The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Who would be the best MJ?

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Super Jim

Jul 9, 2012
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With the recent news that Woodly is out, and Gadon annoucning that she is not MJ, this leaves a big question...

Who will be MJ?

So I started thinking that maybe we could start posting who we think would fit this role. Which actress out there is a good enough actress to engage us, and yet (I hate to use this term) hot enough to be the iconic MJ that many of us are hoping for?

This is not an easy one. Whoever it ends up being will need to be someone that the average fan would like to see Peter end up with after Gwen kicks it...

So lets hear it. Maybe Webb & Co. will take a look here and find someone that they will like. And if you want to add a picture to back up your choice, please do...
I have a feeling I will not like the majority of the suggestions here. Though I don't have anything to bring to the table myself. I trust Webb will make a good decision, as he's done so far with every other character.

And I will be flamed to hell for this, but after the disaster of casting Dunst as MJ, I hope we won't get a whiny, plain looking ***** this time. It would feel weird if MJ is the least attractive and least likeable female character in the series.

So lets hear it. Maybe Webb & Co. will take a look here and find someone that they will like. And if you want to add a picture to back up your choice, please do...

This feels like the most desperate wishful thinking thread ever :doh:

Not only is this thread premature since MJ won't appear in TASM2 but if webbs gong to get woodley back for TASM3 he will, he didn't need fans opinions when he hired her

but hey go ahead
This feels like the most desperate wishful thinking thread ever :doh:

Not only is this thread premature since MJ won't appear in TASM2 but if webbs gong to get woodley back for TASM3 he will, he didn't need fans opinions when he hired her

but hey go ahead

ofcourse he needs, without fans ther would be no spiderman movies, no market base from selling comics, there would ne nothing what makes spiderman so popular. spiderman fans are mostly going in cinema, buying tickets and promoting movie itself. on their number of money they spend studios deciding to makes sequels. you really shouldn't understimate fans.
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Seems like it's pretty obvious that Woodley is out, due to other commitments and the change due to announcing 4 movies, so let's assume it won't be her in TASM3. This isnt a "Bring back Woodly" thread. This is a "If not Woodley, then who would you want" thread.

Jane Levy looks like a good choice. But is she known enough?
Seems like it's pretty obvious that Woodley is out, due to other commitments and the change due to announcing 4 movies, so let's assume it won't be her in TASM3. This isnt a "Bring back Woodly" thread. This is a "If not Woodley, then who would you want" thread.

Jane Levy looks like a good choice. But is she known enough?

Ok everyone is assuming that woodley will be to busy to return, but there has been nothing at all to say thats the case, its one of them fan speculations that has become almost fact

i have to agree with what is said here, and you should watch this


Plus there is already a thread for this in the sequels section so why throw it in here like its a new thread hoping Sony and webb will see it :huh:

and whats worst is still got another 2 years of wishful moaning and thinking before TASM3 :(, not good..
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ofcourse he needs, without fans ther would be no spiderman movies, no market base from selling comics, there would ne nothing what makes spiderman so popular. spiderman fans are mostly going in cinema, buying tickets and promoting movie itself. on their number of money they spend studios deciding to makes sequels. you really shouldn't understimate fans.

Yeah but the decision is webbs and to a certain extent sony , if he went by fans opinions i'd be very worried about this franchise, it would show he had no idea what he is doing

but Webb had his chance to hire one of many girls to play MJ, he doesn't need to go on forums and say OMG of course why didn't i never think of her!, seeing as he is hiring certain actresses to play other roles i think webb was pretty sure about what he wanted to do which each character
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Yeah but the decision is webbs and to a certain extent sony , if he went by fans opinions i'd be very worried about this franchise, it would show he had no idea what he is doing

but Webb had his chance to hire one of many girls to play MJ, he doesn't need to go on forums and say OMG of course why didn't i never think of her!, seeing as he is hiring certain actresses to play other roles i think webb was pretty sure about what he wanted to do which each character

Fans love when someone is casted on right way. Was that look or some previous role, in which they can see that she can make that character real. I just can't see Webb decision to cast her, unless he changing compley her role and making character named MJ but she have nothing with comics MJ.

