Who is rich in Marvel?


Aug 30, 2003
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I know Iron Man is. And Angel.....And Xavier is independantly wealthy. Someone recently mentioned Namor as being really really rich. I read once that Beast is moderately wealthy.

Doom should probbly be rich (Can anyone confirm that?)

So can we list up and list of who in the Marvel U is rich?
A Quick list of Marvel's "rich":

Tony Stark
Emma Frost
Moon Knight
The Thing
Historically, Mr. Fantastic was often well off
Dr. Doom
Sebastian Shaw (and the Hellfire Club basically)
Black Bolt (presumably)
Wasp (ironically)

Others will fill in for me, I was just being quick.
Beast isn't wealthy, his parents are farmers. I can imagine he might make a comfortable living for himself from various patents, but I would highly doubt that he's a millionaire

There's also Roberto Dacosta, Sunspot
Wonder Man's a high profile actor, kind of an Arnold Schwazanegger, so he probably gets several million bucks for every movie he's in.

Dr. Strange was wealthy as a surgeon, but he used it all up in his origin. I doubt he has any need for income or welth now with his powers, though
Black Panther
Black Bolt
(mostly in order since they all have their own countries/kingdoms with all the resources therein. And the kingdom of atlantis covers 75 percent of the earth. Between all the mineral deposits and sunken treasure he's gotta be the richest person on the planet)

Iron Man
Iron Fist
Norman Osborn
Wilson Fisk
Sebastian Shaw
Emma Frost

There's probably others but this is all i can think of at the moment.
Does Wonder Man still have his riches? I thought they would've gone to someone after his death.
His legal status is living. Therefor he'd still have all his belongings. He might have had to go through some legal rigamarole to get his stuff back but it's still his.
The Owl

Hell I'd imagine a bunch of the villains have a sizeable fortune hidden away from all the heists they pulled.
I could have sworn Wonderman lost all his money a while ago.
Speaking of Wonder Man's "deaths", can you imagine how difficult it would be for him to get his possessions back after his first "death"? They must have some special superhero/villain clause in wills these days. "In the event the decased returns to life due to some totally confusing and highly improbable reason you must return all items willed to you within a reasonable time, and should the owner "die" again, the item/s shall be held in escrow for two years or until he/she returns, whichever comes first." Must be the same for soap operas too :p
Spectre722 said:
The Owl

Hell I'd imagine a bunch of the villains have a sizeable fortune hidden away from all the heists they pulled.

If they ever got away with any
KevanG said:
Speaking of Wonder Man's "deaths", can you imagine how difficult it would be for him to get his possessions back after his first "death"? They must have some special superhero/villain clause in wills these days. "In the event the decased returns to life due to some totally confusing and highly improbable reason you must return all items willed to you within a reasonable time, and should the owner "die" again, the item/s shall be held in escrow for two years or until he/she returns, whichever comes first." Must be the same for soap operas too :p
I can totally see that begining a common law practise in the MU
That would be awesome
Matt Murdock - You're honor, my client "died" and was promptly ressurected by a supervillain after being "enhanced" by said supervillain, and is not here in court today due to the fact that he has to fight his brother who is trying to kill an android who has the same brain patterns as the defendant ect...
Judge - *holding head in hands* I hate contested superhero wills.
rage is probably going to be the benefactor of thrasher's riches
KevanG said:
Speaking of Wonder Man's "deaths", can you imagine how difficult it would be for him to get his possessions back after his first "death"? They must have some special superhero/villain clause in wills these days. "In the event the decased returns to life due to some totally confusing and highly improbable reason you must return all items willed to you within a reasonable time, and should the owner "die" again, the item/s shall be held in escrow for two years or until he/she returns, whichever comes first." Must be the same for soap operas too :p
That actually sounds like something the good folks at Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg, and Holloway might use.
Because they're both black, and brothas stick together, foo. One love!
Elijya said:
Beast isn't wealthy, his parents are farmers. I can imagine he might make a comfortable living for himself from various patents, but I would highly doubt that he's a millionaire

There's also Roberto Dacosta, Sunspot

I always thought his dad was a scientist who thought his work with radiation caused the mutation????????

Cap is well to do too as he should be getting back pay from the military.
marvel is full of poor bastards, especially on the villain front...

roach said:
I always thought his dad was a scientist who thought his work with radiation caused the mutation????????

Cap is well to do too as he should be getting back pay from the military.
hmm, yeah, the wikipedia article mentions his Dad worked at a Nuclear Power Plant, but it doesn't say if he was a scientist, and he may have only worked their long enough to be exposed to enough radiation to make little hank a mutant. I was pretty sure they were farmers because they were on one the last time I remember seeing his parents, which was X-Men Unlimited #10 (the Dark Beast issue where he takes over his identity)
roach said:
Cap is well to do too as he should be getting back pay from the military.
I never really thought of Cap as getting paid by the military. I just figured they hooked him up with whatever housing he liked, gave him a credit card with the National Treasury as its limit, and let him do as he pleases. If there's anyone you can trust to be responsible, it's Captain America, after all.
ya, the only expenses I know of Cap having is he that likes old records. He has, or at least had, a personal motorcycle, but much of his travel was on official business in Shield or Avengers vehicles

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