BvS Writers Workshop: Pen Your Own BvS Ideas

Lily Adler

🥥Socially Delicious🌴
Staff member
Aug 24, 2011
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All traces of LexCorp's connections to the METALLO Project have been successfully deleted.

Good. That will be all.

Mercy exits. Lex stands up from his desk and turns to watch the city from his window as he admires the damage he has caused not only to the city, but to Superman's reputation. He turns back to his desk. Suddenly, a shadow envelopes his back. He turns towards the windows and sees Superman floating.

Well, if it isn't humanity's symbol of "hope" paying me a visit.
I am gratefully sorry about your series of unfortunate events.

Expecting a retort from the Man of Steel, Lex is instead greeted with silence.

What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Is the great Superman too afraid to confront me?

Superman remains silent.

Answer me damn you! What do you want? I've handled worse intimidation tactics from your Bat friend in Gotham.

Superman still remains silent.

You don't scare me.

I know.

So the mute finally decides to speak. Tell me what else do you see with your many visions?

I can see into your soul.


John is on the ground in anguish at the realization of the destruction he has caused in Metropolis and Gotham. Superman confronts him in the middle of the street in Gotham.

It's over Corben. Just turn yourself in and everything will be okay.

It will NEVER be okay! I lost it all. My family! My humanity! My entire life is in shambles! How will I ever look at myself?

It wasn't your fault. You can turn this around. You can have a second chance.

What do you know? I KILLED my child. My wife. I have nothing left. Their blood is on my hands, Superman. And ain't nothing is going to change that.

I understand that feeling. That anguish that slowly gnaws at you on the inside. You can't let it control you.

All I do. All I AM is destruction. I have caused nothing, but pain all around.

But you can come back from this-

-NO! All I do is destroy. I'm just like you. I just destroy.

Don't talk like that, John. Your family forgives you. They wouldn't want you to hurt yourself like this. Mourn for them, yes, but don't let it consume you. Not like this.

You're right. I can rectify this. I can turn this all around...

Superman feels a small smile come to his features.

By killing the man who did this to me.


Basking in the aftermath of their lesson in journalism, CLARK KENT puts the finishing touches on the latest article for the honorary statue the city of Metropolis is planning to unveil on Superman Day. The day when the city has successfully been mostly rebuilt from the destruction caused by the Kryptonian invasion four years ago. Although not all has been repaired, the city is still building not only its trust in its newfound savior in Superman, but its trust in its future as a whole...

Is this a sign of evolution or something greater? Should humanity fear or trust these god-like creatures that appear as if from nowhere?

LOIS LANE, his coworker and lover enters the room in a dazed state...


Becoming aware of the other's presence, Clark quickly deletes the questions he had typed.

I know your body is a giant solar battery, but you should warn a girl before getting out of bed so early.
(walks into kitchen and pulls out a canister of coffee)
I found myself tangled in the sheets on the floor without a "Man of Steel" there to keep from rolling off the edge of the bed.

Sorry about that?

(pouring coffee grounds and water into the coffee maker)
Don't be. I needed my daily dose of fiber in the morning.

Do what?

I heard floor is high in fiber.

Clark looks on confused and embarrassed at such a terrible joke.

(dismissing his stares)
I know it's dated, but I heard it in the 90's.

Lois looms around Clark and his computer waiting for the coffee to be made.

So putting the finishing touches on that tribute statue article, Smallville?

Trying to. I don't have much experience in journalism.

You told me you took classes in college.
Don't tell me the big blue boy scout was telling a white lie.
(messing with his glasses)
Oh mercy me.

(waves her hand away)
Not a white lie. I did. I just did enough to pass the courses.

No sweat. With my private tutelage in your very capable hands, I think you'll be able to get a grasp on the situation. No innuendo intended.
(raises her eyebrows while coffee maker is done)

What would you make of an entire city honoring someone who tried to save it?

(pouring coffee into two mugs)
How do you mean?

It seems rather excessive to honor someone who did things that they're not proud of.

(places the coffee on the table)
It was four years ago, Clark. That's FAR too long to linger on what you had done. It was necessary.
(sighs heavily and holds up coffee creamer)

(shakes his head)
I never want to feel that feeling again.

