A question about the " No Tights " rule?


Jun 17, 2006
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I just have a question about the No Tights rule that was set when the series was created, and I didn't see a specific thread for this question so if there is, Im really sorry and please don't flame me because I mean no harm.

I know the No Flights rule was done away with, and in a good story sense as well because it really wasn't Clark flying, it was Kal-El with all of his abilities at full power, which was cool as hell by the way. But the question I have about the No Tights is that while I don't think we will see Clark in the costume until the finale or a couple episodes beforehand, does that rule apply to other heroes that come on the show. With The Green Arrow appearing on the show, and it sounds like he is already established, and Bart Allen, who I think is going to be the new Flash in the comics anyway, coming back will they allow these heroes and others to wear there respective costumes?

And another quick question, do the producers consider certain muscle suits to count as tights LOL!
I hope Green Arrow is already an established hero. That'd be pretty cool and a bit different from what they have had in previous seasons.
boydston_14 said:
I hope Green Arrow is already an established hero. That'd be pretty cool and a bit different from what they have had in previous seasons.

Im in total agreement with you, thats why I hope he has his costume, arrows, etc etc.
They wont use the costumes for Ollie, Bart, and Vic.

I guarantee. It isnt Gough and Millar's style.

Clark will probably wear the tights in the last act of the final episode, or if anything, a shirtrip.
If those heros were allowed to wear their respective costumes, Clark would have to wear his as well, but no, they're not there/ready yet. They'll probably give Oliver Queen green clothing, just like do with Clark, Red/Blue Jackets, Red/Blue/Yellow Shirts, Orange & Green for Aquaman, Red for Bart.






^ Show and tell by KalKai. A man after my own heart. :up: :D

Retconned, it's hard to say what G&M are planning at given moment 'cause they break their own rules so often LOL. A while back, there was an interview somewhere (don't ask me where, when, or in which pub) where G&M had pointed out that SV takes place before the advent of costumed superheroes.

....then they go and give us Andrea in Vengeance. There goes that rule.

What it comes down to is ratings and permission; I think they will push the envelope as far as they're allowed. If at some point in the future Warners gives them the thumbs up, SV could turn on a dime. It already has in many ways. Expect the unexpected. Wait. Watch. Anticipate. ;)

AgentPat said:
....then they go and give us Andrea in Vengeance. There goes that rule.

Except Andrea from Vengeance wasnt a real DC superhero, something fabricated by them... which doesnt make it very far removed from Clark in a Zorro outfit or Isobel in her costume.

I think with Queen, he will should wear a dark green hooded sweatshirt, jeans, and a backpack with his arrows. I also think he should sport some facial hair.

That would be good enough. He doesnt need a feathered cap, long boots or a mask.
can he have feathered hair at least?
Well I think his hair should be as long as Clark's, since Ollie spent alot of time in isolation to become a crime fighter, he needs to have that wild man look to work with the facial hair.
Silver Lad said:
Except Andrea from Vengeance wasn't a real DC superhero, something fabricated by them... which doesn't make it very far removed from Clark in a Zorro outfit or Isobel in her costume...
Andrea didn't have to be an actual DC superhero. She was an amalgam of others, donning a costume at night to fight crime while maintaining a "mild-mannered" alter ego disguise during the day. She even changed her clothes in a phone booth and wore eye-glasses.

Clark dressed up as Zorro for a Halloween party. Way different.

Isobel and the other two (Chloe and Lois' possessees) were witches. Just like the garb worn by Alien Ken & Barbie, that's how they dressed. It was their character's wardrobe. Way different.

The point is, G&M said SV takes place before costumed superheros. Andrea was as close as you could get to one, albeit it more of an anti-hero. They broke their own rule - not that I'm complaining of course. As with Crusade, I enjoyed Vengeance quite a bit.
^^Hence the lack of references to Jay Garrick or Alan Scott, or any other JSA members, who would have been around before \S/.

In terms of the rules I dont know that they break them as much as they look for loop holes. Things like Clark can't fly, ok well then Kal-El can. Or no costumed superheros, so lets create a new one shot FOTW hero/villian.

