The Dark Knight WHat if....


May 26, 2006
Reaction score
this movie doesn't live up to expectations... I mean the expectations are just so freakin high its ridiculous... but if this becomes another Matrix or T3... its gonna hurt... yeah most of the writers and the director are back... ya the main actors will be back... I am just worried... if Nolan goes in a different direction or whatever and the fans don't approve of it cause they had a different vision... what if the actors come up flat... we know it will NOT be perfect like Begins was... every detail will be scrutinized... no one on these boards has the same exact opinions on Jokers interpretations... there is bound to be a lot of flaming there no matter what Ledger gives us... who knows who will play Dent or what will become out of it... the movie just has so many variables... in Batman Begins no one knew what to expect... nevertheless the movie was perfect in almost every way... I just can't see this movie being an Empire Strikes Back/Godfather 2 type sequel... Spiderman 2 had its flaws... but it produced... I'm hoping we'll get a sequel that can duplicate that kind of success... but if Nolan turn into the next Ratner/Singer when it comes to these comic book films... there is going to be hell to pay... I am gonna love the movie regardless... but we'll just have to wait and see
thatd suck dont jinx it
What if God was one of us?
You know Fat Tonie, I had the exact same worries about Begins. I've been a near-obsessed Batman fan since I was three years old. I love Batman, always have, and always will. I was more than a little pissed with what happened after Burton left the franchise. Then came all the rumors and hype about "Batman 5." I remember the various rumors about Madonna playing Harley Quinn and what-not. Then finally a new project officially in the works. I kept up with the reports of all the casting decisions etc... Every single announcement was like music to my ears. I swear, I felt like this movie was being made specifically for me. Christian Bale as Batman... Gary Oldman (my all-time favorite actor) as Jim Gordon... Michael Caine... Morgan Freeman... Liam Neeson etc.... And with the director of Memento, and Insomnia no less, the latter of the two being one of my all-time favorite movies... I was ecstatic. But then I remember thinking, "What if it sucks?" My expectations for Batman Begins were RIDICULOUSLY high. On top of being a picky, life-long fan of the comics, the Burton movies, and the animated series, I had been deprived of a good Batman movie for thirteen years. I knew there was no way this movie could live up to the hopes I had for it.

But guess what... It did. Batman Begins was everything I had hoped for and more. If I remember correctly, I saw it nine times in the theatre.

Bottom line, it all comes down to Nolan. He's got the control. But I have complete confidence in him. As the guy responsible for Memento, Insomnia, and Batman Begins, he's 3-0 with me. I'm not worried.
Thespiralgoeson said:
You know Fat Tonie, I had the exact same worries about Begins. I've been a near-obsessed Batman fan since I was three years old. I love Batman, always have, and always will. I was more than a little pissed with what happened after Burton left the franchise. Then came all the rumors and hype about "Batman 5." I remember the various rumors about Madonna playing Harley Quinn and what-not. Then finally a new project officially in the works. I kept up with the reports of all the casting decisions etc... Every single announcement was like music to my ears. I swear, I felt like this movie was being made specifically for me. Christian Bale as Batman... Gary Oldman (my all-time favorite actor) as Jim Gordon... Michael Caine... Morgan Freeman... Liam Neeson etc.... And with the director of Memento, and Insomnia no less, the latter of the two being one of my all-time favorite movies... I was ecstatic. But then I remember thinking, "What if it sucks?" My expectations for Batman Begins were RIDICULOUSLY high. On top of being a picky, life-long fan of the comics, the Burton movies, and the animated series, I had been deprived of a good Batman movie for thirteen years. I knew there was no way this movie could live up to the hopes I had for it.

But guess what... It did. Batman Begins was everything I had hoped for and more. If I remember correctly, I saw it nine times in the theatre.

Bottom line, it all comes down to Nolan. He's got the control. But I have complete confidence in him. As the guy responsible for Memento, Insomnia, and Batman Begins, he's 3-0 with me. I'm not worried.

THis is a very uplifting post and I appreciate your taking the time to respond to my original post... but obviously not everyone is as passionate of Bale, Gordon, and Nolan as you are... and I didn't expect much from the movie after the crap we got in B&R... many people feel the same way... I remember saying to myself... "oh yeah the new Batman film I never saw in theatres... might as well LimeWire a cam version"... and i regret not enjoying the movie the same as I should have had a went the the theatre to see it... but now just about everyone will flock to the theatre for this flick... and the movie simply just can not outdo Begins... there are too many variables for everyone to come a consensus... I'm not saying it will be an X3 and simply mediocre... I expect it to be on par with a Spiderman 2 type sequel... but we really can not expect much more... and I am not down playing that... I know we will get a darn good sequel (and I speak for myself) regardless of what everyone else thinks...
Everything will be alright. I have no worries.
There's a very good chance this film might actually surpass Begins.

Sure, Christopher Nolan's first Batman film was a real knockout but there's really a lot of room for improvement. One of the things that really makes me hopeful for The Dark Knight is that Jonathan Nolan is writing and Goyer isn't scripting anymore. That means less corny dialogue and there won't be any problems of over-exposition in this one.

Secondly, I'm sure all the actors from Begins who are coming back (most notably Bale) have looked and scrutinized their own performances and hopefully have learned what does and does not work and will hopefully build on what they have learned from Begins. The same goes for the director as well - Nolan now probably has a much better grasp in handling big-budget blockbusters like Batman Begins as opposed to his experience primarily in smaller, more intimate films. And if I might add, after many repeated viewings of all of Nolan's films, I've come to the conclusion that Batman Begins, although amazing, is still not close to being billed as a superlative example of Nolan's talents, because judging from his previous work he can still do so much better as Memento was an infinitely smarter film while Insomnia had tighter performances.