You saved a family. You did what you believed you had to do in the heat of the moment. Some will think it was questionable, but it happened. You either learn from it and move on or stay solitarily confined to it as it eats away at you in emotional torment. So either pull up your tights and cape or become a shut in for the rest of your life questioning on what could have been.

Clark stares blankly at the computer screen pondering.

C'mon. Finish your coffee and let's finish this thing, so Perry doesn't tear our hides.


BRUCE WAYNE's attention is captured by a rather tall raven-haired woman in an elegant white dress across the dance floor. She is sitting alone while talking on a phone. He approaches her and happens to catch the last few lines of her conversation.

No, Steve. I haven't heard anything yet. I'm at the dinner right now.

She catches Bruce's presence.

I have to go now. It appears I have "business" to attend to. I'll call you later.
(ends call)

Sorry for intruding, but I couldn't help being captivated by your visage Miss...

Diana, DIANA PRINCE. And may I say that was a very "interesting" choice of first words, Mr. Wayne.

Sorry. I didn't mean to come off as if I was shamelessly flirting, Miss Prince. How did you happen to know my name?

The giant banner with your picture and name on the wall may have tipped me off.

Bruce looks back toward the banner and turns back with a nervous chuckle.

So there is. Well, I think I have embarrassed myself enough. Until we meet again Miss Prince.

Diana halts his movement to leave.

Diana. You may call me: Diana. And please don't leave. You're the first person who actually had the courage to converse with me since I arrived here. It's as if I give off an intimidating presence.

Bruce looks her up and down baffled by her statement.

I don't see why. You seem charming and quite, if you don't mind me saying, beautiful.

Nice rebound, Mr. Wayne.

Call me, Bruce.

Fine. Bruce.

Bruce notices the band readying to play.

(holds out hand)
May I have this dance?

Diana hesitantly observes the gesture.


You look lovely, tonight.

It appears as if all your attention is drawn to my looks. You've mentioned charming, but I do hope your interest in me is not all based on superficial traits.

In my defense, we did just started talking.

Well, let's see if you like the woman beneath the beauty, Mr. Wayne.

Bruce gives her a questionable look.

I mean, Bruce.

As they dance, Diana's attention is caught by LEX LUTHOR and SENATOR WILKINS having a conversation across the room.

He thinks highly of himself does he not?

Whom may that be?

The little king who is surrounding himself with the royals as his subjects dance around him. Your partner in crime.

What makes our partnership a crime?

The bill you wish the Senator to get pushed through Congress seems very divisive.

We're simply looking out for the welfare of regular citizens.

(with a glint of hurt in her eyes)
What you may define as regular may be considered the same to others with "certain" talents and unique traits.

I didn't mean to come off so prejudicial.

I understand, but equality is what I personally believe is deserved of, what do you call them, "metahumans".

The government coined that term not me. I am willing to give them a chance, but their powers can be perceived as a threat.

Just because a being has the capability to hurt doesn't mean they will. Take me for example. In such close proximity I can easily attack you in two distinct places.
(closes gap between them)
(slides her leg up his inseam)
And here.
(clenches his throat slightly)
But I choose not to as I have no reason to harm you.

I think I got the message.

Bringing this here, so I don't pollute the All Things thread. :)
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Thank you. I'm planning to write a few more. Continuing with a debate about feminism between Diana and Bruce.
Part One: Rough Draft

The movie opens with an airline accident. A plane is about to crash in the ocean when Superman comes along and catches the plane. It should be a simple save but during it Superman goes weak and ill. Superman fights through this and lands the plane on a nearby island. He sees to the people inside...some are afraid of him...some see him as a savior. Superman says some words of encouragement and flies away. From the island's jungle brush a beautiful woman watches the whole scene.

Back at the Daily Planet Clark and Lois talk about the downed plane.
Lois:"That's the seventh one in over a month in that area."
Clark:"Something is making those planes go down."
Lois:" Could it be something left over from the World Engine?"

Cut to Lex Corp. Lex Luthor arrives by helicopter. He smiles as he enters the lobby. A senator is waiting for him. Lex is erratic, spastic, whimsical. The boss everyone wishes they had. He grabs a basketball from a nearby employee and shoots it.
Lex: "Step into my office"

Once in the office Lex drops the act. He is cold and serious.
Senator: So?
Lex: We finally have something. This is footage from earlier today.
Lex clicks a button and a screen comes to life. It's footage of Superman saving a plane.
Senator: and?
Lex: Wait for it.
The footage captures Superman's moment of weakness.
Senator: Interesting.
Lex: Interesting? No. This is our means of eliminating the alien.
Senator: You can weaponize this?
Lex gives the senator a look as if to say 'of course'.
Senator: You just happened to be on site with a video camera?
Lex: The less you know about my methods the less you can try to micromanage them.
The senator exits the office. Mercy Graves enters.
Lex: We can stop blowing up planes over the Pacific now.

