Westchester RPG: Season One "First Class" OOC


Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score

Game Master: Ol'Canucklehead

Co-GM: Matt Murdock

AGM: Venom160


The following article was provided by the DAILY BUGLE Newspaper

"Scientific research has always shown that the species of this planet are in a constant state of evolution. Researchers have used examples of countless animal species for years and we have watched their progression. However, the one question in all of our minds has been, if all that is around us has evolved, and it is possible that we evolved from other forms of life, than are we still evolving into yet another species? The answer is undoubtedly, yes.

Professor Charles Xavier, one of the most predominant researchers of our era, says that he has discovered that we as human beings are evolving, mutating, into what is known as homo-superior. A new race of men capable of doing things that we could have, until now, only dreamed of in science fiction. Professor Xavier believes that these types of "mutations", as he calls them, are nothing new, but in fact have been occurring for decades, if not centuries. He believes that soon "Mutants" will become increasingly evident, and that with such an occurrence they will be met with the same fear and ignorance as any other race of man introduced into a culture in which they have not yet been commonly accepted.

Professor Xavier has founded his own private school only last year, in hopes of bettering the minds of young America, and teaching them what he calls "Important lessons for tomorrow." He plans to teaches his student of tolerance, acceptance, and general moral issues that are commonly over looked in todays society. When jokingly asked if he was using the school as a superhuman getaway he laughed and said only, "One can only dream of something that wonderful.""

-Benjamin Urich, BUGLE staff writer.

In Westchester, New York, Charles Xavier has created a school which appears to the general public as nothing more than a private school for gifted youngsters. In all actuality it is a safe-haven for the young mutant population. After having a falling out with his old partner, Eric Leinsher, Professor Xavier realized that in order to help create a world in which mutants can be accepted, he must help create structure and morality in the young mutants of today's generation. Professor Xavier believes that if he can reach these few young people than perhaps he can help to set the ground work for future generations and create a preemptive measure against ignorance, bigotry, and hatred. This is the story of those students, this is the beginning of what will become legend, and this is where heroes are born.

This is Westchester.

Westchester RPG Character Application
Character You Would Like To Play:
Basic Origin of the Character:
Three Reasons Why You Have Chosen That Character:
What Do You Plan On Doing With This Character As A Person :
Two Complete Sentences In Proper English Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG (As A Player):
What Fonts Do You Plan To Use For Your Character’s Speech? (Makes the roster look better):
Please Provide A Small Sample Post In The Format You Wish To Portray Your Character In:
Do You Know How To Post Pictures On The Hype?:

  • You may choose any character from the X-Men, X-Men history, or X-Men villains. Characters that fall outside of these will need speacial GM permission.
  • This RPG is GM operated, major arcs, major character changes, origins, and outside influences will need GM aproval before they can be instituted.
  • Characters from alternate time lines must be approved.
  • No Killing. Unnamed, faceless NPC's may be killed, but not major characters, or taken characters. Someone else may want to take up the character, or they may be important to another story.
  • Most interaction will take place in New York, mainly in the town of Westchester. If for any reason there is a need for event to take place outside of New York, please inform a GM and they will be able to assist you.
  • You are your character, so act like it. Talk like them, use their dialouge. Do not exaggerate your powers, or pop-up here and there without explanation. BE Your character.
  • Several stories can be going at once, and you have the freedom to interact with other characters.
  • You must post at least once every two weeks, though it is preferred that you post more. If you go two weeks without a post, you will be notified by a GM through a Private Message and an OOC post. If, within 48 hours, you do not reply to the PM with an explanation or post in the IC thread, your character will be up for grabs. You may reapply for your character, though others may want to play also.
  • Be serious, no slander, or impractical actions from your character. Example; "I found a crystal and now I own the world! You're all my slaves!"
  • Currently you are allowed one character per player. If and when a certain level of dedication is established we will institute a multi character rule.
  • Applications are taken on a first come first serve basis, however if multiple applications for the same character are applied at the same time all aps will go under consideration for who is the most qualified to play the character.
  • And of course, all regular rules of the Hype apply.
  • Have fun.
- - -
The Roster
- Students -

Eddie Brock Jr.



Jamie Madrox



- Teachers and Mentors -

Doctor Hank McCoy
Byrd Man

Wade Wilson
Matt Murdock

Jon Starsmore/Chamber
Jono Starsmore

-Outsiders -


Lord Doom

Nick Fury
Andy C.
- - -

Applications Pending Approval*
None at this time.

