Arkham Asylum


Wink wink ;)
Sep 19, 2009
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What with the talk of Nolan and Bale not retuning, forcing a reboot on Batman. I'm wondering about the rumoured AA video game format WB allegedly want to base the next Bat franchise on.

I know in terms of look and feel, they'll base it on Arkham.

But would it be something interesting. have a superhero movie, big as Batman....set in JUST one building for the films duration? It worked alright for Dredd.

So should a movie be made where Batman is trapped in a madhouse with his deadliest villains on the loose?
It'd be a pretty cool concept... for an eventual sequel in an already established film series.

I just don't think they can randomly introduce some of Batman's biggest villains (guys like Riddler, Poison Ivy, Harley, Mr. Freeze, or even Scarecrow to an extent) to people and expect them to care about who they are or why they hate Batman so much.
It needs a proper build-up, imho... but who knows, maybe it's just me.
It could work.

From padt experience on films that the audience, or just in general, people know why the villains hate Batman. Even locking them up is simple enough if it were for basics.
I know in terms of look and feel, they'll base it on Arkham.

AA is an interpretation of the source material. Rather than interpreting an interpretation of the source material, I want the next team to probe the source from the ground up. I doubt any artist worth their salt want to copy and paste anyway.
I agree there. I really couldn't stand something so stylized as the games on film.
I prefer if they tell a different story rather than just rehashing a story from a video game.

The problem with video game movies is that there is no point to adapt them to begin with. Video games today are far too close to big budget movies in tone, feel, special effects, realistic looking characters, etc. Basically, a video game today can give you the same cinematographic epic-in-scale feel that a movie can give you.

That being said, why would we want to see a movie with the same or a similar story to the Arkham Asylum game? We already got that movie feel in the game.
It shouldn't be a VG adapt.

But it's format of Batman being trapped in Arkham is interesting.
My ideal movie is based on Arkham Asylum/City, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On a Serious Earth, and Batman: TAS
It would kinda be like Dredd but big budget, I'd love it but it will never happen at least not in live action format
It shouldn't be a VG adapt.

But it's format of Batman being trapped in Arkham is interesting.

The problem is that you risk the chances of having the 2 stories be very similar. Not saying it can't be done without it feeling rehashed but it would be a bit of a challenge.
The other problems would be "How many villains do we Batman up against?"

As stated above this shouldn't be how they are introduced. You can't just have one villain in the Asylum as it wouldn't be logical. But if you have too many you run the risk of overexposure and lame characterization if there is any at all.

The reason AA and AC worked is because they had hours upon hours to build everything up. I don't think it would work in movie format. Even with three hours that's not a lot of time to build up some of the villains.
I don't think it would work if you included the A-lister villains, but it would be a great way to have fun with the B-listers.

Maybe throw in Killer Croc, Mad Hatter, Clayface, Zzasz, Poison Ivy, and the Ventriloquist. Then have the Scarecrow or Hugo Strange be the mastermind behind the whole trap.
The problem with AA is that it is all Batman and no Bruce Wayne. The actions of Bruce Wayne make us care about what happens to Batman.
The problem with AA is that it is all Batman and no Bruce Wayne. The actions of Bruce Wayne make us care about what happens to Batman.
I'll have to disagree on that considering Wayne is an empty husk and Batman is his true self. There are plenty of great, empathetic Bat stories where Bruce makes no appearances.
The story could feature flashback elements of Bruce. Say he's wandering through the lonely asylum and thinks back on things in his life.
Maybe it they made it a story involving lock out taking over arkham, to differentiate it from the game. I think lock out could serve as a cool villain, and it would put batman in the unique position of having to protect the people he put in there, and have them trying to kill him while he tries to protect them. Could be fun.
They should do it as an animated project
I'll have to disagree on that considering Wayne is an empty husk and Batman is his true self. There are plenty of great, empathetic Bat stories where Bruce makes no appearances.


Back to the topic I don't want to see a movie based on AA.
But would it be something interesting. have a superhero movie, big as Batman....set in JUST one building for the films duration? It worked alright for Dredd.

Not just one building, that's boring. Arkham Asylum had a multitude of environments.

I agree there. I really couldn't stand something so stylized as the games on film.

Bring back Chicago! :woot:

The problem with AA is that it is all Batman and no Bruce Wayne. The actions of Bruce Wayne make us care about what happens to Batman.

I've had enough of Bruce Wayne. Nolan's take may just well have been called 'The Bruce Wayne trilogy' because Batman barely shows up.

Have Batman be Batman for the entire movie. It worked for Dredd.
Agree on all points...even Chicago. Mainly because I went to see the show because of this chick :D
I also agree, so bored of seeing lots of Bruce, and a few mins of Batman here and there, make a Batman movie, with a good portion of it actually featuring Batman.

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