Bruce Wayne thinks over Diana's words after the dinner for Senator Wilkins. He is taken out of his thoughts by his butler, ALFRED PENNYWORTH as he places a metal tray of food on the end table.

You seem rather distracted and in deep thought, Master Wayne.

I just have a lot on my mind, Alfred. You of all people should know that.

I thought you would be less cranky now that you depend solely on the drones to patrol Gotham. Less I forget, you prefer to stay glued to your monitors into the wee small hours letting your dinner get cold.

Okay, okay. I give. I'll eat. Sometimes you're worse than a nagging housewife.

(laying down some silverware)
A nagging housewife to some can be seen as a caring one to others. Now before you forget, Mr. Fox called while you were gone and said the meeting with Wilkins and LexCorp would be tomorrow at 9:00 AM. I set your clock unless you oversleep then I have a spray bottle of ice water on hand.

Alfred looks over as Bruce wistfully plays with the food on his plate. Stirring it about with no intention of eating. Once again deep in thought. Then Alfred remembered...

(begins to dust the books)
The weatherman said it would be sunny all week with minor clouds covering the sky. It's rained far too many times for that to possibly be true. I bet all my salary which isn't much compared to the high rollers in Reno or Monte Carlo, but it is still a hefty sum that he'll be wrong again. Sometimes I wonder why they won't find another meteorologist and spare us the trouble-

Alfred, why the idle chit chat?

(halts dusting)
I think we both know, sir. You're not the only one who can read people. I have known you far too long not to know what's wrong. And it also helps that there is a calendar hanging on the wall of my room.

Alfred steps in front of Bruce and kneels to his eye level.

She would want you to move on. There was nothing you could have done.

I abandoned her, Alfred. If I had just solved that murder a few hours earlier. She would have been alive.

Mourning is natural, but two years is where it may get excessive. We must honor people's memories, not stagnate because of them. She loved you.

I sometimes believe she isn't gone. Like she's alive somewhere.

It doesn't hurt to want or dream.
(looks out window)
See! I told you. He got it wrong again. It's drizzling.
(turns to Bruce)
Guess I'm a rich man, too.
(smiles and returns to his dusting)
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Clark plays fetch with the dog while sitting on the bed of a pick up truck as his mother, MARTHA KENT is hanging clothes on the clothes line to dry.

(shakes out some shirts)
So why fly all the way out here just to let me do your laundry, Clark?

(throws ball for dog)
I just wanted to talk about something.

(hangs clothing on the wire)
Well it sure is something cause you wouldn't come all this way with it being a whole lot of nothing.

(takes the ball back)
It's not really that long of way here.

(walks up to him and sits down next to him)
I know. Just trying to guilt it out of ya.
(places hand on his shoulder)
So ask away.

It's about me and Lois.

Lois and me.

(chuckles and shakes his head)
Right, Lois and me. We've been going steady for a long time and she's been very supportive of my "career choice".

So I take it's very serious between you two.

Pretty much.

I knew it as much. The glances, the awkward talks, the way you smile when you say her name.
(Clark smiles)
There it is. I knew as soon as you brought her over for dinner, so I can finally meet her that there was something special there. But you didn't come here to update me on your relationship status.

No. I wanted to talk about our belongings.

Our belongings?

What EXACTLY survived during the attack?

Well, I was able to salvage most of our wedding china, the photo albums, that one dress that never did go with anything...
(pauses and turns to Clark)
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about.
(Clark nods and Martha hugs him)
Oh honey! I got it in my dresser drawer. Let me go get it.
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Those are awesome Libido! Just one thing, it would be better if when Clark is Superman you name him "Superman", same with Bats. :)
NEVER! :argh:

Fine. :)
You should just take over the movie, Loca! I'll be your agent! I want 75% of your earnings, though. Okay?

