i'm Spider-Man

Dec 15, 2002
Reaction score


I thought i'd celebrate this, my 2,500th Post on the SHH! boards, by telling you all what i've loved about Marvel recently. not gonna get too deep, cause i only have about five minutes before i have to leave the house and go to the Pub. :)

Bendis/Maleev on DD: I only read the 'Decalogue' arc, i read the solicits for the first couple of issues and it intrigued me - i loved the whole idea of going into the victims of these crimes, rather than keeping the focus on Matt/DD the whole time. Nt quite sure who the 'new villain' is that was promised to us lol.

THE ULTIMATES 2: love it. LOVE it. Everything's a giggle, everything's incredibly well thought out, and compelling. Who's the traitor? NOBODY KNOWS! NOBODY!

Ultimate Secret: Might be taking a freakin' decade to get published, but the two issues i've read so far have left me wanting so much more.. :D

New Avengers: Now, despite not being a long-time Avengers reader myself, i can see the problem a lot of people would have with the new team. It really does seem like a popularity contest, meshed with 'lost or unknown heroes' - Spidey, Wolverine et al mixed with Luke Cage and Sentry. But i like it. I wish McNiven could stay on the title FOREVER - Finch's Pinches are starting to annoy me (the look he gives each human face). But, back he comes for Ronin's introduction...

YOUNG AVENGERS: Best new thing to come out of Marvel in the last year or so, if you ask me. Great new characters, an interesting background soon to follow, and a decent mix of personalities and possible new villains. Would love to see a YA/Runaways crossover.

HOUSE OF M: (this includes all the spin-offs), I'm enjoying the story. THat's not to say i'm not dreading what's going to be changed about the MU afterwards, but i really am enjoying the story. the way it's panning out. I like the fact that Scott is taking charge, whereas before it seemed like it was oging to be Logan's show. Scott being a leader to the group makes more sense. I liked the emotional moments with Cage and Peter Parker - especially the Spider-Man splash page in #5. Enjoyed teh FF: HOM mini, and am still enjoying the SPIDEY: HOM mini.

(on a non-Marvel note, i'm also enjoying Supergirl and and a bit disappointed by All-Star Batman and Robin, though i am still intrigued to see if Bruce ends up learning from Dick.)

that's all!

I'd be interested to learn what others are enjoying too.
Congrats on the big 2500 man. And I'm a Marvel Zombie so I'll give ya a go!

Runaways - I LOVED this title! I've been a fan from day one and these characters just keep getting better and better and more and more indepth. I absolutely LOVED Excelsior and can't wait for thier return to the book (or in their own!!!). I'm really excited to see what happens when the Runaways hit the big time over in NY when they run into Spidey, Cloak and Dagger, and others (I'm thinking Young Avengers to come soon as well). Right now I have to say that this is probably my favorate book out! (though I didn't like the art on the two most recent issues focused on Karolina).

New Avengers and Young Avengers - I put these together because I love the feeling both give. I've not been a long time Avengers fan as I just could never get into the old stuff. But Since these two started I like how it's starting to feel like a core Marvel group instead of just another team from Marvel. I personally LOVE that Spidey and Sentry are on the team and though I could pick a few better ones than Wolvie I like him there too. I've loved every issue of New so far! Young Avengers really gets that "the next generation" feel going where I could easily see one of these guys growing into the next big avenger. I like the tutelage thing these guys could be going through and I can't wait to see what awaits them.

House Of M - As a whole I'm loving it! I thought that the mini by itself was just alright until I got ahold of the other branch offs. Since reading all of those and getting a full scope of the HoM world I've grown to appreciate the mini all the more. I love how the world has changed and all the changes are interesting. I also love some of the exchanges, especially of Peter's reaction when learning what happened. I can't wait for the final two issues! I love every off shoot also save Mutopia X (which really just doesn't seem to be relevant thus far). My fav's thus far are the mini, FF, and Hulk. Academy X is great as well! And I also can't wait to see the repercussions. Right now I feel that Marvel is good but it's lacking,.. I hope the changes that are coming will make the world of Marvel a place that lacks nothing!

