I want a Green lantern do-over. If done right this could be the space epic to end all space epics.
If we can't have that then give us a proper Wonder Woman ASAP.
See, here's the thing with the GL and New God movies... they're perhaps some of the best space-operas to grace the comic-book medium (or among the better ones), but the minute you translate all of that onto film you get immediate comparisons to Star Wars. The Oans as Jedis, Darkseid as Darth Vader. Hal Jordan as Han-Solo the movie. You lose all sense of originality. I think
Watchmen suffers as a movie because of it, you really can't just turn it panel for panel and make it into something as iconic as it was in the original panel, whether it preceded Star Wars in history or not, the fact remains that on film it follows that. Hell, any space-opera has to deal with that so it has that disadvantage.
Thor, again, such a brilliant movie that it managed to reconcile not one or two but three complex ideas into one cohesive and truly entertaining movie: the sci-fi bit, the mythical gods existing today, and a superhero on Earth. You need to do something like that with GL and no turning it into a Shakespearean parable ain't gonna cut.
So to make it into, as you've said, "the space epic to end all space epics" it first has to deal with the original Star Wars trilogy right at home with the geeks. I think it's possible, why wouldn't it? The sci-fi genre has evolved. But it needs to keep that into play when another GL film comes out. It's easy as hell too - you don't need a reboot, start it off with John Stewart and everyone will be happy.