So Annihilation: Conquest is at last over and the verdict sucked. It really pains me to say that, especially since I loved the first Annihilation so much, but this was a huge disappointment in every way.
Most of the event was a slow build-up, which, in of itself, is a huge problem but can be forgiven if there's a big pay-off. But there wasn't. Ronan, Super-Skrull, Wraith, Ravenous, the High Evolutionary, Drax, and Gamora were all either wasted as characters or had their subplots just tossed out the window. It was just a huge cluster**** and, in the end, there was really no point and no payoff to any of these characters.
And there are still problems with the characters that the finale
did focus on. Adam Warlock, for instance, undergoes a complete character transformation in just a few short pages; there's no logical progression, just a plot contrivance of Adam having some alone time to think. Also, why he was being touted as a savior for the Kree? If anything, he just did more harm than good. Just about everything that can be said about Quasar has already been said, so I won't bother repeating anything in that department.
Then there's Ultron, who really does
look like a badass, but does nothing remotely cool. He talks a lot, but his plans--Adam/Ultron, enslaved army of Nu-Kree, giant Ultron--all fall apart in mere seconds. Ultron's defeat itself was pretty weak, as DnA were obviously trying to imitate the scene of Nova ripping out Annihlus' guts, but failed miserably as Ultron goes down like a ***** with Quasar pulling out a one-liner from a Saturday morning cartoon ("This is your doom!"
). Ultron has been the exact opposite of Annihilus: a villain who looked ridiculous but truly earned the right to be feared just based on the absolute havoc he caused.
The only good part of this entire event has been Starlord and his crew; their mini was excellent and their roles in the main story have all been pretty satisfactory, except for Gabe who was pointlessly killed off. Fortunately, Starlord and co. all get some semblance of a conclusion by the issue's end and aren't simply tossed away like the rest of the cast, so DnA at least get some points for that.
But all in all, I have to disagree with Dread about this event being a B. At best, Annihilation: Conquest was a C-, and that's only because of Starlord and his crew. Other than that, it was a complete mess in terms of pacing, story progression, and characterization. Huge disappointment. I'm still looking forward to Guardians of the Galaxy, but I hope Marvel gives the writing chores for Annihilation 3 to someone else.