New X-Men: Academy X and New X-Men: Hellions (mini) - Now this book will be changing soon with a new creative team,.. but thus far this has been my favorate X-title in a long while! It has perfect attention to continuity and details of the marvel universe. They managed to take a large amount of relatively new characters and make me care for each and every one of them,... even Tag! I fell for this book back when it was just New Mutants, but felt that it was lacking. When it became Academy X it picked up that aspect it was missing and now it's wonderful! Hope the new team keeps up the greatness!
Happy 2500th.

What I currently like, the ones I read first and really look forward to:

MTU (of course)
Supreme Power
New Avengers
Young Avengers
Amazing Spider-Man
Captain America
Nighthawk mini
Wolverine (recent run)
Fantastic Four(Waids run was great, and JMS' looks like it has a lot of promise)

And any and all Dan Slott. He's yet to do something that I haven't liked. So soon, I'll be adding She-Hulk and Thing to that list, I'm sure.
New Avengers has been getting better, but Young Avengers kicks ass!
i have been reading young avengers, academyX and ult spidey, lovin them all atm OH YEAH AND I LOVE THE 1st 4 ISSUES OF NYX
6 positive posts in a row dear me?

This day I am looking forward to neil gaiman and the enternals!
Captain America. My god, I am turning into such a Brubaker-lite. I can't wait until Winter Soldier picks up again. Total gold.

Amazing Spider-Man. Started lacking after Book of Ezekiel, but now it's finally picked up and JMS has turned it gold again.

New Avengers. Decent, entertaining read.

The Ultimates. Best ultimate book by far. It's engaging, reads like a movie and you can't help by dig the characters and all their eccentricities.

Young Avengers. I like it, good entertaining read. Heinberg is great at writing teenagers and it shows. This book will become a classic somewhere down the line.
gildea said:
6 positive posts in a row dear me?

This day I am looking forward to neil gaiman and the enternals!

MARVEL SUCKS!!!!!!!!! :p ;)

Well I'm really enjoying New Avengers and I'm starting to get into Captain America. And I like everything by Dan Slott.
i'm Spider-Man said:


I thought i'd celebrate this, my 2,500th Post on the SHH! boards, by telling you all what i've loved about Marvel recently. not gonna get too deep, cause i only have about five minutes before i have to leave the house and go to the Pub. :)

Bendis/Maleev on DD: I only read the 'Decalogue' arc, i read the solicits for the first couple of issues and it intrigued me - i loved the whole idea of going into the victims of these crimes, rather than keeping the focus on Matt/DD the whole time. Nt quite sure who the 'new villain' is that was promised to us lol.

THE ULTIMATES 2: love it. LOVE it. Everything's a giggle, everything's incredibly well thought out, and compelling. Who's the traitor? NOBODY KNOWS! NOBODY!

Ultimate Secret: Might be taking a freakin' decade to get published, but the two issues i've read so far have left me wanting so much more.. :D

New Avengers: Now, despite not being a long-time Avengers reader myself, i can see the problem a lot of people would have with the new team. It really does seem like a popularity contest, meshed with 'lost or unknown heroes' - Spidey, Wolverine et al mixed with Luke Cage and Sentry. But i like it. I wish McNiven could stay on the title FOREVER - Finch's Pinches are starting to annoy me (the look he gives each human face). But, back he comes for Ronin's introduction...

YOUNG AVENGERS: Best new thing to come out of Marvel in the last year or so, if you ask me. Great new characters, an interesting background soon to follow, and a decent mix of personalities and possible new villains. Would love to see a YA/Runaways crossover.

HOUSE OF M: (this includes all the spin-offs), I'm enjoying the story. THat's not to say i'm not dreading what's going to be changed about the MU afterwards, but i really am enjoying the story. the way it's panning out. I like the fact that Scott is taking charge, whereas before it seemed like it was oging to be Logan's show. Scott being a leader to the group makes more sense. I liked the emotional moments with Cage and Peter Parker - especially the Spider-Man splash page in #5. Enjoyed teh FF: HOM mini, and am still enjoying the SPIDEY: HOM mini.

(on a non-Marvel note, i'm also enjoying Supergirl and and a bit disappointed by All-Star Batman and Robin, though i am still intrigued to see if Bruce ends up learning from Dick.)

that's all!