The third thing that makes me excited about The Dark Knight is that it's been said to be darker than Batman Begins. Sure, Begins was excellent but occassionally some of it's humor was misplaced as well and it's nice to hear that the writers are most probably aiming for a more serious and sober tone for the sequel. Heck, if what Nolan has said about his choice of the title is any indication, we're in for some good times.

And fourth, as in any sequel, there is the obvious hope of seeing a lot of technical improvements over it's predecessor - such as the batsuit, the Tumbler (even if they don't really change it per se, they most definitely would be trying to make it even faster and more maneuverable), better fight choreography and action scenes and things of that nature. I also believe that now Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard have gotten used to playing off each other's styles after their collaberation in Begins, they can really up the ante for the sequel. Just like how many believed X2 and Spiderman 2 were a big step up from their originals, it's not that hard to see that the hopefulness of many fans in the case of this franchise is not misdirected.

And last but not least, the amalgamation of all these factors that gives off the same feelings of positivity that many of us experienced when Begins was being made. From what we've been hearing so far about The Dark Knight, it really isn't that surprising. Everything sounds damn sweet. Sure, ultimately our own expectations with this film might outgrow reason and overshoot the limits of reality and we'd be pissed because regardless of how good it is, it didn't cure cancer and wasn't the second advent of Christ like we all expected. But then again, it's part of the pains one has to endure for having such a deep and vested emotional interest in something.

Regardless, when it was all said and done, all that anticipation for Begins did pay off in the end (even if many of us weren't completely satisfied with the final product) and that is why we are here hoping that lightning strikes twice (and even harder this time) for Batman. :up:

Majik1387 said:
Just a slob like one of us.

Dr. Evil: "Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue...yab blab blee blee blee."

Fenrir said:
I also believe that now Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard have gotten used to playing off each other's styles after their collaberation in Begins, they can really up the ante for the sequel.

You bring up a very interesting point. As a matter of fact, the music was pretty much the only thing that I thought was lacking in Begins. The score wasn't bad by any means, but it just doesn't compare to the Elfman theme. Elfman's piece is simply iconic, and stands perfectly on it's own. You hear that piece, and you immediately think Batman. I really wish they could re-hire Danny Elfman (I know there's a whole other thread about this), but I know it'll never happen.
Yeah, I've had that thought in my mind for awhile, but I think worrying for now is unfounded. Every piece of news I've heard so far has made me more psyched. :up: I'm not sure if it's because they're doing the right things, or because I'm biased. I think it's a bit of both, LOL.
What if this movie doesn't live up to expectations...

Life will go on. :)
I have no doubts about TDK.

Nolan is very talented and smart director, he is in my TOP5. Every his new movie is better than another (except Memento with Insomnia). He made very very great movies and now I can't wait for masterpiece like The Prestige. He knows what he is doing and how he is doing this. Besides, his brother is screen writter for a sequel, and thats great, because he wrote Memento (story) and The Prestige (which has very positive review). And also, there is Goyer - comic book nerd, who can write very good story. As for cast, we have Bale (one of the best actors of new generation), Caine, Oldman and now Ledger, who looks like Joker and also can act. And now as we know, TDK will have better action, unpredictable twists and potential to be better than BB. About the last, I think it will be so, because Nolan is now trying to make Batman franchise as one of the best superhero trilogies.

I don't know what you think guys, but as for me...

If it does fail to meet expectations, i would be very disapointed. But thats the task set for Nolan to meet those expectations no matter how high they reach. Is their job. If they fail, then so be it at least i have Batman Begins and that was perfectly fine for me.

...they wont fail though.
Thespiralgoeson said:
You bring up a very interesting point. As a matter of fact, the music was pretty much the only thing that I thought was lacking in Begins. The score wasn't bad by any means, but it just doesn't compare to the Elfman theme. Elfman's piece is simply iconic, and stands perfectly on it's own. You hear that piece, and you immediately think Batman. I really wish they could re-hire Danny Elfman (I know there's a whole other thread about this), but I know it'll never happen.

I have to disagree with you there. I think the score in Begins was just as good if not better than Elfman's... I think what made it work was that it wasn't trying to be so "in your face" the way Elfman's was. While Elfman's Batman score is nothing short of amazing, it dominated the hell out of every scene and at times could take the focus off the movie, while I felt the Zimmer/Howard score felt more natural and flowed with the feel of the movie more. Both scores are fantastic, but in my opinion, Elfman's was a little over the top. I also have to say that almost every other score I've ever heard of Elfman's was very reminiscent of his Batman score, leading me to think that he's a bit of a one-trick pony when it comes to superhero movies, or anything he's done with Tim Burton.
I really don't see how this could be worse than BB. As long as it is at least as entertaining as BB, I'll be happy.
Begins didnt live up to my expectations so im kinda used to it. Nevertheless Im pretty sure ill be more entertained from tdk than I was from Begins.
Nolan isn't Ratner/Singer and I think TDK will be better since Nolan knows what to put or not to put in the movie, we see it come June 2008.
Nolan is rolling on this franchise. He's not trying to bring it back from a long hiatus or taking over from another filmmaker. At worst, this movie will be Bourne Supremacy to BB's Identity.
Carmine Falcone said:
I am almost certain that this will turn out as an orgasmic movie.
Considering we are talking about Bale as Batman there is no doubt orgasms will be involved.

Keaton (though my favorite before Bale) wasnt attractive enough.
Clooney replaced Batmans domineering darkness with wimpy and dashing.
Kilmer was more concerned about looking pretty.

Bale is perfection.

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