XBox 360 Investigation

MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks MS sucks

's only words :huh:

Don't worry about it.
Back on topic...

I still think suing is a bit much. THen again, what are you gonna do? Not like you can send the game and they give you a new one.
They will never do a recall. The warranty and the agreement to give you replacements or a new one should suffice.

They've done everything they need to do to rectify the situation by extending the warrenty and refunding those who paid for repair. Anyone who wants more than that is greedy. I doubt the number of scratched discs is any higher than past systems.

nah, they need to be taught a lesson.
I'm pretty sure most people got their discs scratched from moving their XBox while the game was playing. This happened to a friend of mine when his XBox fell over when he was playing a game.
My 360 broke my Gears, and I aint buying a new one. This must mean I might get another free gears.
:wow::wow: This scares me, I'm buying an Xbox in a few weeks, I don't want my disks to die!
Don't be scared. Just buy two of every game that you get.
Then don't move the console while playing a game (a.k.a. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS)

It has nothing to do with moving the console. My xbox hasn't moved from it's horizontal position in 6 months and it's still managed to scratch my lost planet and gears of war discs. the drive is definately faulty on certain machines :down:
It has nothing to do with moving the console. My xbox hasn't moved from it's horizontal position in 6 months and it's still managed to scratch my lost planet and gears of war discs. the drive is definately faulty on certain machines :down:
We were playing Saints Row once, and I pointed out to my friend that his Xbox360 was UPSIDE DOWN. While the game was running, he flipped the thing, and it produced the worst noise. It was like a runaway electric razor. The disk never worked again.

Apparently some drives have problems... as yours seems to. I guess I'm just lucky... :ninja:
We were playing Saints Row once, and I pointed out to my friend that his Xbox360 was UPSIDE DOWN. While the game was running, he flipped the thing, and it produced the worst noise. It was like a runaway electric razor. The disk never worked again.

Apparently some drives have problems... as yours seems to. I guess I'm just lucky... :ninja:

I think the whole vertical thing has to have something to do with it. My ps2 worked much better on it's side then it ever did vertically. And I haven't even tried to have my 360 vertical. I dunno it just seems risky to me.
I think the whole vertical thing has to have something to do with it. My ps2 worked much better on it's side then it ever did vertically. And I haven't even tried to have my 360 vertical. I dunno it just seems risky to me.

Agreed 100%

I have never used consoles vertical, it just seems like it would create more potential for the disk to slip or simply be bouncing around in the drive. My consoles have always been horrizontal, can't see any point in standing it up since I gain no real benefit from it but gain a lot of piece of mind from laying it on it's side :up:
I think standing it vertical is supposed to be better for ventilation.

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