I'd be interested to learn what others are enjoying too.

so, really, how much are they paying you?
New Avengers- I know a lot of older Avengers fans hate it, but I've been reading Avengers since the beginning of Busiek's run, and I haven't enjoyed it this much since then.

Runaways- So much fun. Just... fun. One of the greatest hidden gems on stands.

Cable and Deadpool- the even more hidden but not quite as beautiful but still elegant in its own way gem. :up:

Joe Mad back at Marvel.

Young Avengers- Who'da thunk?

The Ultimate Spiderman videogame- Buy it. NOW!

Kitty and Spiderman in USM- They're so cute.

Millar's run on Wolverine- MUCH better than MKSM, this is gonna be one for the books, ESPECIALLY last issue.

House of M- Good stuff.
congrats on the post. here's some of the stuff i've been reading/enjoying as of late, which is pretty similar to your list:

+ house of m (i still haven't grabbed #6, but what i've read so far is really interesting. i've always been a fan of alternate universe type stories and this one is insanely awesome... i can't believe nobody thought of a world where mutants are the majority and humans the minority before. i gotta save up some cash and get the tie-ins too... any suggestions as to which are the best so far?)

+ the punisher (the last arc was awesome, and the new one is shaping up to be even better, especially with covers like this...)


+ new avengers (i for one am completely satisfied with the new roster since i believe that change is GOOD. i'm definitely looking forward to seeing more of the sentry and i always thought spider-woman was cool, especially with her pheromones)

+ wolverine (i only recently picked up millar's run starting with the agent of shield story and i'm dying to dig back into the past few issues cuz i've apparently missed a lot. that stand alone ish with the nazis looks pretty badass too)

+ young avengers (again due to a lack of funds, i have only the first few issues but i'm definitely going to get back on track with this book)

+ daredevil vs. punisher: means to an end (only part i don't like is the friggin' punisher gettin' whooped on waaay too much)

other notables:
+ the ultimates
+ daredevil
+ ultimate spider-man
+ cable/deadpool
Cable and Deadpool- If this book gets cancelled before it's time I may not but another comic again. It's that good, buy it.

New Avengers- I've never been a fan of the Avengers but this is what got me into it. Now I pick all the stuff I can. It may not be the best but it's led to me finding better Avengers stories and for that I'm greatful

Ultimates- The only ultimate title worth picking up anymore. I've been loving it so far can't wait to see what loeb and mad do with it.

Daredevil- I picked up the Hardcovers last week and I want more. It's really good makes me sad that bendis and maleev are leaving right after I started reading it.
It occurs i didn't answer this properly.

Ok the core ultimate line is still among the best in superhero comics out there.

Young avengers has sold me on something i never thought i was buying.

New avengers is really good too.

Daredevil bendis and maleev going out on a high with brubaker coming in!

The punisher is still great in ennis's hands.
citizenpain said:
+ house of m (i still haven't grabbed #6, but what i've read so far is really interesting. i've always been a fan of alternate universe type stories and this one is insanely awesome... i can't believe nobody thought of a world where mutants are the majority and humans the minority before. i gotta save up some cash and get the tie-ins too... any suggestions as to which are the best so far?)

Fantastic Four and Spiderman ahve both been wonderful. I personally liked Hulk and am liking New Mutants: Academy X. But if I had to suggest one I'd say Fantastic Four.
gildea said:
6 positive posts in a row dear me?

This day I am looking forward to neil gaiman and the enternals!

I love that this thread has stayed posative and that we have had quite a few people saying that they enjoy such things as House of M and New Avengers,... where as in other threads it's constant criticizing with people saying how it all sucks and that no one likes them. I guess it comes down to "Those who yell loudest are the most obvious, though they're ******ed."

I think it was Ghandi who said that.
JewishHobbit said:
I love that this thread has stayed posative and that we have had quite a few people saying that they enjoy such things as House of M and New Avengers,... where as in other threads it's constant criticizing with people saying how it all sucks and that no one likes them. I guess it comes down to "Those who yell loudest are the most obvious, though they're ******ed."