First post w00t!

App up in the AM from me!

Night all!
Hmm. I may join, just to try it out.

Has anyone expressed interest in Deadpool or Magneto?
Westchester RPG Character Application
Screenname: Ol'Canucklehead

Character You Would Like To Play: Wolverine

Superhuman healing factor, animal senses, six razor sharp adamantium claws that are retractable into his forearms via the skin on his nuckles, military and martial arts training.

Basic Origin of the Character: Logan, as he is known by the few who have crossed his path for longer than a moment, is man without any memory of his past, a blank slate. He awoke only a few years ago to find himself lost and naked, struggling to unerstand what happened to him. Through his travels he began to understand what made him different from the rest of scociety, and when the government began to take notice as well he found himself in a new form of trouble. (Soon to be detailed in a flashback post)

Three Reasons Why You Have Chosen That Character:

1. To add a new twist to his origin.

2. He is my favorite hero.

3. To help this new X-Men grow in exciting ways.

What Do You Plan On Doing With This Character As A Person : Experience, a unique understanding of my character, and the desire to create new things.

Two Complete Sentences In Proper English Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG (As A Player): An entirely new aproach to Wolverine. I plan to make his past such an important and confusing thing that anyone who wishes to understand it must not even bink when reading it.

What Fonts Do You Plan To Use For Your Character’s Speech? (Makes the roster look better): Franklin Gothic Medium. Orange.

Please Provide A Small Sample Post In The Format You Wish To Portray Your Character In:

The door opened, I smelled her perfume, his tabacoo, and the sex that followed them from the car. This town was too predictable, something out of a crappy new age western. Gun totin country folk who drive their desiel trucks and love their beer. I can't stand most of it, I just sit in the corner keepin to myself, tryin not to be noticed. The bar girl come over to me an asks,

"Can I get ya anythin else sugar?"

I respond, "A new life, or a bottle beer, you choose."

"Sure, what kind."

"I'd like to be a rock star please, they don't worry bout much."

"What kinda BEER mister."

"Guinness, extra stout."

"Sure thing." She says with a little disgust.

Before I can think much more the door opens again, guy walks through, I smell his after shave, the alchohol already on his breath, and the.....GUNPOWDER!


He pulls out a gun and waves it around. I stand up and walk towards him.

"I SAID GET DOWN! You some kinda freak or somethin, walkin into a loaded gun, you wana die?"

As I get next to him I say, "Right on all acounts. But you aint hurtin these people."

"**** YOU!" He says pullin the trigger.

I real back and take the pain, look him in the eye and say "NO, **** YOU!"

I pull my hand across and he falls to the floor and lands on his stomach, I turn and walk outa the bar, everyone sits inside confused, barely movin. I get to my bike and start it up, and just as the engine roars I hear a woman scream.....they must have turned him over.

Do You Know How To Post Pictures On The Hype?: Yes
I think there was one for DP but then they changed their mind, not sure.
Westchester RPG Character Application

Screenname: Eddie Brock Jr.

Character You Would Like To Play: Piotr Rasputin/Codename: Colossus

Powers: Superhuman strength; superhuman endurance; skin can convert into organic, metallic alloy which is nigh impenetrable; when in transformed state, Colossus no longer requires oxygen, food, or water.
Basic Origin of the Character: Piotr Rasputin was born to a very poor farming family in Russia. Like any other teenager, Piotr wanted to have a social life. However, his family's financial troubles - coupled with his sister Illyana's rare, unknown illness - forced Piotr to stay at home and work on the farm. At 6'3" and nearly 220 pounds, Piotr was built quite well for the hard labor he would need to perform. What neither Piotr nor his family realized is that Piotr was so strong that he went well beyond the normal limits of a human being. It wasn't until Piotr's true ability first manifested that everyone realized that Piotr wasn't, in fact, a normal human being.

Piotr's family faced many hardships due to the social stigma of having a mutant child. Piotr was asked to drop out of school, so as to help the students feel safe. Many nights, mutant haters would vandalize Piotr's home or threaten his family's safety. Though Piotr wanted so badly to retaliate, he was too much of a gentle giant to harm another person. So for months, it looked as though Piotr's life was effectively over. That is, until the Rasputin family learned of the American Professor Charles Xavier and his work with mutants...

