Who should direct "Captain America"?

Doug Liman (Maybe) or maybe if John Favreau did a good enough job on Iron Man I'm all for him.
I'd like Gore Verbinski.
Peter Berg would be a great choice as well
Oh snap, I meant to also have James Cameron and Robert Zemeckis on the poll.
Bring in some new blood... none of the above...
John Favreau should be up there.
Phil Alden Robinson has been my choice for a long time. Though I wouldn't mind if that Nick Cassavettes rumor came true.
I voted for Emmerich, just because I think that they could actually get him to do it. Steven Spielberg, probably not.

Zemeckis is more fantasy, but he might get this material to fit him. James Cameron doesn't seem to do movies anymore (no seriously; if I had a buck for every time I've heard the words "James Cameron is working on his next movie!" I COULD MAKE CAPTAIN AMERICA MYSELF!!!!! Sorry, I'm ranting.)
Chris Nolan.

-He respects the source material.

-He respects the fans.

-He makes movies that are complex, but accessible for the average viewer, and acceptable for all audiences.

-He knows how to tell a story on film, by jumping around in time. He knows how to do it well, and make it work.
Not Chris Nolan.

He can't make a fight scene without blurring. Cap is not a stealthy approach wuss like Batman, so the movie needs plenty of visible fight scenes.
How is using stealth a wuss move? You'd prefer Batman run into gunfire and let the real bad guy get away? :huh:

Anyway I say Spielberg or at least a collaboration with him and Michael Bay. People like to rip on the guy but he does spectacular action with just the right level of character development. I think a Michael Bay or Stephen Spielberg Captain America movie is just what we need. Slap their names right on there.
Joe Carnahan(Narc, Smokin' Aces) would be my pick. And he's a Marvel fan!
How is using stealth a wuss move? You'd prefer Batman run into gunfire and let the real bad guy get away? :huh:

Compared to Cap (Steve Rogers), yeah Batman is using the stealth wuss way and that's because their bodies are not of the same composition. Steve Rogers just charges headlong to the fray with his almost superhumanly speed and shield, Bruce Wayne likes to use batarang and take the enemy one by one.
Yeah, I know, but that makes him smart. Not a wuss.:oldrazz: If I'm not superhuman, I'm not charging into gunfire, shield or not. Even soldiers find a good spot and take cover.
i second the peter berg suggestion. although doug limon sounds good and of course paul greengrass i think would be amazing on this.
Joe Carnahan(Narc, Smokin' Aces) would be my pick. And he's a Marvel fan!

I'd also be happy with Spielberg. However Carnahan would be way cheaper and easier to get.
Hey, what's wrong with Bay? People act like "Armageddon" was the only movie he ever made.
Hey, what's wrong with Bay? People act like "Armageddon" was the only movie he ever made.

It's not just Armageddon (Bad Boys 2 and Pearl Harbor). I just think he would want to make Cap a little to over the top like most of his movies.

Side Note: I actually don't hate Bay I like a few of his movies.
See those movies I had more of a problem with the writing than the directing though so I don't see it as Bay's fault. People like to pass the blame on to the director a lot when it's really the writer.
You make a valid point about the writing, but I still wouldn't like his style for a Cap movie.
Joel Shumacher!!!! I want star nipples!!!!

Seriously though, im not sure, as long as the movie is good and true to the source material, ill be happy

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