Sequels X4, spinoffs, or a begins movie?


Mar 18, 2006
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would you rather see an x4-continuation of the series, really well done spin offs, like magneto, or wolveriene(which if done right, i am really looking forward to) or an xmen begins, where they go back and this time make a good effort at telling it the story right? i think its obvious the spin offs will be first, but out of an x4 or a an xmen re:dux, which would you rather see?
wolverine, followed by X4 then magneto

you'll have to wait about 10 years before they even consider doing an "x men begins" :p
I'd rather see them go the route of the Spin-offs rather than an X-men prequel.

With that being said, I'll have to see X-men 3 before saying how much I'd actually like to see an X-men 4. If they can take the franchise into new territory go for it! If it's gonna get redundant then I'd rather see the spin-offs.
right, well im not even saying prequal really, because the first one techincally starts at the beginning so for a prequal we're talking like when scot and jean where like 16, no one wants to see that..but like, this is what i am thinking, i think these movies can be like the comics where there is the uncanny xmen, the ultimate xmen, etc we got bryan singers xmen, which i am not thrilled about but i do not like ultimate ether, and then we can have ratners xmen, then tarantinos xmen(just kidding haha that would rule though) but i think other writers and directors can take different approaches on there...i think they could like go back get the story right, like have angel cyclops(As the leader) jean grey, lora dane and beast, have bobby drake be the runaway that hides out with the xmen, have the likes of wolvierine, colossus nightcrawler, and storm join throughout the first act(obviously centering around wolvierine, because he will inevitabley be one of the stars) and maybe do a gambit thing just cause his time is well over due....and have the antagonists be the sentinals and magneto
Sorry dude, I don't like that idea since it would pretty much signify that the franchise is restarting. The only characters that could be in an X-men prequel are Cyclops, Jean, storm, Professor X, Magneto, and Beast since characters such as wolverine, angel, and the sentinals haven't appeared yet.

I'd like to see the series progress further or have the prequel or spin-offs not overly contradict what has been the basis for the X-men films.
I want an X4 the continuation, there are still many characters and plots to explore!!!:up:
X4 as a continuation.

Perhaps X-Men Begins as a proper prequel that ties into X1, not a restart.
correct, there are more characters to explore, but there are also numerous characters that they have screwed over in the process of making these movies, cyclops, storm, colossus, rouge and iceman most notiabley (now, im not talking about there exploreing rouge and icemnas relationships and stuff, i am talking about rouge working for mystique etc..and iceman potentially being one of the most powerfull mutants on earth but he is reckless, and lazy)

the problem isnt what they have done, it is what they have left undone in these movies, the singer ones in general
Mr. Sinister05 said:
I'd like to see the series progress further or have the prequel or spin-offs not overly contradict what has been the basis for the X-men films.

since many people are huge fans of these incorrect tellings of the best superhero team of all time, i always come off sounding like a huge dick, but the fact of the matter is, they are just not right...wolverine has mild recolection of his past, he should have recognized both sabertooth, and deathstrike as people he once worked with, he shouldn't have recognized stryker cause he never exsisted and they made him up for the the first movie they kill of both henry gyrich, and senetor kelly, who are both huge contributors to the xmen story, wolverine gets his ass kicked by mystique which should never happen...cyclops is a complete waste he should take more initiative, and not only use his powers when some one knocks his glasses off, a storm has none of her ever present african accent, nore do they mention her goddess like status in africa or her incounter with the shadow king, how her and professor xavier met....i just think for what they are these original movies are "neat" but they are nothing compared to the comics, which if they where, there is no reason they shouldn't be considered the best comic movies and not the spidermans
A restart of the franchise with a better cast, director, writer etc.
A restart to the franchise?

Are you ready to wait another 6-7 years for further storyline development?
There's a continuation present in the current films right now. If this was just cut off and started over again, it just wouldn't be right.

They've gotta wrap up what they've got and go from there.
Ideally I would want an X4 with Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Rogue, Iceman, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Beast, Angel, and Gambit. But with both Cyke and Jean possibly dying in X3, we'll probably just get another sequel focused on Wolverine and Storm with no Gambit in sight.
halley berry wont return, and recasting is always not a great idea just look at the original batmans, unless they could hit the good notes like bond franchinse has i would not like a recasting
I'd prefer a restart since most my favorite team- the core X-men, Wolverine, Jean, Cyke, and Storm- most likely wont be in X4. Well maybe Wolverine will, but we've seen so much of him I wouldnt really care.

I want to see a new X-men franchise with more focus on characters other than Logan. Its not that hard to set up 4 team characters with decent personalities and characterizations, but I feel Jean, Cyke and Storm were a bit shafted in X1.
X4 first, then Begins.

I'd like to for a possible Begins movie, to start with Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman and Jean as the original members of the team, just like the comics.
WorthyStevens4 said:
X4 first, then Begins.

I'd like to for a possible Begins movie, to start with Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman and Jean as the original members of the team, just like the comics.

good ups true beliver
X4 all the way, X-Men comics did not end in just 3 issues

spin off sucks it won't bigger than X3.

A reboot is too early.
who's gunna lead them if cyclops and jean die, and halley berry won't sign on to do storm?...and if the rumor that prof x dies there is no x4, they arent the xmen with out the x
psylockolussus said:
X4 all the way, X-Men comics did not end in just 3 issues

spin off sucks it won't bigger than X3.

