


It's a shame, really. TDK was beyond huge here when it came out. Everyone was talking about it, and even my friend, who doesn't go to many movies, saw it four times in theaters. It was undoubtedly the movie of that year.

TDKR just hasn't had the same reaction, and that's unfortunate, because it's a terrific film. One of the best I've seen all year. But regardless of what circumstances might have caused it, the reaction just wasn't the same.

Though a month ago I never thought I'd be saying this, The Avengers is the movie of 2012.

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