The Dark Knight WB to go with new marketing plan


Jul 6, 2005
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"Warner Bros. has announced that The Dark Knight will keeps its release date of July 18th. Sources say that marketing was going to revolve around Heath's character, so that is being reworked."

his death is more important then the movie, i want to make that clear, but i was looking foward to what the WB was going to do with markerting campaign with the joker, the viral stuff has been crazy.

Oh well, life is more important than a 2 hr movie
With no source this is a random quote dude. We're going to need more than that.
the theard starter has had a bad history

so dont believe this yet
I'd like a source, please
And if they are going to refocus it, then they should focus on Harvey Dent and his campeign! Especially in an election year, it could be pretty tight.
I don't know if Heath would want this. Now the viral stuff is dead... great
Could you kindly provide us with a link for a reliable source, if you please?
[quote="_____";13893622]"Warner Bros. has announced that The Dark Knight will keeps its release date of July 18th. Sources say that marketing was going to revolve around Heath's character, so that is being reworked."

his death is more important then the movie, i want to make that clear, but i was looking foward to what the WB was going to do with markerting campaign with the joker, the viral stuff has been crazy.

Oh well, life is more important than a 2 hr movie[/quote]

Dang. I don't like the news, but you have to agree. I wanted some Joker marketing and all that good stuff, well probably have it more toward Batman now.

R.I.P. Heath Ledger
Man, these threads around here are droppin like flies.
ON A GOOD NOTE, maybe the less we see of the Joker, the more we will be amazed by his role on the movie.

It worked with Jurassic Park and E.T.
Regardless of the validity of the quote above, this is still an interesting topic.

My speculation is that the viral stuff, especially the more Joker centric, was coming to a hault anyway. We have a little bit of Harvey in the viral and another trailer coming out that is supposedly going to focus more on Harvey, i.e. "the backbone."

By the time TV spots start hitting the airwaves the mourning period will have passed and they can use the TV spots to celebrate his performance.

I just don't think (actually hope) we'll be seeing Heath on large size drink cups at our local Burger King.
I was just wondering, by WB changing everything up in the marketing department, do you think Ledger would want this? Or would he want the film to go full force? I know we will never know. But Ledger seemed like the type of person that put everything into his acting, so would it really do him honors if WB changed up everything?
I was just wondering, by WB changing everything up in the marketing department, do you think Ledger would want this? Or would he want the film to go full force? I know we will never know. But Ledger seemed like the type of person that put everything into his acting, so would it really do him honors if WB changed up everything?
That's hard to say, considering we don't know what he would have wanted.

However, WB has to be sensitive now, because there are still Heath's friends and family.
I think WB should contact Heath's family and say 'we had this whole thing planned out, but now it's a little awkward, we're considering scrapping it what do you think?' and if the family gives the go ahead, then they should go ahead.

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