The Dark Knight Rises Why was the tagline for this movie "The Legend Ends"


May 5, 2012
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The legend didn't end. John Blake continues the legend of Batman.
The legend of Bruce Wayne ended. The legend of Batman rises.

The Legend Ends
The Dark Knight Rises
They wanted to make us think Batman dies at the end.

Also the legend of the Nolanverse or his take on it, this trilogy, has ended.

^Also what he said
Let's see. Batman spent years traveling the world, and training with a secret brotherhood of ninjas. He had billions of dollars, and a multinational conglomerate with an military RnD arm at his disposal.

Blake has... some basic police training, and spelunking gear.

Think it takes a bit more than that to be Batman.

He doesn't even legally own the Batcave.
It was the end of Nolan's Batman.
Because it makes for a cool marketing tagline. Like with Harry Potter. Except that one was really the end. :o :p
The end of the Nolan Batman movies. In more ways than one.
Makes more sense than TAS-M's "The Untold Story", lol.
Did the Spidey flicks ever tell a story about Peter's folks?

We saw a story about Peter's folks?

I'm sorry, all I remember is seeing Peter's parents dropping him off and Peter wishing they were alive.

Some story I'd say.
We saw a story about Peter's folks?

I'm sorry, all I remember is seeing Peter's parents dropping him off and Peter wishing they were alive.

Some story I'd say.

Yeah then what was all that stuff about Peter finding his father's work, and working on it with Connors, and the cliffhanger at the end with Connors in his jail cell?
The after scene credits, with how pathetic it was, sure, I'll give you that crappy scene.

The Connors stuff? Something had to make him become Lizard. Wouldn't call that about Peter's parents, but if you think so, by all means, think that.
The after scene credits, with how pathetic it was, sure, I'll give you that crappy scene.

Don't care if ya like it or not. Facts are facts. They're doing some story about Peter's folks.

The Connors stuff? Something had to make him become Lizard. Wouldn't call that about Peter's parents, but if you think so, by all means, think that.

It was the work Peter's dad did with Connors. So yeah thanks I will think that since it's true.
Barely a story about Peter's parents.

Facts are facts. There WAS an Untold Story about Richard having possibly tested Peter while he was a child, but nothing is conclusive now in the reboot. The marketing makes it still seem like an 'Untold Story' when it's garbage. It'll only be an 'Untold Story' when we actually get something worthwhile it making it an 'Untold Story'.
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