We all know Emma was perfect MJ, but she was also perfect Gwen. Garfield from the moment he was casted was Peter Parker in my head, without any doubt. For Ryan Ifans also, i knew he can bring something special about Connor and Lizard, but with lousy written character he didnt make what i expect.
But with Woodley just i cant see that. Even if she have a great script. She isn't MJ, simple as Kirsten Dunst wasn't. There must be something special about that actress who will play MJ, something what can tell you THIS IS MJ, and acting can't be only preference!
Woodley or Mary Elizabeth. Any other answers are invalid.

Wow lol. We need more people like you in the world. -_- Intolerance and close mindedness are important. :o

Anyway, we've had "cast mj" threads since before ASM was released. Its always been a hard question for me. She's one of those archetypal characters that (probably) doesn't exist in real life. At least not the perfect embodiment (not visually nor personality-wise). I feel the same way about like say, Super Mario or Jesus Christ. Lol

Anyway I do like the MEW choice. I also like Lyndsay Foncesca (if only because she did the super gf well in kickass). There's a few others I like but I welcome a second choice other than Woodley. My curiosity has gotten the better of me.
Seems like it's pretty obvious that Woodley is out, due to other commitments and the change due to announcing 4 movies, so let's assume it won't be her in TASM3. This isnt a "Bring back Woodly" thread. This is a "If not Woodley, then who would you want" thread.

Jane Levy looks like a good choice. But is she known enough?

The actress doesn't have to be known.

Andrew Garfield was a virtual unknown when he was cast.

It really doesn't matter.
Who would be the best Mary Jane?

Easy: Emma Stone. Too bad Sony dropped the ball on that one. :p
Mary Elizabeth Winstead imo, maybe Emma Stone
Please no Mary Elizabeth Winstead, I don't want her for MJ.
Some are saying Holland Rodan. I don't see that.

And yes, almost all of us believe that Emma would have been a great MJ. But she's also a great Gwen and that's what Webb gave us. So let's get over the Emma as MJ thing and focus on what is possible.

What is possible is:

#1: Woodley will still be MJ. I've got a big feeling this IS NOT the case. The timing of things just seems too important, and with all of the backlash that Webb & Co. got on Woodley as their choice for MJ, if they were going to make the change now would be the right time and stating publicly that the decision was made to streamline the story and focus on Gwen would save face.

#2: Gadon is going to be MJ. She has come out and stated nope, but some are speculating that she (feigning surprise) may be lying.

#3: The part has not officially been cast.

So, if #3 is correct, I am starting to like this idea of Mary Elizabeth Winstead. She has the looks and the attitude, IMO, to pull this off.
Some are saying Holland Rodan. I don't see that.

And yes, almost all of us believe that Emma would have been a great MJ. But she's also a great Gwen and that's what Webb gave us. So let's get over the Emma as MJ thing and focus on what is possible.

What is possible is:

#1: Woodley will still be MJ. I've got a big feeling this IS NOT the case. The timing of things just seems too important, and with all of the backlash that Webb & Co. got on Woodley as their choice for MJ, if they were going to make the change now would be the right time and stating publicly that the decision was made to streamline the story and focus on Gwen would save face.

#2: Gadon is going to be MJ. She has come out and stated nope, but some are speculating that she (feigning surprise) may be lying.

Your defo paranoid that everyone is lying to us

And you seem to think the fans reaction mattered in some way, changes are made to comic book movies all the time that fans don't agree with, MOS for example

Still think its wishful thinking on your part

Oh no fans don't think she is pretty enough for MJ... But they haven't seen her as MJ... But that doesn't matter lets recast secretly... Shhhh
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Your defo paranoid that everyone is lying to us

And you seem to think the fans reaction mattered in some way, changes are made to comic book movies all the time that fans don't agree with, MOS for example

I'm agreeing with that. I think fans give their opinions TOO much weight in situations like this. Not saying it doesn't matter at all but not as much as some think. You have casting directors and movie execs for a reason, you can't just do what comic book fans think you should do because like its been said time and time again, movies wouldn't be that great.