Three Reasons Why You Have Chosen That Character:

1. Let's face it: Colossus has one of the coolest abilities. The irony, of course, is that below his impervious shell, Piotr is actually very self-conscious and sensitive. It creates a nice contrast.

2. Piotr is used to being an outsider due to his mutation. However, he thought that things would get better when he enrolled in Xavier's school. Unfortunately, even here, he found that he was an outsider - 'the foreign exchange kid.' Piotr constantly feels like he must prove himself.

3. There's just some part of me that connects with Colossus. I can't really explain it - I'm not Russian, and my skin isn't made of metal. But whenever I read a story with Colossus, I feel like he and I are one. Perhaps it is because of the qualities I mentioned in the other two reasons.

What Do You Plan On Doing With This Character As A Person : As I outlined in my reasons for choosing him, I want to play up Piotr's sensitivity and outsiderness. The image of a gentle giant is always a nice one to see - as it completely contradicts our normal idea of someone so large. Piotr is one of those friends who will talk with you about anything, and if anyone is bothering you, he'll stomp their face in. Everyone needs someone like that in their life. Calm and collected - yet willing to fight for his beliefs.
Two Complete Sentences In Proper English Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG (As A Player): As a player, I can bring reliability and support. I would say that I can bring faithful representation of the character's core, but that's really for the readers to decide.

What Fonts Do You Plan To Use For Your Character’s Speech? (Makes the roster look better): It's bold gray Georgia.
Please Provide A Small Sample Post In The Format You Wish To Portray Your Character In:

I sit nervously in the kitchen, waiting for this Professor to arrive. Mother has ordered me to wear my nicest suit - though I am not a particular fan of getting dressed up. Nonetheless, as I twiddle my thumbs, I stare down at the half-polished shoes upon my feet. I hope that this Professor does not think I am a slob - he simply must understand that my family doesn't have much. Not even shoe polish.

When there is knocking at the door, I jump up and walk briskly to answer it. I am the only member of my family to speak English - albeit with a heavy accent. "Hello, you must be the Professor," I announce while extending my hand.

The bald man in the wheelchair smiles. "Well, aren't you a growing boy?" he laughs as he takes my hand. "I am Professor Charles Xavier. I assume that you are Piotr Rasputin."

I nod. "We have been waiting for you, Mr. Xavier," I explain. I almost offer him a seat, but I suddenly realize that he does not require one. I help myself to the largest armchair in the room. "Can I get you anything?"

"No, thank you," Mr. Xavier replies. "Please, call me 'Professor.' Where are your parents?"

"Father is working in the fields, and Mother is upstairs with Illyana," I respond. "They are a little shy."

Professor laughs softly before stating, "Actually, I almost prefer it that way. After all, we're here to discuss you."

I nod. "So what do you want to know?"
Do You Know How To Post Pictures On The Hype?:
Westchester RPG Character Application
Screenname: Ol'Canucklehead

Character You Would Like To Play: Wolverine

Superhuman healing factor, animal senses, six razor sharp adamantium claws that are retractable into his forearms via the skin on his nuckles, military and martial arts training.

Basic Origin of the Character: Logan, as he is known by the few who have crossed his path for longer than a moment, is man without any memory of his past, a blank slate. He awoke only a few years ago to find himself lost and naked, struggling to unerstand what happened to him. Through his travels he began to understand what made him different from the rest of scociety, and when the government began to take notice as well he found himself in a new form of trouble. (Soon to be detailed in a flashback post)

Three Reasons Why You Have Chosen That Character:

1. To add a new twist to his origin.

2. He is my favorite hero.

3. To help this new X-Men grow in exciting ways.

What Do You Plan On Doing With This Character As A Person : Experience, a unique understanding of my character, and the desire to create new things.

Two Complete Sentences In Proper English Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG (As A Player): An entirely new aproach to Wolverine. I plan to make his past such an important and confusing thing that anyone who wishes to understand it must not even bink when reading it.

What Fonts Do You Plan To Use For Your Character’s Speech? (Makes the roster look better): Franklin Gothic Medium. Orange.

Please Provide A Small Sample Post In The Format You Wish To Portray Your Character In:

The door opened, I smelled her perfume, his tabacoo, and the sex that followed them from the car. This town was too predictable, something out of a crappy new age western. Gun totin country folk who drive their desiel trucks and love their beer. I can't stand most of it, I just sit in the corner keepin to myself, tryin not to be noticed. The bar girl come over to me an asks,

"Can I get ya anythin else sugar?"

