Would You Vote for a Presidential Candidate Solely Due to Their Political Party?

Who says Trump is too unpolished? He has 10X the negotiation and business experience in the real world. Clearly he's top notch here. I also like the fact that he's not bought or sold, and his word means something. If Elected Iran and other nations will have a new tone with the USA.

Sanders to me is very authentic, his ideas would not work in a nation our size unless the middle class who is near breaking point is ready to pay a lot more in taxes to support the lower 30%.

I feel like there's a bunch of Hillary supporters on this site. Not one of them called me out on a much tougher critique. You shouldn't feel the need to disagree with every seemingly negative statement made about Trump.

He's far from perfect. He's said some pretty outlandish things and he uses words that are not very articulate. He still calls people dumb, stupid and "not smart". He doesn't articulate his plans and ideals very well and he's been caught up in controversy multiple times with what he's said. Negotiating does not make one polished. When you run a business as large as his and when you have generally been in a position of strength the way he has for the majority of his life, need for tact and finesse may escape one. It obviously has here.

Hell, look at the reason he's in a feud with Fox News. It's because of his unpolished language that he felt Kelly unfairly called him out for.

You can support Trump all you want, but you should also be able to see his flaws and accept them. He's not perfect.
Sanders to me is very authentic, his ideas would not work in a nation our size unless the middle class who is near breaking point is ready to pay a lot more in taxes to support the lower 30%.

I wonder what you consider middle class to be...

Since I make 480k, go Bernie

And it's definitely worth noting that i realize that only depicts effective income tax brackets. Here's a note on healthcare:


And it all comes down to whether he can find a way to make the wealthiest Americans actually pay their taxes instead of hide them in off-shore banks.
Yes even if I'm not in love with my presidential choice I would vote Democrat in a close election given how important the President is with consideration to nominee to various roles including the Supreme Court.

That said I live in Massachusetts, the bluest of blue states. If Hillary wins the Party nomination I'm going to feel safe in voting for Jill Stein since there is no chance of a republican win here and the green party could use the votes and a better than expected showing for the green party could spur the democrats to improve going forward.
I vote for the candidate that makes the strongest case for why they should be president.
Ideally? No.

In the coming Presidential election? Yes, mostly because the potential candidates on one side are so far out there.
I would not vote for a presidential candidate solely due to their political party.
people lying in hyah. those who wouldn't normally vote hillary but prefer democrats will vote when bernie is not the nominee and it is her vs the republican choice. same logic applies in reverse from the republican supporters. pffff
I lean pretty left, but it all depends on the ticket and who's running. If we had a Kasich v Hillary election I would vote Kasich. Hillary v any of the other Repubs and she has my vote. That said I'm voting Bernie in my primary and hopefully Bernie in the general election.
people lying in hyah. those who wouldn't normally vote hillary but prefer democrats will vote when bernie is not the nominee and it is her vs the republican choice. same logic applies in reverse from the republican supporters. pffff

In 00 I voted for Gore, in 04 I voted for Bush.

In 08 I voted for Obama, in 12 I voted for Romney. :oldrazz:
You monster! :argh:

I truly do not care for the current crop of candidates. I do like Trump for causing a huge blow to the "GOP"'s ego, but I don't want him for president. I would rather have Sanders over Clinton for sure, but I don't agree with most of his platform. So I may go third party.
You monster! :argh:

I truly do not care for the current crop of candidates. I do like Trump for causing a huge blow to the "GOP"'s ego, but I don't want him for president. I would rather have Sanders over Clinton for sure, but I don't agree with most of his platform. So I may go third party.

I'm in Virginia technically and there are no party affiliations so I can vote for Dems or Repubs but have to clarify which party, can't vote for both.

I think I'd much rather have Hillary over Bernie since nothing Bernie wants will see the light of day. I just can't pull the trigger for Hillary even though she's clearly the most pragmatic choice.

Trump scares the **** out of me. If he was a bit more nuanced and said something other than Win Win Win and all the other tired rhetoric, I may have given him a more serious look. I thought I liked Kasich (his social platform doesn't phase me since his opinions on life won't really matter) but know he has zero shot. Rubio has lost his luster with me. The one person I won't vote for no matter what is Cruz. He means what he says, a real idealogue, even more so than Bernie.
Trump's not my candidate .If he wins the nomination I'll gleefully vote For him in November .

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