Bruce is about to leave for the day after the meeting. As he is leaving he sees one of the doors to the archives is opened and a flashing light is shining inside. Bruce enters the room and sees a woman dressed in a white jumpsuit taking pictures of blueprints.

(turns on light and closes door)
May I help you with something?

The woman turns to reveal Diana.

Bruce?!? I'm sorry I was just touring your company and had gotten lost.

(he slowly steps towards her)
Lost, huh. I guess the camera is for site seeing and pictures to send home to the family. You see Miss Prince, I don't take kindly to spies in my company. There's some sensitive information that we wouldn't want to fall in the wrong hands.

Well, I'm sure you do, but I best be going now.

Bruce stops her.

I'm afraid I can't let you leave with those.
(grabs her shoulder and gestures towards the camera)

Of course. Just let me turn it off first.

Diana suddenly flips Bruce over and lunges for the door. Bruce gets up and recovers from the attack, only to see her dashing down the hall.

(to himself)
So I guess we have to do things the hard way.
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I'll cancel the pizzas.

No, don't. Call in another two triple cheese supremes. *hands over Bat credit card*

Crime doesn't rest, and nor does my appetite.

Very well, sir.
:funny: I can't believe you wrote that AnneFan. I can't believe they fired Zack Snyder and brought Shoemaker back. Shame on WB. :oldrazz:

Anyway, I loved the scene with Martha Loca and Bruce and Diana are just...yes, me likey.

Diana heads up to the roof of the Wayne Enterprises building through the stairs and contacts someone using a wired earpiece.

This is Diana. I have the photos. I will meet you at the rendezvous point at 07:00.

Tell them you were mistaken.

A cloaked figure appears from the shadows to reveal BATMAN.

I believe you have something that doesn't belong to you.

So the Dark Knight returns. The legends were true after all. I'm sorry, but I cannot part with these any time soon, so if you will pardon me-
(turns to leave)

(cuts her off)
I'm afraid I can't let you leave with those.

I'm truly growing weary of being told what I can and cannot do.

Diana tries to make a dash for it only for Batman to attempt a strike at her hand carrying the camera. Diana blocks his attack and lunges for the next rooftop. Batman follows her and uses a Batarang to try knock the camera out of her hand only for her to block it with her wrists. Batman wonders why she didn't sustain any injuries. The two continue running along the rooftops of Gotham each trying to get the camera.

I'm quite impressed. It's not an ordinary occurrence for a man to keep up with me.

Well as you may have noticed, I'm not your typical man.

Batman knocks the camera out of Diana's hands and uses his grappling hook to swing away. Diana quickly follows him along the rooftops above gaining speed. Suddenly a golden rope snares the camera and it's taken out of Batman's hand. Batman turns to see Diana has used a lasso to get the camera back. Diana continues on to the rendezvous point with the camera in tow. Suddenly, her legs get tied together by a steel cable. She drops the camera where it slides across the rooftop and almost off the edge, but it is stopped by a boot belonging to Batman.

You are very elusive, but I'm afraid our chase is over.
(turns to glide away)

I'm afraid not.

Diana easily breaks the cable and dashes towards Batman knocking the camera out of his hand with a boomerang and catches it once more with her lasso. Batman tries to use his grappling hook to get it back only for Diana to cut the rope with a sword. She gets away with the camera.


Diana arrives with the camera, but doesn't see her contact in sight. She tries to call him again with her earpiece.

This is Diana, where are you?

Diana turns to see a familiar figure.

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:funny: I can't believe you wrote that AnneFan. I can't believe they fired Zack Snyder and brought Shoemaker back. Shame on WB. :oldrazz:

Anyway, I loved the scene with Martha Loca and Bruce and Diana are just...yes, me likey.

Glad I can be of service and do WonderBats some justice. They're not a couple per se. They just interact a lot.
I think their interactions have been more than enough even without romance.

Lois applies lipstick as she prepares for a special dinner Clark has planned for the two of them at a new restaurant that opened in Metropolis. She hears the phone ring.

(picks up phone)

Are you ready?

(rummages through closet)
Just need to find a pair of shoes that go with this dress. I'll be right down to see you in five minutes.

I think it'll be sooner than that.

Excuse me.

Lois turns to the window to see a familiar face.

No need to go downstairs, Miss Lane. Your chariot awaits.
(holds his hand out)

(ends call)
Clark, no. I can't fly around Metropolis in this.
(tugs on her dress)

It's not chilly out and I promise I'll take it slow.