I respond, "A new life, or a bottle beer, you choose."

"Sure, what kind."

"I'd like to be a rock star please, they don't worry bout much."

"What kinda BEER mister."

"Guinness, extra stout."

"Sure thing." She says with a little disgust.

Before I can think much more the door opens again, guy walks through, I smell his after shave, the alchohol already on his breath, and the.....GUNPOWDER!


He pulls out a gun and waves it around. I stand up and walk towards him.

"I SAID GET DOWN! You some kinda freak or somethin, walkin into a loaded gun, you wana die?"

As I get next to him I say, "Right on all acounts. But you aint hurtin these people."

"**** YOU!" He says pullin the trigger.

I real back and take the pain, look him in the eye and say "NO, **** YOU!"

I pull my hand across and he falls to the floor and lands on his stomach, I turn and walk outa the bar, everyone sits inside confused, barely movin. I get to my bike and start it up, and just as the engine roars I hear a woman scream.....they must have turned him over.

Do You Know How To Post Pictures On The Hype?: Yes

Westchester RPG Character Application

Screenname: Eddie Brock Jr.

Character You Would Like To Play: Piotr Rasputin/Codename: Colossus

Powers: Superhuman strength; superhuman endurance; skin can convert into organic, metallic alloy which is nigh impenetrable; when in transformed state, Colossus no longer requires oxygen, food, or water.
Basic Origin of the Character: Piotr Rasputin was born to a very poor farming family in Russia. Like any other teenager, Piotr wanted to have a social life. However, his family's financial troubles - coupled with his sister Illyana's rare, unknown illness - forced Piotr to stay at home and work on the farm. At 6'3" and nearly 220 pounds, Piotr was built quite well for the hard labor he would need to perform. What neither Piotr nor his family realized is that Piotr was so strong that he went well beyond the normal limits of a human being. It wasn't until Piotr's true ability first manifested that everyone realized that Piotr wasn't, in fact, a normal human being.

Piotr's family faced many hardships due to the social stigma of having a mutant child. Piotr was asked to drop out of school, so as to help the students feel safe. Many nights, mutant haters would vandalize Piotr's home or threaten his family's safety. Though Piotr wanted so badly to retaliate, he was too much of a gentle giant to harm another person. So for months, it looked as though Piotr's life was effectively over. That is, until the Rasputin family learned of the American Professor Charles Xavier and his work with mutants...

Three Reasons Why You Have Chosen That Character:

1. Let's face it: Colossus has one of the coolest abilities. The irony, of course, is that below his impervious shell, Piotr is actually very self-conscious and sensitive. It creates a nice contrast.

2. Piotr is used to being an outsider due to his mutation. However, he thought that things would get better when he enrolled in Xavier's school. Unfortunately, even here, he found that he was an outsider - 'the foreign exchange kid.' Piotr constantly feels like he must prove himself.

3. There's just some part of me that connects with Colossus. I can't really explain it - I'm not Russian, and my skin isn't made of metal. But whenever I read a story with Colossus, I feel like he and I are one. Perhaps it is because of the qualities I mentioned in the other two reasons.

What Do You Plan On Doing With This Character As A Person : As I outlined in my reasons for choosing him, I want to play up Piotr's sensitivity and outsiderness. The image of a gentle giant is always a nice one to see - as it completely contradicts our normal idea of someone so large. Piotr is one of those friends who will talk with you about anything, and if anyone is bothering you, he'll stomp their face in. Everyone needs someone like that in their life. Calm and collected - yet willing to fight for his beliefs.
Two Complete Sentences In Proper English Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG (As A Player): As a player, I can bring reliability and support. I would say that I can bring faithful representation of the character's core, but that's really for the readers to decide.

What Fonts Do You Plan To Use For Your Character’s Speech? (Makes the roster look better): It's bold gray Georgia.
Please Provide A Small Sample Post In The Format You Wish To Portray Your Character In:

I sit nervously in the kitchen, waiting for this Professor to arrive. Mother has ordered me to wear my nicest suit - though I am not a particular fan of getting dressed up. Nonetheless, as I twiddle my thumbs, I stare down at the half-polished shoes upon my feet. I hope that this Professor does not think I am a slob - he simply must understand that my family doesn't have much. Not even shoe polish.

When there is knocking at the door, I jump up and walk briskly to answer it. I am the only member of my family to speak English - albeit with a heavy accent. "Hello, you must be the Professor," I announce while extending my hand.

