You don't ALWAYS need to have a moving .gif avatar. Some of you always keep them, and that's fine. But, I IMPLORE you, think before you devote yourself to your avatar.
It's not the .gifs that bother me. Some of the ones that are just flashes of different pics are tolerable. One's like hunter rider's current Silver Surfer avatar isn't bad, either, since it's more than just half a second of the same footage, and it has a definate stopping/starting point.
Some of you already either have stills as an avatar, of have a moving avatar that doesn't suck, or is, in fact, damn good. And for that, I give you a good, old fashioned golf clap.
For those who just think I'm hating on you [I'm not], see if you can find some avatars made by the former kings, such as BigRicky, GuyverJay, and Joseph Freefall [Dew's Avatar], and to a lesser extent, Cconn [Good with video avvys], then come back. I'm sure you'll see things differently.
It's not the .gifs that bother me. Some of the ones that are just flashes of different pics are tolerable. One's like hunter rider's current Silver Surfer avatar isn't bad, either, since it's more than just half a second of the same footage, and it has a definate stopping/starting point.
Some of you already either have stills as an avatar, of have a moving avatar that doesn't suck, or is, in fact, damn good. And for that, I give you a good, old fashioned golf clap.
For those who just think I'm hating on you [I'm not], see if you can find some avatars made by the former kings, such as BigRicky, GuyverJay, and Joseph Freefall [Dew's Avatar], and to a lesser extent, Cconn [Good with video avvys], then come back. I'm sure you'll see things differently.