What was your favorite fight scene?


God of Thunder
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
I had a similar thread awhile back but the pole is closed, so I decided to make a new one since the film is released.

What's your favorite fight scene in the film?
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Definitely the FG battle for spectacle. The Thor-Loki battle was also good...
The Frost Giant battle was very good. I also like the destoryer battle though it was quite short.
The Frost Giant battle was great. Especially the way Thor ends it.

The Thor vs Loki battle was decent too. Very emotionally charged.

The Destroyer battle disappointed me though.
Frost Giant fight scene on Jontunhiem was definitely the best fight scene, with the Destroyer coming in a close 2nd.
So The Destroyer battle wasn't as "underwhelming" as most people are making it out to be?
Well from a Fan stand point it IS underwhelming since Destroyer isn't as powerful as it is in the Comics. I thought it was pretty cool. The Frost Giants were alot better.
Yeah, i was expecting The Destroyer to sling Thor all around that town.
i'd go with the thor/loki fight, it was a nice change to see two brothers fighting rather than the usual new hero vs new villian fights we've seen in recent superhero films :)
So, what makes the Thor and Loki fight come off as being weak? That is the impression that I am getting.
^ Alot of people like the Thor vs Loki fight, just not as much as the Frost Giant battle.
It's a bit of a toss up for me between Thor vs. The Frost Giants and Thor vs. Loki, but maybe that's just because I was rooting more for Thor at the end of the movie than I was at the beginning.

Also, I actually think I like Thor terrorizing the SHIELD Agents more than I do the Destroyer battle. The Destroyer battle had some cool effects, but it was very, very brief.
All this talk about how brief the Destroyer fight was kinda makes me wanna see a rematch in Thor or 3, but I don't see how they could pull it off without it having a "been there done that" vibe.
I liked the Frost Giants fight. I loved how it started. "Run home little princess". Then Thor just smiles, takes that one out and says Next!
^ Be sure to vote for that one if it's your favorite :)
So, what makes the Thor and Loki fight come off as being weak? That is the impression that I am getting.

I don't think anyone is saying it's weak. It wasn't amazing, in terms of the actual fighting itself. But it was so emotionally charged and the fact it's two brothers who both love and hate each other going at it made it quite a powerful scene.

With lesser actors it wouldn't have been as good though. Hemsworth and Hiddleston really sold the brothers relationship.
Probably the Frost Giant battle. Thor absolutely kicks the **** out of them.
I liked the Frost Giants fight. I loved how it started. "Run home little princess". Then Thor just smiles, takes that one out and says Next!
hahaha INDEED! Loki's response was PRICELESS! lol
I finally saw Thor a few hours ago and I would have to say that the Frost Giant battle was my favorite fight scene.

I also liked the Destroyer fight a heck of alot more than most people did, because even though it was brief I still think it was pretty spectacular.
Don't get me Wrong BT, I loved the Look of Destroyer, the Fight scene, the unique way he changed direction without moving were all GREAT I just think Destroyer should have been made a tad more indestructible.
Don't get me Wrong BT, I loved the Look of Destroyer, the Fight scene, the unique way he changed direction without moving were all GREAT I just think Destroyer should have been made a tad more indestructible.

I agree, although he was pretty unstoppable before Thor came and even after Sif stabbed it with the spear it managed to recover shrug it off pretty easily.

I would've loved to see it go toe to toe with Thor for awhile but I was pretty satisfied with what we got.
destroyer's fight with thor was underwhelming and dissaopinting mainly because the character had so much potential.
the part where the frost giants get owned when trying to steal the casket made me think like wow dstyr is scary...and of course dstryr owning warrior three further build the potential of the upcoming fight...but then again thor is too powerful and he is supposed to finish it quickly but thor could have toyed around with dstyr
Anything but the fight with the SHIELD agents.

Didn't those guys have any guns or Tasers?
Thor vs Frost Giants is easily my hands down favorite,But I think Thor vs Loki was indeed also pretty great!!

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