A reboot is too early.

:up: I agree. They should shoot the new X-Men movies back to back. That would save Fox the trouble of getting everybody back every 2/3 years. I don't want to wait till after the spin offs to see an X-4.
i am excited for the wolverine movie, if done right, there is no reason that shouldn't kick ass, im sick of these movies, xmen didnt end on just three issues, but that is why i don't like these first two movies in general, why make up new stories for the xmen when there are like 5,000 stories to choose from, i would like to see them go back to the beginning and do it right
L0ngsh0t said:
i am excited for the wolverine movie, if done right, there is no reason that shouldn't kick ass, im sick of these movies, xmen didnt end on just three issues, but that is why i don't like these first two movies in general, why make up new stories for the xmen when there are like 5,000 stories to choose from, i would like to see them go back to the beginning and do it right

Unless you had one movie for every single X-Men comicbook, you are never going to get an exact representation of the comics. Be realistic! And would you like to know the exact outcome of the story before you even saw the movie? Again, be realistic. And how much has Spider-Man stuck exactly to the comics? (organic webbing, a genetic superspider, a Green Goblin who dies and has superstrength). Once again, be realistic.

There is no way on earth you can faithfully represent 40 years of comicbooks, across several different continuities (Uncanny, New, Astonishing, Ultimate etc).

If you start at the beginning, with the very first comicbook.. what do you do in the second movie? You'd have to jump forward, miss out stories, miss out dramatic events.

I will agree that some characters were not very accurate representations of the comicbook versions.

But there's no way you will get a total reboot just yet, just when the franchise looks about to reach an amazing climax.

You must realise that the storyline in X1 was from a comic where Magneto created a 'universe machine' to mutate the world's humans. The storyline in X2 was from a storyline called God Loves Man Kills featuring a baddie called Stryker. The storyline in X3 combines the Phoenix Saga and the cure story from Gifted, in the Astonishing X-Men comicbook.

What you would call 'doing it right' wouldn't be what other people called 'doing it right'. It's all very subjective. Your dream of the perfect X-Men movie might satisfy you, but would it satisfy other fans or a mainstream movie audience whose box office sales are needed.
ok Xmaniac i will stop when i get tierd...the webbing in spider man compared to the fact that wolverine has gotten his ass handed to him by both mystique, and lady deathstrike, only to find some clevar way to beat them without actually beating them(i.e. sticking the adimantium liquid inside death strike) the comic book wolverine is a ninja trained murder machine who dosent even get his ass handed to him by the Hulk, let alone mystique and and deathstike, how come wolverine has no recolection of his history with deathstrike, and sabertooth, too huge parts of their rivalries, why does sabertooth suck and such a non villan, he was part of the same project, and is around the same stature of fighter wolverine is...where is the rogue mystique connection, rogue dosen't show up as an xmen until she took mrs. marvels powers after working with mystique, where is the connection in the movie Xmaniac? how come cyclops leads **** in the movies, he gives and order and no one follows, in the comics regardless of feelings for the most part they follow his lead...HENRY GYRICH AND SENATOR KELLY DIE IN THE FIRST MOVIE! they where huge parts of the mutant controll stuff and the sentinals and mastermold, what the hell, why kill off two very prominent story lines without giving ether of them very much screentime(alive anyways mystique kelly dosent count) Iceman is one of the very first Xmen, and so is angel, apparently they adress beast beinig an original in x3 so i will leave that out of it....there is no reason colossus shouldnt stay and fight in x2 in no way would he have been *****ed around in the comics, how come jean grey is totally not incontroll of her powers(dont give me the pheonix stuff because she certianly can controll her powers before then in the comics)...accents, pyro-austrailian, storm-african, colossus-siberian, toad british etc....i also don't ever seem to recall a william stryker being involved with the weapon x project, im alomst 100 percent sure that is false.....its attitudes like like xmanic that are responsible for the lack of any prominent stories out of the first two movies, granted they are hitting the right buttons on the 3rd with the pheonix, a brett rattner production mind you...i just think there is no reason the sentinals and the mutant controll agency shouldn't have been in one with that first magneto story where he turns the militaries weapons on each other, how much cooler is that then a story about rogue? 1000000times cooler, why isn't sinister or apacolypse or bishop and cable, gambit been in a xmovie yet, all are way more prominent characters and story lines them most of the stuff they have been doing, why don't we get to see cyclops and storms characters develop over the first two moives, i think its ludicris to belive these movie couldnt be ten times cooler, and you are a fool if you think other wise
None of the above, but if it actually has to happen, that the studio can't quit while they are ahead and they insist on ruining the franchise through over-saturation, then at least make it X-Men 4.
WorthyStevens4 said:
X4 first, then Begins.

I'd like to for a possible Begins movie, to start with Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman and Jean as the original members of the team, just like the comics.

So I take it you and the other "True Believers" want it to look something like this?


That would be "just like the comics" right?
I think the first 2 X-men movies were ok and I was quite happy to see Bryan Singer and company leave the project as I wanted to see the X-men movies go into something different. The first 2 movies were ok to continue from but nowhere near as good as they could have been. I had many complaints with both movies (can't even remember them all) so I for one am glad that they've got a new team on.

With new people on the project and potential still in the franchise, I see it a mistake to start all over if things can continue to shoot upward.

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