A question about the " No Tights " rule?

Bruce_Wayne29 said:
We got to remember that Superman was really the first super-hero, if I'm not mistaken the other heroes (Batman may be the exception) only start to appear afterwards being inspired by his heroic actions. So Clark should lead by example.
I'm not sure if this was a general thing or in just some stories. Hulk may know a little more about it than I do...
the jsa existed before superman..so characters like:
the flash (jay garrick)
green lantern (alan scott)
dr. fate
Dr. midnite
etc., existed before Superman.
^ I think what Bruce meant was that Supes was the first one in reality. Our reality. Comic book stuff, y'know?
Silver Lad said:
Wouldnt creating Jonn's alien form be a bit expensive? They need some heavy heavy makeup prostetics unless they could CGI him somehow.

I dont think it would be that much, just get someone that's pretty well built paint them green and give them a prosthetic brow or mask... It couldnt cost much more than those cheesy prosthetics the "monsters" on Angel used to wear.....
The Incredible Hulk said:
I dont think it would be that much, just get someone that's pretty well built paint them green and give them a prosthetic brow or mask... It couldnt cost much more than those cheesy prosthetics the "monsters" on Angel used to wear.....

Or much more than what they used for Kingons.
yeah, I mean how hard would this be?

looks like green body paint and a skull cap to me.
and due to SV's aversion to costumes, i would expect a red and blue tunic ala starfleets uniforms.
The Incredible Hulk said:
I dont think it would be that much, just get someone that's pretty well built paint them green and give them a prosthetic brow or mask... It couldnt cost much more than those cheesy prosthetics the "monsters" on Angel used to wear.....

True say. Ive never watched Angel but I know who you are refering to.

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