A Nun's Curse (2019)
Low budget horror with an unknown director and cast - with the exception of Felissa Rose ('Angela' from the original Sleepaway Camp), who plays the demonic/ghostly Sister Monday. On way to a vacation cabin out in the middle of... somewhere, four 'teens' stop off at a ruined church to take photographs. When a storm threatens they hurry back to the car, only to find they've lost the keys and have to take shelter in a nearby derelict prison. The prison is said to be haunted by Sister Monday, a nun who murdered several inmates years ago as they took communion, but who then disappeared before the authorities could apprehend her. As the 'teens' explore the prison one of them begins to experience things that may mean Sister Monday has returned.
The story is pretty generic, but there are plenty of okay horror films that have used it; the problem is the execution. The cast (excluding Rose) are poor; the effects, whilst practical, are too few, and the whole thing looks like it was filmed on someone's phone. Some ideas are interesting and show ambition, but the makers lack the ability to carry them through. Everybody starts somewhere, but this has been put out for public consumption (alongside a full IMDb entry); it should be better than this. At least Felissa Rose seems to be enjoying herself (I'd have said she must have needed the money, but I can't see this paid very much; maybe the director is a relative). There are two twists; the second is pretty pointless, but the first (which I've seen before in another 'nun horror' but didn't see coming here) is fine. And the locations (the church and the prison - both obviously real) are nice. The director could do worse than remake this at some point, with a bigger budget, better cast, and longer runtime. 3/10