The bald man in the wheelchair smiles. "Well, aren't you a growing boy?" he laughs as he takes my hand. "I am Professor Charles Xavier. I assume that you are Piotr Rasputin."

I nod. "We have been waiting for you, Mr. Xavier," I explain. I almost offer him a seat, but I suddenly realize that he does not require one. I help myself to the largest armchair in the room. "Can I get you anything?"

"No, thank you," Mr. Xavier replies. "Please, call me 'Professor.' Where are your parents?"

"Father is working in the fields, and Mother is upstairs with Illyana," I respond. "They are a little shy."

Professor laughs softly before stating, "Actually, I almost prefer it that way. After all, we're here to discuss you."

I nod. "So what do you want to know?"
Do You Know How To Post Pictures On The Hype?:

Each of you are approved.
Front Page Updates:

  • Bugle Graphic added.
  • Formatting edited.
  • Roster established.
  • Ol'Canucklehead added as Wolverine.
  • Eddie Brock Jr. added as Colossus.

The "Two-Week Rule" has been changed. Please take note of the changes, and schedule your posts accordingly.

Thank you.
-The Management
I'm going to put up an application for Professor X up tomorrow, if nobody has any objections.

Please share your thoughts on the changes in the Two week rule.

Thanks, all.

Westchester RPG Character Application

Screenname: Venom160

Character You Would Like To Play: Scott Summers (Codename: Cyclops)

Powers: Scott has the ability to fire blasts of energy from his eyes strong enough to level a mountain.

Basic Origin of the Character: Scott Summers has always been a loner. Always the one that is pushed to the side and ignored, always living in the shadow of his older brother Alex. When he was thirteen an car accident killed his parents and severly injured him and his brother. After they recovered Alex, have just turned 17, had to become the parent to his little brother. Which became even harder when Scott's ability manifested forcing Scott to go without his sight. Alex, who secretly gained quick control over his ability when it manifested, desperately searched help for his brother. When it seemed hope was lost he recieved an email from a Charles Xavier.......

Three Reasons Why You Have Chosen That Character:
1. Scott has always been one of my tops five X-men.

2. His power is badass.

3. Two words: Jean Grey. :)

What Do You Plan On Doing With This Character As A Person : Im really going to show Scott coming out of his shell. From the withdrawn lonely kid into the fearless leader he will one day be.

Two Complete Sentences In Proper English Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG (As A Player): Hopefully a character thats differant yet still faithful to the comics. Oh and weed to, lots and lots of weed.

What Fonts Do You Plan To Use For Your Character’s Speech? (Makes the roster look better): Royal Blue, Bold, Arial Narrow

Please Provide A Small Sample Post In The Format You Wish To Portray Your Character In: We quickly change into our training uniforms that the Professor had for us and nervously head toward the "Danger Room". This was the first time any of us will be in the Danger Room so we're all kinda freaked out about whats gonna be inside. We approach the steel door and see that theres no way of getting inside.

"So uh how are ve supposed to get in?"

As if answering Kurt's question the door opens revealing a huge open arena. Its completely empty except for the bald man in the wheel chair in the middle of the room.

"Welcome to the Danger Room class."

Do You Know How To Post Pictures On The Hype?:

yep yep.
Westchester RPG Character Application

Screenname: Nowufacedoom

Character You Would Like To Play: John Allerdyce Aka Pyro

Powers: Ability to manipulate flame yet unable to create it. Is immune to heat and fire damage.

Basic Origin of the Character: John was born to a loving family in a rural town somewhere in midland America (Yeah I'm changing a few things, I can't write the Oz accent without parodying it.) On his 16th Birthday he caused an accident, burning his home to the ground, witnesses said they saw the candles on the birthday cake engulf the room John was in, spreading quickly, it was a miracle no one was seriously harmed.

John wasn't seen again, filled with fear and shame he fled seeking answers.

Three Reasons Why You Have Chosen That Character:
1. Cool power, I mean come on, who wouldn't want this power?
2. I am a fire starter! A TWISTED FIRE STARTER!
3. Lots of potential for new stories and interactions with other students.

What Do You Plan On Doing With This Character As A Person : He's going to be a bit timid at first but grow into a complete show off with an ego the size of Texas. Have a firey temper (ha! get it?) but deep down he knows whats right and wrong.

Two Complete Sentences In Proper English Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG (As A Player): Another player and (after this week) hopefully a consistant one. Also, The Prodigy.

