Superman Returns Who likes the Superkid?

The Kid

May 28, 2005
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We don't know if he's absolutely his superkid yet of course, but nevertheless, who likes the idea?

I do.

Now superman has a super family with Lois!

I think

1. It was bound to happen eventually.
2. The kid is a cool kid.
3. Superman can have a little super-sidekick now.
4. The kid will be superboy! And that's like the comics isn't it?
5. He throws pianos. How cool is that? come on:supes:

:confused: woo hoo. Superkid!
he's jake lloyd 2.0 waiting to happen.....all he needs to say is "lets try heat vision, that's a good trick!" then i will cry
Do we even need a poll, I am sure I can speak for everyone, when I say #$#@%@#$%!#$
If the kid is indeed superman's and the kid ends up dying saving supes ass, than I think it'll work... It all depends on how they play it all out.
superman aint dat baby's Daddy!

Maury? Where are you when we need you!?! Paternity test!!!
he looks nothing like superman,and does the kid even have powers?
The kid has powers of the keyboard and his weakness is allergens.
That's a cute kid. Can't believe these fanboys... wanting a deathwish on the kid...

chill the hell out!
Not the actor, I'll babysit the damn kid and play PS2 with him, they want Jason Kent destroyed in the movie.
Wesyeed said:
We don't know if he's absolutely his superkid yet of course, but nevertheless, who likes the idea?

I do.

Now superman has a super family with Lois!

I think

1. It was bound to happen eventually.
2. The kid is a cool kid.
3. Superman can have a little super-sidekick now.
4. The kid will be superboy! And that's like the comics isn't it?
5. He throws pianos. How cool is that? come on:supes:

:confused: woo hoo. Superkid!

The kid is clark's kid, he even look's like Clark when he was little. He's even wearing a fannel plaid shirt .
Who knows if the kid is even his?

And if he is, then there's nothing wrong with that in principle-it's how it's handled.
i'm reserving judgement on the kid...

I dont like the idea of him being lois', but i can live with it.
i'm not too sure about the kid being superman's though. it could work as a plot device, but its....i dunno....kinda wrong. I mean there's something to be said about character progression, but I feel like there are some things that shouldnt be done.

all that said, i'd like to repeat that i am ambivalent about the kid. :p
Well, the cool guys hate the kid, and I think I just heard Michael Jackson peeking intrest.
whos know someday


may lead to this

i would love to see that breakfast scene in a superman movie
the kid looks like a Culkin to me

and that aint good

The kid is a bad idea in general but it all depends on whether Mori is right or not just how bad an idea It is
I hate the kid. In fact, I hate most movie kids. He's a useless addition to the films.
We are going to owe Enigma2k an apology.

I can see Scary Movie 5 now. Superkid shows up and Jackson shows up to grab him and BAM Superman kills Jackson
The only thing I would've NOT put in the trailer is where the kid says "you're bald".. It takes away the epic seriousness of the trailer... it's not that bad, but I would've left it out... but this trailer is so bad-ass!
I usually hate kids in films, mainly because they are so lame. If the kid isn't lame and useless to the film then I can live with it.
If well-executed, I'll probably be okay with it.

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