Lois thinks this over for a few seconds.

Wait right here.

I don't think I have much of a choice.

Lois waves her hands dismissing his comment and grabs a pair of shoes and puts on some earrings. She comes back to the window.

If we're going to do this, I at least want to look my best.

Superman cradles Lois bridal style as she wraps her arms around his neck.

I better not find any up skirt shots of me in the paper tomorrow.

Are you really that concerned?

I can see it now: Superman's #1 Gal, Showing Off for All Around.

(smiles and laughs)
You worry too much you know that.

Somebody's got to. When you're dating an alien, a bit of worrying wouldn't hurt.

Superman flies Lois all across different landmarks in Metropolis as they both watch the city lights in awe and wonder. He suddenly takes her to a skyscraper where he balances her on his toes where they share a kiss.

(breaks away)
This has been fun, Smallville, but I think we're going to miss our reservation.

Just one moment. You were the first person outside of my family I could truly trust. Someone who given the opportunity could have easily revealed my secret to the world.
(reaches for something in his suit)


Superman lands on the edge of the skyscraper and kneels before Lois.

Lois Lane, will you do me the honor of-

(tears forming in her eyes)
You kinda spring this on me at the last minute, huh?
(wipes away tears)

Superman slips the ring on her finger and then suggests...

How about we skip dinner?
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Still loving the scenes Loca. Roach, I'm anxious for more!
Still trying to weave them into a script somehow.


Diana is slightly startled upon seeing Batman, but rather than flee she prepares a fighting stance.

Your tenacity is quite admirable. It signifies you have the will of a warrior.

Thanks. I'd like to know when my opponents think so highly of me.

Diana flashes her teeth.

Let's skip the pleasantries and finish what we started.

Diana holds up the camera and places it on the very end of the roof. She walks back to her position and prepares to fight. Batman makes the first move with a swift punch to her face. Diana dodges and grabs his arm hurling him to the edge of the roof. Batman backflips back into position and charges with a high jump kick landing a blow into Diana's abdomen. Diana is hurled against and air conditioning unit. Diana grabs its remains and hurls it towards Batman. Batman dodges, but Diana uses her lasso to snare his arms and pulls him towards her kicking his stomach. She pulls again and elbows his face to the ground and pins him with his arm behind his back.

Submit, and I'll let you leave here with your arm in one piece, Batman. I do not wish to harm you.

Batman suddenly loosens from her grip and slides from underneath her and delivers a swift kick to her legs tripping her. He then tethers her leg to a water tower with another steel cable.

You're quite the fighter. But I'll be taking those pictures back now.

As Batman walks over to the camera. Diana easily snaps the cable and lunges a jump kick to his back. Batman falls over the ledge, but Diana grabs his hand before he falls. Batman looks up with disbelief.

I told you I did not wish to harm you. I never go back on my word.

Diana pulls him up and gives the camera to Batman. Before Diana can say anything he responds to the gesture.

You already sent the pictures to your contact.

You see, Mr. Wayne. Man's World has evolved to the point where everything can be reached with just a small touch.

Steve and Diana head onto the roof of the car and try to escape the Axis troops. Diana leads the Ally soldiers to the cart behind her has she shields them with her bracelets. Suddenly one bullets ricochets into her shoulder. Diana grunts in pain.

(places a hand on her uninjured shoulder)

I'm fine. Just go with the others.

I'm not leaving without you.

No! Get back now.

You're bleeding too much. I need to get you some medical help.

It's fine.

It's not. Let me help you.

I don't need any man's help.

Look princess! I don't want your blood on my hands. I made a promise to make sure you make it back to your home in one piece. Trust me.

Trust works both ways. Now do you TRUST me to get you to safety?

Steve stares down Diana for a few moments before he hears more gunfire. Steve uses his body to shield Diana and gets hit twice in his shoulder blade and lower back.


Diana grabs Steve and carries him to the Ally troops waiting in the car behind them. After he's safe inside, one of the troops asks...

Are you coming in?

I have unfinished work here.

But you'll be killed!

If you don't close that door, you'll be too.

As the Axis troops approach, Diana musters all her strength and grabs on to the train car in front of her. She grips the rim so tightly that it bends to her touch. She twists her entire body until the entire back of the train is flipped over killing many of the enemy troops in a fiery blast.