What Fonts Do You Plan To Use For Your Character’s Speech? (Makes the roster look better): FIRE! DUN DUN DUNNN DUN DUN! FIRE!

Please Provide A Small Sample Post In The Format You Wish To Portray Your Character In:

(I'll try and get this up when I'm not at work.)

Do You Know How To Post Pictures On The Hype?:

Sure do!


Westchester RPG Character Application

Screenname: Venom160

Character You Would Like To Play: Scott Summers (Codename: Cyclops)

Powers: Scott has the ability to fire blasts of energy from his eyes strong enough to level a mountain.

Basic Origin of the Character: Scott Summers has always been a loner. Always the one that is pushed to the side and ignored, always living in the shadow of his older brother Alex. When he was thirteen an car accident killed his parents and severly injured him and his brother. After they recovered Alex, have just turned 17, had to become the parent to his little brother. Which became even harder when Scott's ability manifested forcing Scott to go without his sight. Alex, who secretly gained quick control over his ability when it manifested, desperately searched help for his brother. When it seemed hope was lost he recieved an email from a Charles Xavier.......

Three Reasons Why You Have Chosen That Character:
1. Scott has always been one of my tops five X-men.

2. His power is badass.

3. Two words: Jean Grey. :)

What Do You Plan On Doing With This Character As A Person : Im really going to show Scott coming out of his shell. From the withdrawn lonely kid into the fearless leader he will one day be.

Two Complete Sentences In Proper English Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG (As A Player): Hopefully a character thats differant yet still faithful to the comics. Oh and weed to, lots and lots of weed.

What Fonts Do You Plan To Use For Your Character’s Speech? (Makes the roster look better): Royal Blue, Bold, Arial Narrow

Please Provide A Small Sample Post In The Format You Wish To Portray Your Character In: We quickly change into our training uniforms that the Professor had for us and nervously head toward the "Danger Room". This was the first time any of us will be in the Danger Room so we're all kinda freaked out about whats gonna be inside. We approach the steel door and see that theres no way of getting inside.

"So uh how are ve supposed to get in?"

As if answering Kurt's question the door opens revealing a huge open arena. Its completely empty except for the bald man in the wheel chair in the middle of the room.

"Welcome to the Danger Room class."

Do You Know How To Post Pictures On The Hype?:

yep yep.

Westchester RPG Character Application

Screenname: Nowufacedoom

Character You Would Like To Play: John Allerdyce Aka Pyro

Powers: Ability to manipulate flame yet unable to create it. Is immune to heat and fire damage.

Basic Origin of the Character: John was born to a loving family in a rural town somewhere in midland America (Yeah I'm changing a few things, I can't write the Oz accent without parodying it.) On his 16th Birthday he caused an accident, burning his home to the ground, witnesses said they saw the candles on the birthday cake engulf the room John was in, spreading quickly, it was a miracle no one was seriously harmed.

John wasn't seen again, filled with fear and shame he fled seeking answers.

Three Reasons Why You Have Chosen That Character:
1. Cool power, I mean come on, who wouldn't want this power?
2. I am a fire starter! A TWISTED FIRE STARTER!
3. Lots of potential for new stories and interactions with other students.

What Do You Plan On Doing With This Character As A Person : He's going to be a bit timid at first but grow into a complete show off with an ego the size of Texas. Have a firey temper (ha! get it?) but deep down he knows whats right and wrong.

Two Complete Sentences In Proper English Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG (As A Player): Another player and (after this week) hopefully a consistant one. Also, The Prodigy.

What Fonts Do You Plan To Use For Your Character’s Speech? (Makes the roster look better): FIRE! DUN DUN DUNNN DUN DUN! FIRE!

Please Provide A Small Sample Post In The Format You Wish To Portray Your Character In:

(I'll try and get this up when I'm not at work.)

Do You Know How To Post Pictures On The Hype?:

Sure do!

Just get a sample post in, then you'll be approved.
Do you not ****ing sleep!?

It's 11 AM here I hate to think what time it is down your end of the globe.
Roster Updates:
  • Venom160 added as Cyclops
  • NowufaceDoom listed as applying for Pyro.
Do you not ****ing sleep!?

It's 11 AM here I hate to think what time it is down your end of the globe.

