I'd like to see the next movie start with Peter working with Connors, with some kinda internship program, so, with that you can also ad Whitman as another intern
maybe, even a return of Flash Thompson (could work in the Flash and Debra angle) running in to his old bully and girlfriends X, could make for some interesting scenes?
if they do Kraven,
Dr. Mariah Crawford, I think, is a most
she could really be the best way to tie the whole (Lizard/Kraven) story together
not really on topic of "supporting characters" but, I was also, thinking
Id kinda like to see cameos of (future villains) as their pre-villain characters
just as possible set up for sequels, get in a lil character development in for the next badie (assuming they know who they want to use in the squeal)
but, even if not, just cameos (or even mentions of names), like Mac Gargan, Quentin Beck, Adrian Tommes...., could be a fun lil nod, that create great speculation, and hype for the next one
but, you know what else I have been wondering lately?
with rumors we've been hearing of ties in, of other up coming marvel movies
what if they tried to cross that in to the spideyverse, too???