World's Finest? Justice League? Reboot? No reboot? Solo Movies before or after?


(A Metal Gear reference)
Sep 17, 2012
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There're so many different variables. The Nolan rumours also make things more complicated.

Which scenario would you like to see the most and why? (personally, business-wise, etc).

(ignore the exact dates, titles, etc),

scenario 1: TDK trilogy and MoS trilogy (one of which is WF). Then reboot after they've completed their Nolan phase.

Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises

2013 Man of Steel
2015 Man of Steel sequel (World's Finest--with Batman/Bruce trying to find to a way to deal with 'the Superman'. Introduce Lex Luthor, Kryptonite, etc)
2017 Man of Steel threequel, closing off the MoS trilogy and the Nolanverse in a clear way (Death of Superman?)

I have a feeling that this is all WB could get out of Nolan in a way, if they wanted to milk it.

2018 Batman reboot clearly kicks off the new shared DC universe with a different tone. No Nolan involvement, no baggage; actors ready to sign on for 6 films, etc.

Scenario 2: Nolanverse. Solo movies before JL.
2014/5 WW, Flash, GL
2016 Justice League (Perhaps Bale's last movie. Bruce dealing with the appearance of multiple superhumans, aliens, a panicked world, etc. Answer= putting the League together)

Scenario 3: Nolanverse. JL movie before solo movies.
2015 Justice League (with Bruce, Bale's last movie)

2016 WW, Flash
2017 Green Lantern, Batman (Blake in Gotham),
2018 King of Atlantis, Man of Tomorrow
2019 Justice League 2 (Blake stepping in with several other new members)

Scenario 4: Nolanverse. WF, solo movies, JL.
2015 World's Finest

2016/7 WW, Flash, GL (all three with Nolan's name slapped in the trailer)
2018 Justice League (with Bruce, Bale's last film)

2019 Batman (following Blake in Gotham.)
2020 Man of Tomorrow,

The draw of doing a WF movie before JL is that it can dedicate a whole movie to the Bruce/Clark relationship. Plus WB gets to have the 'team-up' hype twice: once with Bruce/Clark, and later with the entire league. However, there'd be a problem if Bale does WF but then doesn't want to come back for JL. If they plan to do a JL movie with Bale, they should make sure they can secure him for two movies before making WF.

Scenario 5: MoS kicks off a new shared universe. Solo movies before JL.
2013 MoS
2015 Flash, WW,
2016 GL Corps, The Batman,
2017 Justice League

I personally think a Batman reboot would have a lot of hype around it.

Remember that GA's (not critics) weren't exactly in love with TDKR. The average person I know found it to be kinda boring, etc (not me, I love it.) Remember, box office numbers aren't indicative of how much they liked TDKR, but rather how much they liked TDK. I'd be curious to see how well a fourth Nolanverse Batman movie would do, especially versus something fresh done by a new director/actor, distancing from everything people didn't like about the Nolan movies, while keeping close to everything people did like about them: a mature handling, emotionally poignant, etc

Scenario 6: MoS kicks off a new shared universe. Solo movies after JL.
2013 MoS
2015 Batman reboot
2016 Justice League

2017 Wonder Woman, Flash
2018 Batman 2, Green Lantern
2019 Superman 2, Aquaman
2020 Justice League 2

Scenario 7: MoS kicks off a new shared universe. WF, solo movies, then JL.
2013 MoS
2015 Batman reboot
2016 World's Finest

2016/7 Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, (Aquaman)
2018 Justice League
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2, 3 or 4. I would never do a Green Lantern movie though. Not this decade.
they really shat the bed with gl, like, explosive diarrhea shat the bed.
They ****ed up big time. They could have cast Reynolds in a different approach and held onto him for this Justice League movie, but they ruined it.

I originally would have liked to have seen Abrams direct GL with Chris Pine. But then we saw Star Trek and now Star Wars. So maybe Guillermo Del Toro and Idris Elba can reunite and do a GL in the future. Not a fan of Del Toro too much and his over-use of CG but if he wasn't doing this JL-Dark project, I guess I wouldn't mind him directing the Justice League film with Bale, Cavill, Elba as John Stewart, etc.
Regardless of which one you want, which scenario do you think is most likely to happen, and why?