Personally I'm not sure who makes the rules though. If it's G&M or if some suits at WB put them in place. My question is though whether or not they'll be relaxed now that MWSNBN has come and gone.
Kaboom said:
can he have feathered hair at least?

I want the plume in the hat too.:up:

I'm really hoping that he will be an established hero also, with somewhat of a costume.:)
AgentPat said:
Andrea didn't have to be an actual DC superhero. She was an amalgam of others, donning a costume at night to fight crime while maintaining a "mild-mannered" alter ego disguise during the day. She even changed her clothes in a phone booth and wore eye-glasses.

Clark dressed up as Zorro for a Halloween party. Way different.

Isobel and the other two (Chloe and Lois' possessees) were witches. Just like the garb worn by Alien Ken & Barbie, that's how they dressed. It was their character's wardrobe. Way different.

The point is, G&M said SV takes place before costumed superheros. Andrea was as close as you could get to one, albeit it more of an anti-hero. They broke their own rule - not that I'm complaining of course. As with Crusade, I enjoyed Vengeance quite a bit.

Me too. Just like with "Jinx" (Sorry I know I mention that one alot.:D ) many people hated "Vengeance", but I loved both of those mostly hated episodes. Cut 'em some slack, they were trying really hard to give us Batman without actually giving us Batman.:up:
AgentPat said:
Andrea didn't have to be an actual DC superhero. She was an amalgam of others, donning a costume at night to fight crime while maintaining a "mild-mannered" alter ego disguise during the day. She even changed her clothes in a phone booth and wore eye-glasses.

Clark dressed up as Zorro for a Halloween party. Way different.

Isobel and the other two (Chloe and Lois' possessees) were witches. Just like the garb worn by Alien Ken & Barbie, that's how they dressed. It was their character's wardrobe. Way different.

The point is, G&M said SV takes place before costumed superheros. Andrea was as close as you could get to one, albeit it more of an anti-hero. They broke their own rule - not that I'm complaining of course. As with Crusade, I enjoyed Vengeance quite a bit.

I disagree. I felt they were refering to the existing DC heroes alone in that statement. Personally, I felt Andrea the anti-hero was wearing a disguise to mask her identity the same way Clark did when he was robbing banks in Metropolis. I hope they realized what a mistake Andrea was though. IMO it took alot away from the future Clark Kent/Superman thing since now it seems like CK was just copying someone who already did this.

If they have Oliver fighting crime in his traditional Robin Hood men in tights set-up, he would be the first dude in tights before Clark. I'm not exactly a fan of that one.

Then again, part of me wants to see the mask and everything do, because I dont think Arrow could really fight crime and maintain his secret identity without it.
NHawk19 said:
Personally I'm not sure who makes the rules though. If it's G&M or if some suits at WB put them in place. My question is though whether or not they'll be relaxed now that MWSNBN has come and gone.

Nope. The coming and going of Batman Begins made no difference either regarding Bruce Wayne appearing on SV. Once the movie rights are in place, its done.
The only memeber of the JLA I could see being in "costume" on the show before Clark would be J'onn Jonzz since his costume isnt really a costume as much as it is his natural look.
I'd like to see them do a storyline where they introduce a new sheriff named John Jones, who's around for a while helping and watch Clark, and then eventually reveals himself to Clark before leaving the planet for a while.
Wouldnt creating Jonn's alien form be a bit expensive? They need some heavy heavy makeup prostetics unless they could CGI him somehow.
Men in tights with/without goaties ?

i see solid mell brooks material..
"Unlike other Green Arrows, I can speak with an english accent."

BaK said:
^ some jolly good fellows.. :)

They're men, they're men in tights.
Just watch what you say, or they'll punch out your lights.:eek: :O
AgentPat said:
The point is, G&M said SV takes place before costumed superheros.

We got to remember that Superman was really the first super-hero, if I'm not mistaken the other heroes (Batman may be the exception) only start to appear afterwards being inspired by his heroic actions. So Clark should lead by example.
I'm not sure if this was a general thing or in just some stories. Hulk may know a little more about it than I do...

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