I don't know who would be a good MJ honestly. I think Shailene would be great in the role and hopefully she gets the chance to fulfill that but if she can't, then I'll enjoy the ride. And just a thought, but for as much grief as Shailene got for not looking the part of MJ, how does Emma Stone? Beautiful woman yes but she doesn't have the "MJ body" either so why is one ok but the other isn't? Just curious
No to Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Yes to Holland Rodan or Elena Satine.
I'm agreeing with that. I think fans give their opinions TOO much weight in situations like this. Not saying it doesn't matter at all but not as much as some think. You have casting directors and movie execs for a reason, you can't just do what comic book fans think you should do because like its been said time and time again, movies wouldn't be that great.

I don't know who would be a good MJ honestly. I think Shailene would be great in the role and hopefully she gets the chance to fulfill that but if she can't, then I'll enjoy the ride. And just a thought, but for as much grief as Shailene got for not looking the part of MJ, how does Emma Stone? Beautiful woman yes but she doesn't have the "MJ body" either so why is one ok but the other isn't? Just curious

I think that Emma's body could have pulled off the MJ character pretty well. Especially recently. Plus let's be honest, it's her face that we mostly watch in a film like this, right?

I also think it is very possible that once they saw Shaelene on set and looked over the footage, and her interacting with Peter, they came to the same conclusion that many of us did, that she wasn't going to cut it...
I also think it is very possible that once they saw Shaelene on set and looked over the footage, and her interacting with Peter, they came to the same conclusion that many of us did, that she wasn't going to cut it...

wishful thinking again

we have seen only images so we can only go by looks, they have seen the whole thing with her performance, webb obviously knew where he was going with this and obviously wasn't to do with her looks

they had a different insight to it then we did

MJ could have been removed because webb was worried having another comic love interest might have taken the importance of gwens future role away, which i'd understand fully
I think that Emma's body could have pulled off the MJ character pretty well. Especially recently. Plus let's be honest, it's her face that we mostly watch in a film like this, right?

I also think it is very possible that once they saw Shaelene on set and looked over the footage, and her interacting with Peter, they came to the same conclusion that many of us did, that she wasn't going to cut it...

Well for me, Emma doesn't have that type of body, she's a skinny girl, beautiful but skinny she isn't built like that and she's smaller now than she was in Amazing but that's neither here nor there.

I really don't think Shailene's jettison had anything to do with that. They expanded the story into four movies meaning you can give your story more room to breathe so why jam something in if you don't need to anymore and if in the end, it wasn't integral to your story? Movies aren't just made when you write the script and in pre production, a script is just a blueprint and sometimes you come up with new ideas, better or worse, while making the movie or in the editing room. If the word coming from the Sony camp is that she will probably be too busy since she's signed on to another potentially big franchise, then why is it the knee jerk reaction to think otherwise? It becomes a wild goose chase after a while. If a group of fans didn't think she was attractive ok cool but if I'm a studio exec I don't care, I'm going to sign the best ACTRESS for the job and again, beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.
Seems like it's pretty obvious that Woodley is out, due to other commitments and the change due to announcing 4 movies, so let's assume it won't be her in TASM3. This isnt a "Bring back Woodly" thread. This is a "If not Woodley, then who would you want" thread.

Jane Levy looks like a good choice. But is she known enough?

I just googled her and I have to say, she would be perfect. Mary Jane is Jane Levy
A hot piece of ass that can make Peter forget about blondy dying.

It would havta take a superhott piece of Aysshh
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The actress doesn't have to be known.

Andrew Garfield was a virtual unknown when he was cast.

It really doesn't matter.

Very not true, I had known about Andrew Garfield, I thought he was and still is annamazing actor. First time I saw him was on Doctor Who facing off against the daleks when David Tennant was the Doctor:yay:
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