They ****ed up big time. They could have cast Reynolds in a different approach and held onto him for this Justice League movie, but they ruined it.

I originally would have liked to have seen Abrams direct GL with Chris Pine. But then we saw Star Trek and now Star Wars. So maybe Guillermo Del Toro and Idris Elba can reunite and do a GL in the future. Not a fan of Del Toro too much and his over-use of CG but if he wasn't doing this JL-Dark project, I guess I wouldn't mind him directing the Justice League film with Bale, Cavill, Elba as John Stewart, etc.

Do you think a Nolan-produced Green Lantern would do poorly?
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I'd say they'll probably start off with a world's finest with bale or not, in place of mos 2.
Regardless of which one you want, which scenario do you think is most likely to happen, and why?

Do you think a Nolan-produced Green Lantern would do poorly?
Alright, in order. I think we'll see Justice League first, in 2015. They'll launch MOS 2 afterwards, along with Flash and WW. Then Justice League 2 will follow, introducing Aquaman & Martian Manhunter.

If Bale's goin the soft reboot route in all of this, we'll see WB launch the prequel films with a younger, different actor in the role. If Bale is playing TDK trilogy Batman, this is where they'll reboot for real. Same situation: a young actor is cast in the role and we see a fantastical Batman in his prime.

An Aquaman movie will be in the works with the same actor from JL 2.

I'm going to say that Flash (Barry Allen) will die at the end of JL 2, sacrificing himself for the team. What Whedon threatened to do with Iron Man in Avengers, well, they'll actually do it to Flash. And yes, this will be the final team-up. Hal will be off on a long mission, so a replacement will be necessary. Enter John Stewart, making his debut in a solo film. Wally West won't be teased but Barry's death will be open-ended for the fans to believe what they want. I doubt they'll act on Wally West though. MM and WW will go their separate ways. Bruce as well. Clark goes back to Metropolis and we see a final Superman movie ending his trilogy.

That's what I think will happen. It's close to what I want, but I would make adjustments.

And to answer your 2nd question, a Nolanized Green Lantern might do very well but only after his debut in Justice League. It has to be a Ruffalo situation for him to get his own thing. At least as Hal Jordan.
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How about just....

TDK trilogy as its own.

MOS trilogy as its own.

A separate World's Finest film as its own but still using Bale and Cavill.

That'd work for me :up:
If WB make a JL film before solo films just to compete with Avengers 2, the film is ruined. Characters must be introduced freshly in a new series. You cannot have Batman introduced, and then be placed alongside characters like Superman and WW and GL. I personally think a World's Finest would be best before JL. As for GL, he is the one most suitable to be introduced in the JL movie. After that, we can have a solo Green Lantern movie that doesn't have his origin (similar to the animated "Green Lantern: First Flight"). But the one movie I'm dying for is Wonder Woman. She's too great a character to be not filmed for so long
Here's my scenario 8, sort of a mix of 5,6, and 7:

Frankly, if Nolan's involvement is the only thing that guarantees quality, they're doomed. :whatever:
I would do something so simple, it practically writes itself.

Keep the framework already laid out:

1. Batman Begins
2. The Dark Knight
3. Green Lantern
4. The Dark Knight Rises
5. Man of Steel

Move on to "team-up" films leading to Justice League: Crisis, honoring the classic DC titles of the past:

6. Justice League: World's Finest -- Superman and Batman
7. Justice League: The Brave and the Bold -- The Flash and Green Lantern
8. Justice League: Trinity -- Superman / Batman / Wonder Woman
9. Justice League: Crisis -- Justice League vs. Darkseid

It eliminates the fear of giving Wonder Woman and Flash their own solo movies, and eliminates Green Lantern 2 by having him team up with The Flash. You kill several birds with one stone, and you do it within four movies.

Wonder Woman gets to be in 2 new movies.
The Flash gets to be in 2 new movies.
Green Lantern gets to be in 2 new movies.
Superman and Batman get to be in 3 new movies.
^ Everyone practically gets an equal amount of screen time.