I think it was Ghandi who said that.
I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who first said: "ShUt teh *** up NooB!" :p

Edit: wow, this thing even censors misspellings??
JewishHobbit said:
I love that this thread has stayed posative and that we have had quite a few people saying that they enjoy such things as House of M and New Avengers,... where as in other threads it's constant criticizing with people saying how it all sucks and that no one likes them. I guess it comes down to "Those who yell loudest are the most obvious, though they're ******ed."

I think it was Ghandi who said that.

what's funny is that you believe your own pro-marvel propoganda bs.





this thread is Elijya's recommendations in a new "Yay Marvel" wrapper; not to mention a collection of the threads i linked to.
Muze said:
this thread is Elijya's recommendations in a new "Yay Marvel" wrapper; not to mention a collection of the threads i linked to.

well mate, i just thought i'd start a thread that wasn't all "this is what they're doing wrong, why haven't they done that?, I don't like what JMS is doing, I think PAD should come back to Hulk and stay there forever, Bendis is a moron" the entire time.

bring a ray of sunshine to pierce the eternal gloomy pessimism.
Young Avengers: The most pleasant foot sandwich I've ever had. I was dead-set against it initially, but the previews won me over enough to give the first issue a try, and from there I was absolutely, 100%, inextricably hooked. Add to that the Vision's awesome return and continued presence and, while a lot of people just love to point out that it's a Teen Titans rip-off, it's totally kicking the Titans' collective ass right now. Best title Marvel currently publishes. :up:

Amazing Spider-Man: "Sins Past" is a dead horse and JMS is proving why, outside of the occasional hiccup, he's perfect for Spider-Man. The current arc is a better New Avengers arc than anything that's been in New Avengers yet.

Marvel Team-Up: Kirkman is injecting some of the overarching shared universe concept that Marvel's been lacking for years back into the universe, and I, for one, am enjoying it immensely. While I miss Kolins, I actually am enjoying Paco Medina's art even more. I didn't really like him on Thor much, but now that he has a more varied bunch of heroes to work with, he's really growing on me.

Thunderbolts: I refuse to call it "New" Thunderbolts, but other than that stupid title change that Marvel has officially made a cliché, this team of ex-Avengers villains feels more like the Avengers than the Avengers now. The Purple Man arc was interesting until I started getting bored of the Purple Man and his writing analogies, but now that we've gotten hints of an even greater power than the Purple Man behind everything, I'm more intrigued than ever. Not to mention that nagging question of who the hell the new Swordsman is. Lots of mysteries and lots of fun superhero action make this title great.

Captain America: While the idea of Bucky being back still doesn't sit well with me, I can deal with it given the absolutely phenomenal story Brubaker is weaving around it. One of the few times I've been happy that a writer has jumped ship from DC to Marvel. And Epting's current work is every bit a pleasure to look at as his Avengers run. This is the best Cap's been since the Waid/Garney relaunch after Heroes Reborn.

Defenders: I was a little apprehensive that Giffen and DeMatteis would make the Defenders look too silly, but the first issue's sheer hilarity made me not care anymore. The Silver Surfer seeks kindred spirits on a beach? Namor calls Dr. Strange arrogant? Great comedy. Maguire proves that he's the king of facial expressions again, too.

Thor: Blood Oath: Thor faces a bunch of ex-teammates who don't give a damn about him and an uncertain future in the present, but Oeming's Blood Oath is a perfect return to a Simonsonesque Thor of old. Minor continuity issues pop up, like the fact that Don Blake and Jane Foster are working at a hospital when Don actually had a private practice in the original comics, but those are easily fan-wanked or ignored. It's great to see the Warriors Three and Thor play off each other, and the giant's quest will undoubtedly provide some interesting scenariors for Oeming the mythology buff to explore.

Runaways: I love it for all the same reasons I loved the first volume. Plus, Excelsior rules. The art for the last two issues sucked (a lot) but Alphona's coming back for the next issue and we get to revisit the relationship between the Runaways and Cloak and Dagger, which is always fun. This is my second most anticipated Marvel title every month.