SENATOR SAMANTHA WILKINS and LEX LUTHOR have a meeting about her campaign strategy. Luthor being her primary backer and co-developer of the metahuman monitoring system she plans to have approved by the government.

So what makes you think Congress will approve such a system?

This isn't another "Star Wars", Lex. As of now, it's simply a reconnaissance system. Gathering all the information it can on their kind. Once the bill is passed we will have specially trained agents monitoring metahuman activity at all times.

(pours two glasses of liquor)
And what makes you so sure the President won't veto the bill?

She and I are old golfing buddies.

(hands drink to her)
Perhaps Diane will see it your way, but I still have my doubts. Perhaps entering the private sector would be the better route.

And have the FCC and all the other agencies sticking their fingers into the pie? I don't think so. My whole platform is built around this bill, Lex. I had hoped my primary financer would have more confidence than this. The Metahuman Defense Act will be created to save lives and to ensure the welfare of regular citizens.

You don't have to repeat your campaign slogans. You already have my vote. I'm just saying a "Plan B" would be beneficial.

(stops before taking a sip)
And what would that be?

We need to give Congress some, "incentive".

(raises eyebrow)
Like what?

To help them see our view of the metahuman population as a threat... with their mascot.



I don't want to hear about it. The less I know, the better.

Batman doesn't respond to the sudden address of his real name to Diana. Instead he asks...

Then why lead me all the way here?

Even though his mind is telling him it's a trap.

I needed to give you incentive to come after me to this location. My contact and I would like to have a word with you.

Suddenly a helicopter shines a light onto the rooftop.

(yelling over the roar of the blades)
That would be him now.

The helicopter opens and a man slides down the cables from the sides. Batman stares down the figure as he approaches.

Bruce, I would like you to meet STEVE TREVOR.

Batman still does not respond to the name as he observes Steve.

Nice to meet you. We've heard urban legends of The Batman in Gotham, but never seen him up close.
(holds out hand)
Steve Trevor.

Batman observes the gesture for a moment before clasping the hand to return a handshake.

And your name?

Diana nudges Steve.

You may call me Batman.

(gives a reassuring look)
It's okay we know who you really are.

(cocks an eyebrow)
I think you're mistaken.

(turns head to Steve, annoyed)
He knows, too.
(elbows Steve once more)

I just wanted to hear him say it.

So why did you lead me here?

(clears throat)
Right. We're here to request you for a special team, Mr. Wayne.

Batman still doesn't respond to the name.

It involves global security.
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I don't want to step on Loca's toes so here is my write up for a WW solo.

Ancient the age of gods and heroes...beyond the mortal realm...the Olympians over threw the Titans and jailed them in Tartarus. The Titans dreamed of revenge. In secret Cronus had a powerful sword forged...a sword capable of killing a god. Human worshippers and clerks helped to free the Titans and war raged in heaven. The war ended when Zeus and Cronus slew each other. Leaderless the Titans fled. The surviving Olympians fought over what to do with the sword until Athena, decided the best course of action was to lock the sword away from man and god.
Poseidon created an island to house the godkiller, where it rests to this day. Knowing the treacherous hearts of man...that they would try to find this weapon and lay waste to the heavens guardians were created to protect the sword...and thus the Amazons were created. Fierce warrior women gifted by all the gods. The surviving gods, mourning for Zeus, withdrew from humanity.

and for a millennia the gods and titans passed from human did the godkiller.

Modern times: A very expensive yacht passes through the strait of Gibraltar. The captain turns to his first mate
Captain(in Greek): Let Mr. Chronis that we are in the Mediterranean.
The first mate nods and goes below deck.

In the main Cabin a youthful couple are making out. There is a knock on the door.
First Mate(in Greek) We've arrived in the Med, sir.
Mr. Chronis looks at the dark haired female with him.
Chronis: (in Greek) Very well. Best speed to Ibiza.
First Mate: Yes, sir.
Chronis: (to the female) Time to work, Cassandra.
Cassandra: For the spell to work I will need all of the crew's blood.
Chronis: Take as much as you need.

more coming
You're not stepping on anyone's toes. The whole point of this thread is to post your own BvS related ideas and give examples in your own writings. I love your prologue, by the way. :)

I'm actually happy someone else is posting stuff besides me. :shrug:

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