It's 7 AM here. I got 8 hours and 40 minutes of sleep last night... so I'm not sure why you think I'm nocturnal. :bat:
It's 7 AM here. I got 8 hours and 40 minutes of sleep last night... so I'm not sure why you think I'm nocturnal. :bat:

Ahh okidoke, thought it was a bit earlier than that in Americaland
Westchester RPG Character Application
Screenname: Lord Doom
Character You Would Like To Play: Erik Magnus
Powers: Metal manipulation
Basic Origin of the Character: Erik was a prisoner in a concentration camp when he was very, very young. He was rescued by the Allies just before his execution and has spent his years of adult-hood in England. At age 20, he met Charles Xavier and the two shared the secret of their mutant abilities. They became fast friends and worked together for the pro-mutant agenda until Erik's wife was killed by a Klan member. Erik's take on the human race was forever changed as he decided that it was mutants who were the dominant species destined to rule. After a falling-out with Charles, Erik now searches for other mutants to help him in his war against humanity.
Three Reasons Why You Have Chosen That Character:
1. He's a badass.
2. I've always loved the character.
3. You guys need a Magneto.
What Do You Plan On Doing With This Character As A Person : Mix of 616 and Ultimate with a several of my own ideas thrown in.
Two Complete Sentences In Proper English Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG (As A Player): I can bring experienced role-playing to fellow RPers. Also, I can bring a friendship.
What Fonts Do You Plan To Use For Your Character’s Speech? (Makes the roster look better): Lucinda Sans Unicode dark red bold.
Please Provide A Small Sample Post In The Format You Wish To Portray Your Character In:

Erik's meeting with Senator Kelley did not go as planned and, needless to say, the powerful mutant was a bit displeased.

"I should have known he'd react that way..." he muttered to himself. Suddenly, feeling a hand placed firmly on his shoulder, Erik whirled around to see an angry face staring back at him.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah," the angry man replied as he threw Erik against a wall.

"Yer that guy who's always wid da muties, ain't ya?"

Erik said nothing, his rage seething.

"Are YOU a mutie?"

When Erik made no reply, the thug slammed his fist into the older man's face. Erik leaned down, holding his broken nose.

"Get up, mutie!"

Suddenly, a nearby man-hole cover flew into the thug, knocking his head clean off his shoulders.
Erik got up and fled the scene.

Do You Know How To Post Pictures On The Hype?: Yup.
And that is why we have a whole new continuity...but to be a teacher would be cool...
Westchester RPG Character Application
Screenname: Lord Doom
Character You Would Like To Play: Erik Magnus
Powers: Metal manipulation
Basic Origin of the Character: Erik was a prisoner in a concentration camp when he was very, very young. He was rescued by the Allies just before his execution and has spent his years of adult-hood in England. At age 20, he met Charles Xavier and the two shared the secret of their mutant abilities. They became fast friends and worked together for the pro-mutant agenda until Erik's wife was killed by a Klan member. Erik's take on the human race was forever changed as he decided that it was mutants who were the dominant species destined to rule. After a falling-out with Charles, Erik now searches for other mutants to help him in his war against humanity.
Three Reasons Why You Have Chosen That Character:
1. He's a badass.
2. I've always loved the character.
3. You guys need a Magneto.
What Do You Plan On Doing With This Character As A Person : Mix of 616 and Ultimate with a several of my own ideas thrown in.
Two Complete Sentences In Proper English Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG (As A Player): I can bring experienced role-playing to fellow RPers. Also, I can bring a friendship.
What Fonts Do You Plan To Use For Your Character’s Speech? (Makes the roster look better): Lucinda Sans Unicode dark red bold.
Please Provide A Small Sample Post In The Format You Wish To Portray Your Character In:

Erik's meeting with Senator Kelley did not go as planned and, needless to say, the powerful mutant was a bit displeased.

"I should have known he'd react that way..." he muttered to himself. Suddenly, feeling a hand placed firmly on his shoulder, Erik whirled around to see an angry face staring back at him.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah," the angry man replied as he threw Erik against a wall.

"Yer that guy who's always wid da muties, ain't ya?"

Erik said nothing, his rage seething.

"Are YOU a mutie?"

When Erik made no reply, the thug slammed his fist into the older man's face. Erik leaned down, holding his broken nose.

"Get up, mutie!"

Suddenly, a nearby man-hole cover flew into the thug, knocking his head clean off his shoulders.
Erik got up and fled the scene.

Do You Know How To Post Pictures On The Hype?: Yup.
approved :up:

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