Exiles: I'm well aware that the series is basically a Sliders rip-off, but who cares? More to the point, this is what Sliders COULD have been if the creators could think up realities as interesting as some of the ones Marvel's already got built in. I'm incredibly bored with Beak and can't wait to see him get the hell off the team, but other than that I've never loved this title more, even when Winick was on. Bedard's new status quo looks like it'll provide fuel for this series to continue its run of great stories for a long time. Paul Pelletier's pencils are also an EXTREMELY pleasant sight after Miyazawa's bland, often misshapen work, too.

That's all I can really think of right now. I'm enjoying other stuff at Marvel, but these are the titles I actually look forward to and get excited about every month.
What the heck, I'll bite. I've likely been pessimistic enough over the past few days that I should visit what Marvel's done right this year. Because they have done some things right.


YOUNG AVENGERS: Anyone who expected this series to be as good as it is when the solicts first came out is lying. We all lambasted this project and Heinberg & Cheung totally proved us wrong with a refreshing look at a young hero team that brings with it all the legendary stuff and interactions of the Avengers of old. It makes DISASSEMBLED almost seem worth it to allow a backdrop and purpose for the series. Rather than be straightfoward, Heinberg has left the characters mysteries and slowly uncovers their secrets, all while being entertaining. The Kang stuff got annoying but at least it's Kang, and not, say, Sauron. Plus, reviving Vision with a new look and powers and some kids to guide is a nifty way to change the status quo of a character often neglected. Can't wait for each issue every month.

RUNAWAYS: Created by Vaughan & Alphona last year, it's tied with YA right now for me. It's another satisfying read about a teen team coming of age, only with a little less spandex and no less amount of thrills. Vaughan displays an ability to create new characters while still playing well with the MU, such as using Cloak & Dagger, Wrecking Crew, Swarm, Skrulls, and Excelsior, consisting of a score of neglected 90's heroes, and Ultron, which added another Vision relation to the mix. The teens consist of many genres in a universe that at times seems stuck in "spandex or Mutant" mode. It's also one of the few "can't wait" titles out there that is consistantly on time.

ULTIMATE X-MEN: While not as good as his RUNAWAYS stuff, Vaughan's been the best writer on the title since Millar launched the first 30+ issues, and manages to take elements from the work of Millar, Bendis, and Austen on the title (Austen wrote the 2 Gambit issues) and not only run with them, but manage to add his own personal touches. If only 616 writers could adhere and flex with continuity so fluidly. While he has had his issues, I've loved his run and hate to see it end when he's hampered by Hollywood folks later this year.

MARVEL TEAM-UP: Kirkman writes a fun superhero title in a world of grimness. Some of the plots aren't perfect but this is an enjoyable pleasure every month. Am really liking Medina's art more than collins, and like that Kirkman isn't deathly afriad of mainstream superheroics, warts and all. Comics these days fear being fun rather than "edgy", and Kirkman gets it right.

GRAVITY: Yes, yes, this is INVINCIBLE Lite, yada yada. But I still like the title, with it's simple story, enjoyable main hero and great art. Out of the score of MARVEL NEXT titles, I hope to see more of this rookie in the major leagues.

ASTONISHING X-MEN: The last arc wasn't it's best, but by virtue of shoddy competition, it's the best X-book out there and the only one I buy on a regular basis. Plus, Cassaday's art can improve almost any story, even mediocre "evil robot" ones. I just wish Colossus was allowed to kick more arse in other titles. He's the one Marvel bruiser who's NEVER had a shot to shine for long.

DEFENDERS: I prefer MTU, which pokes fun at characters while still taking them seriously, but I can't help but laugh at the hyjinks in this title.

SLOTT: Whether it was SPIDER-MAN & HUMAN TORCH or GLA, the guy's been quite enjoyable with his titles lately and I'll surely be grabbing THING when it comes out.
New Avengers
Amazing Spider-Man
Fantastic Four
Marvel Knights: 4
Marvel Team-Up

Looking forward to;

Black Widow
Books Of Doom
Punisher vs Bullseye
The Thing
She Hulk
New X-Men
Cable & Deadpool
Fantastic Four
Amazing Spider-Man
Ultimates 2
Ultimate Spidey
Ultimate FF
Young Avengers

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