Well I just got suspended from High School...

What he means is SQUAWKING...he just didn't spell it right.

squawk   /skwɔk/ Show Spelled
[skwawk] Show IPA

–verb (used without object)
1. to utter a loud, harsh cry, as a duck or other fowl when frightened.
2. Informal . to complain loudly and vehemently.
–verb (used with object)
3. to utter or give forth with a squawk.
4. a loud, harsh cry or sound.
5. Informal . a loud, vehement complaint.

How about you stop squakin' about all this squawkin'?
What he means is SQUAWKING...he just didn't spell it right.

squawk   /skwɔk/ Show Spelled
[skwawk] Show IPA

–verb (used without object)
1. to utter a loud, harsh cry, as a duck or other fowl when frightened.
2. Informal . to complain loudly and vehemently.
–verb (used with object)
3. to utter or give forth with a squawk.
4. a loud, harsh cry or sound.
5. Informal . a loud, vehement complaint.

Websters don't count as a valid source anymore. Any dictionary that includes LOL in its lexicon has lost all credibility with me.
Well, knowing the definition of the term might make its inclusion relevant. Regardless I do see a possibility of why OP was suspended along with the person who was throwing punches.

While difficult to do, you could have ignored his 'squawking' and said nothing. While I'm sure it would have taken a monumental amount of self-control, maybe this can be chalked up to one of those life lessons you reflect back on.

Authority doesn't care about right or wrong, simply order. You disrupted the order, therefore you were suspended. You can chose to learn from it, or continue to gripe about the unfairness of it all, the choice is yours.

Just don't use it as an excuse to to do something stupid like shoot up the school.
I got you guys beat. I got expelled from two High Schools that I had only been attending 2 years each.
All this school talk reminds of Hype member Ice-man..that dude was a legend
Why did you need both a GED and a high school diploma? :huh:
It's because I don't half a** anything bro.
Well I think this teaches an important lesson.

If someone hits you in school, beat them senseless. It's better than getting suspended for nothing.
Did your bully happen to look something like this?



Yes... his bully looks like an aquatic, flightless bird that lives almost exclusively in Antarctica.
Except Morgan Freeman. His life is Narrated by James Earl Jones.
That sucks you got suspended. I would, honeslty, have your parents really push your principal to review this or something. That's kind of bull that the guy attacks you and then you both get suspended. I see why they did it because technically it's a "fight". Even back in the mid to late 90's it was like that in my school. Even if a guy was just trying to defend himself from getting beaten to a pulp he got suspended too. Most kids parents would lean on the school big time and, most times, they would get the suspension revoked from their record.

However, in hindsight, I bet that being suspended anyway it would have been nice to pound that jerk offs face in and at least have that going for you.

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