Wolverine vs Spiderman

Starting multiple threads is not a very good way to start your SHH career, especially vs threads suck.

And it's "Spider-Man", with a hyphen.
gibson, my man, just do a thread search.

We've all argued in countless variations of this thread.

I'll say what I think, though, anyway.

I think Wolverine would win.

Spider-man has what he needs to take Wolverine down on paper, but he doesn't have the personality to do what's necessary.

Wolverine can take a beating from Spiderman all day long, and eventually, Spider-man will slip up, and get gutted.

We've seen Wolverine break quickly Spidey's webbing a few times, so we know it's possible.

Once you piss Wolverine off enough, he'll fight until there's nothing left.

Spider-man beating Wolverine would require him to act in a way he never has before, and never will.
Yeah, Wolverine despite the fact that Spidey easily kicked his ass in the first issue of Marvel Team-up. Considering that Spidey beat down the entire X-men roster back in Secret War which included Rogue, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Cyclops AND Wolverine, how is this even an issue?
Sorry. Wolverine doesn't have what it takes to fight Spider-Man. Regardless of the level of amping they've put him through over these past few years.
jaydawg said:
Yeah, Wolverine despite the fact that Spidey easily kicked his ass in the first issue of Marvel Team-up. Considering that Spidey beat down the entire X-men roster back in Secret War which included Rogue, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Cyclops AND Wolverine, how is this even an issue?
actually Spider-Man beat Colossus, STORM, Nightcrawler and Wolverine (Cyclops was absent)...however Cyclops and the X-Men have fought him at other times, and lost
I'm so sick of vs. threads.N00bs shouldn't be allowed to make threads until 3 months after they registered or something.
Matt Murdock said:
I'm so sick of vs. threads.N00bs shouldn't be allowed to make threads until 3 months after they registered or something.

Big man with a 71 post count.
Matt Murdock said:
I'm so sick of vs. threads.N00bs shouldn't be allowed to make threads until 3 months after they registered or something.

I know buddy, you're a noob yourself.
Wolverine, cause spidey can hit him all he wants, but sooner or later wolvie is gonna get luckey, and spidy will be on the ground in 3-4 pieces
thor87 said:
Wolverine, cause spidey can hit him all he wants, but sooner or later wolvie is gonna get luckey, and spidy will be on the ground in 3-4 pieces

Better people have tried, refer to MTU#1 to see what happens when Wolvie tangles with Spidey:up:
What you guys are conveniently forgetting is that Spidey is faster, stronger, and better able to strike from a range than Wolverine.

Just because he can heal really well doesn't mean he can't be knocked out cold... which is precisely what Spider-Man would do to him.
ShadowBoxing said:
actually Spider-Man beat Colossus, STORM, Nightcrawler and Wolverine (Cyclops was absent)...however Cyclops and the X-Men have fought him at other times, and lost
My bad. I thought that it was Storm who wasnt there. Been a while since I read it.
Cyclops said:
What you guys are conveniently forgetting is that Spidey is faster, stronger, and better able to strike from a range than Wolverine.

Just because he can heal really well doesn't mean he can't be knocked out cold... which is precisely what Spider-Man would do to him.

Yeah, but remember that MK Spider-Man issue. I dunno I think Wolverine would win cuz he actully would try to kill him, where Spidey wouldnt.
Deadpool187 said:
Yeah, but remember that MK Spider-Man issue. I dunno I think Wolverine would win cuz he actully would try to kill him, where Spidey wouldnt.

you do realize that everytime Spidey fights one his rogues, they're usually trying to kill him...
OOC, Spider-Man would easily take the win as he could merely tear Wolverine's head off.

In character, Spider-Man could still take the win. Wolverine is tough and he has insane healing powers but he can still be KO'd.
Lackey said:
you do realize that everytime Spidey fights one his rogues, they're usually trying to kill him...

I still think he'd win. He did in MK Spider-Man 13.....
heads up to spidey. wolvie is a hotthead, spidey knows this and is helluva lot smarter then wolvie.
who is likely to have the advantage for the majority of the fight

who needs only a small window of opportunity to cause a winning blow

who's stronger

who's faster

who's more durable

who can take more pain

who has more to lose/gain from this bout

too many variables, they have both taken out opponents tougher than one another (or at least have tried to).

who knows, or cares...
All I know is that Ned Leeds would die.

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