What Is The Right Religion?

The ironic thing is that the Mormons actually DON'T believe that members of other faiths are going to Hell.

I like that. I always had a problem with the belief that if you aren't a member of a certain religion then you're automatically condemned.
Shhh, kakarot. Let him go on thinking that way. Ignorance (or in this case, arrogance) is bliss.

The only igorance is see is the people who ignore science in order to ease the mental pain of accepting NOTHINGNESS.
Whathisface, first you must decide for yourself whether or not you believe in God.

If you eventually come to the conclusion that God does exist, then all you have to do is ask him to show you the truth and he will.

If you come to the conclusion that God does not exist, then abandon all hope. :)

Simple as that.
The only igorance is see is the people who ignore science in order to ease the mental pain of accepting NOTHINGNESS.

Evolution, if that's what you're referring to, doesn't prove jack****. Even if it's true, it doesn't negate the existence of a higher power. The whole Big Bang and the elements, chemicals, etc. that we evolved from could not have just come from nowhere. Everything must have a beginning.
How about you show us the answers, since you seem to have them.

I never said that there is evidence that there is no God. There's just no evidence to support any religion who says there is a God, outside of texts that were written back in the age of "mystical prophets" and gypsies. Excuse me for holding back my enthusiasm.

Out of one book, you get a million different interpretations on what "God wants", so apparently it's not all that more clean-cut and logical than anything else as you would imply. :cwink:
then why blatantly insult him/her just because his/her opinion differs from yours?
Evolution, if that's what you're referring to, doesn't prove jack****. Even if it's true, it doesn't negate the existence of a higher power. The whole Big Bang and the elements, chemicals, etc. that we evolved from could not have just come from nowhere. Everything must have a beginning.

Nothing has to have a big man in the clouds to start it, though. A simple reaction or shift in the dead abyss of outerspace can change the face of a galaxy. It's not that far of a stretch to say the same could happen with the universe. :o
then why blatantly insult him/her just because his/her opinion differs from yours?

Oh, I was only mocking him because while he claimed to be "accepting of all religions", he goes on to talk about how Christianity is essentially the "best" road to God.
In my eyes, there is only one true God.


Nothing has to have a big man in the clouds to start it, though. A simple reaction or shift in the dead abyss of outerspace can change the face of a galaxy. It's not that far of a stretch to say the same could happen with the universe. :o

But what caused that shift? And how did that glaxy get there? Both religion and science leave too many unanswered questions for either one to be more correct than the other.

Xtromaniak said:
Oh, I was only mocking him because while he claimed to be "accepting of all religions", he goes on to talk about how Christianity is essentially the "best" road to God.

I never said it was the "best". It said it was the simplest and clearest path. And it is when you lok at it. You don't have to make a pilgrimege to a distant land and do a bunch of good deeds. All you have to do is accept follow God and His Son. Nothing major.
Evolution, if that's what you're referring to, doesn't prove jack****. Even if it's true, it doesn't negate the existence of a higher power. The whole Big Bang and the elements, chemicals, etc. that we evolved from could not have just come from nowhere. Everything must have a beginning.
*Sigh* I'm only going to say this once, so listen closely, everybody:

Evolution does not attempt to explain the origins of life; merely the origins of speciation. The attempt to uncover the origins of life itself is a completely different and highly theoretical field of study.

Thank you. That is all.
Oh, I was only mocking him because while he claimed to be "accepting of all religions", he goes on to talk about how Christianity is essentially the "best" road to God.
then why mock him?

just be mature about it and let him have his own opinion.

Purple Prancer said:
lol you **** still believe in fairy tales.
well that was completely unnecessary...
But what caused that shift? And how did that glaxy get there? Both religion and science leave too many unanswered questions for either one to be more correct than the other.

Science does its best at explaining our origin. Religon is just a fairy tale. :dry:
in your opinion... others may find more truth in religion than science...

I have more faith in religion than science because that religion has proven itself to me in the physical world that it exists... and no, I'm not talking about a sunrise or a sunset.
But what caused that shift? And how did that glaxy get there? Both religion and science leave too many unanswered questions for either one to be more correct than the other.
Leading theories on universal origins suggest that a single point of energy gave rise to our universe via the Big Bang. Keep in mind that this theory also says that time only truly came into existence with space itself (the two are fundementally intertwined).

My question is: if time was not a construct prior to (and I'm aware that's a bit of an improper term given that, you know...time didn't exist) the universe's creation, there must have been no cause-and-effect, so...why did there have to be a cause?

I'm sorry. I have to go lie down. My brain exploded all over my monitor just then. :(
in your opinion... others may find more truth in religion than science...

I have more faith in religion than science because that religion has proven itself to me in the physical world that it exists... and no, I'm not talking about a sunrise or a sunset.
Eh, I find more truth in religion regarding the human condition (because, after all, truth is a human concept...fact is another entirely) rather than that of the universe.
Science does its best at explaining our origin. Religon is just a fairy tale. :dry:

To you. To others like me, kakarot and millions of other deeply religious people (some of, like Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. and our Founing Fathers, were some of the most intelligent people ever), religion has just as much truth as science. So for you negate our beliefs is just arrogant, stupid and cruel.

If science turns its believers into arrogant, miserable, bigoted, insulting idiots, than I'm proud to be the brainwashed spiritual dumbass I am in your eyes.

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