If the four Justice League movies are a success, you give the solo movies a shot.
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To me Scenario 4 is the only one that makes sense. Make the Nolanverse the DCU. Start with the Dark Knight Trilogy and then jump to Man of Steel. From there you make World's Finest film (Bale/ one cares about Blake...Bruce Wayne IS Batman). Then a Wonder Woman film; followed by a Trinity film. Then you go from there...
I would love to see a Worlds Finest similiar to this.
Not sure if this was something mentioned, but I think DC could make World's Finest be a team up franchise with rotating casts. So one film, first film, could star Batman and Superman. then the second could star Green Lantern and Flash.
Maybe even keep Batman or Superman in the films to bring in the crowds.
So first film could star Batman and Flash
Second film could be Superman and Wonder Woman
Third: Batman and Green Lantern
fourth: Superman and Aquaman
this would help introduce the characters DC is reluctant to bring to the big screen while maintaining the crowds with the names/characters they know will bring the money in.
This could lead into spin offs for the new characters, specifically a Flash movie and Wonder Woman movie.

Later on they could keep rotating and maybe loose Batman and Superman and use Flash or Wonder Woman and bring in more characters like Martian Manhunter, Booster Gold, Captain Marvel, Green Arrow, Captain Marvel, etc.

The World's Finest could even be an hour long short before each film, the way Marvel is planning a 15 minute short. But I would rather it be its own film to allow for the more complex origins and plots.
2013: MOS
2015: MOS 2, Flash
2016: Batman Reboot, Wonder Woman
2017: World's Finest, Flash 2
2018: Justice League
2019: Batman 2, Wonder Woman 2, MOS 3
2020: Flash 3, Green Lantern reboot, Aquaman
2021: Justice League 2


No one cares that Marvel did it first. Put aside your childish pride and build up Justice League with great solo movies and make 15 billion. The end.
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I guess scenario 7 is closest to mine so I'll vote for that.
If they want to keep a continuity with Nolan's films then they should keep a loose one with Batman Begins and The Dark Knight only, which is, Batman's around for a while, he has faced the Joker, Scarecrow and possibly Two-Face too. They should start with World's Finest, then do Wonder Woman and possibly more solo films for heroes, then do Trinity, and after that and having Green Lantern, Flash and Aquaman films too do Justice League
Justice League 2015
MOS2 2016
Batman Reboot 2017

Theres no point in making a Worlds Finest movie before a JL movie. Batman and Superman are cashcows for WB so they will always make good $$$ at the B.Office. WB need to make profit from the other heroes and thats why i think they will try and make a justice league film first to market the other heroes including a new batman for their solo films. More movies equals more money in the bank. WB wont risk doing solos first not after what happened to Green Lantern. My guess is Justice League first and if it succeeds then throw out those spinoff solo films and team ups. MOS Sequel will be 2016, if theres a justice league movie theres a MOS sequel. Batman Reboot for 2017, hes not going anywhere so he will definitely be back.
Worlds Finest first would be the best way to go
A few days ago, I wanted a World's Finest film before Justice League, because Superman and Batman are both appreciated superheroes and I was sure that a movie like this will rock. Now I change my mind. I think it's too early to see another actor playing Batman in a movie focused on him and on Superman. The trilogy of Nolan was great and it would be difficult to do a new story at the same level. So integrating Batman with several superheroes first is a good idea IMO. As combocaz said, doing solos is risked (example: Green Lantern)
Finally: Justice League first then MOS 2 and solos focused on favorite JL's characters (one or two). After success or not, Batman Reboot would be welcome.
No one cares that Marvel did it first. Put aside your childish pride and build up Justice League with great solo movies and make 15 billion. The end.

There will be a demo of posters on here that'll always say "They're copying Marvel" or "Marvel did it first and best". You can already read these comments on too. It's unfortunate and sad, but true(in that some will say this, not that it should be said).
Scenario 6 and 7 do seem like the most likely.

Would be cool to have JL before the solo films. The solo movies would almost seem like prequels to JL, explaining the origins of the heroes.

Just don't have Darkseid as a villain yet. Brainiac!!

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