Attention: Calling all Heroes & Villains of the Hype!

The Flash!

Dec 26, 2005
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So, from all the time I've been scouting these boards, I've seen that the Hype has it's own:

The Question
Green Lantern
The Joker
Silver Sable
Captain America
The Punisher
Dr. Fate
Iron Fist
Red Skull
The Riddler
Peter Parker
Green Goblin
The Green Goblin
Doc Ock
Danger Mouse
Erik Magnus Lehnsherr
Not Jake
Master Bruce
Red X
Luke Cage
The Incredible Hulk
Two Face

And me, the one and only Flash!

Now, I know I'm missing some more Hypesters who have the heroic and villain names of both DC and Marvel. So feel free to pm them this thread and join as heroes here, in our very own lounge! After all, aren't we the ones who save and wreck havoc in the universe ever now and then? :o This is for heroes and villains only people, so start posting!

Hi everybody. :)
Peter Parker
Green Goblin
The Green Goblin
Doc Ock
Danger Mouse
Erik Magnus Lehnsherr
Not Jake

....and many more.
Darren Daring killed Hitler no less than 56 times in his 22 issue run:up:
And yet I see your name and think Darrin Stevens.

Kipobe said:
Peter Parker
Green Goblin
The Green Goblin
Doc Ock
Danger Mouse
Erik Magnus Lehnsherr
Not Jake

....and many more.

Great I'll add them to the list! Still waiting for the other heroes to get here. :)
Also, you have an !-mark at the end of your name. You're not the Flash... you're an imposter. Begone!
Darren Daring said:
Rememeber "The 2nd Darrin"? That was a good name:up:
haha... that's probably why!

*edit -- ****, I just realized I'll never be able to fulfil my life long dream of sleeping with Lumberjack. :down

I didn't want to post my realization in the other thread, it may appear insensitive.
Kipobe said:
Also, you have an !-mark at the end of your name. You're not the Flash... you're an imposter. Begone!


But that Flash hasn't been here for awhile, so I'm representing.
Kipobe said:
haha... that's probably why!

*edit -- ****, I just realized I'll never be able to fulfil my life long dream of sleeping with Lumberjack. :down

I didn't want to post my realization in the other thread, it may appear insensitive.

Should we turn this thread into one that bashes LUmberjack for being stupid enough to fight AIDS-ridden folk with open sores? I don't know how well it would go over in the other one.
Master Bruce is... kind of one. It's what Alfred calls Bruce Wayne.

BruceWayne is another name taken by someone, btw.
Darren Daring said:
Should we turn this thread into one that bashes LUmberjack for being stupid enough to fight AIDS-ridden folk with open sores? I don't know how well it would go over in the other one.
I can already see your stay here will be long and plentyfull. Let's do this!

Lumberjack licks homeless guys in the cuts! :down
I know there's an Archangel here but my name means that in German.
Darren Daring said:
Should we turn this thread into one that bashes LUmberjack for being stupid enough to fight AIDS-ridden folk with open sores? I don't know how well it would go over in the other one.

Well to be fair, its not like AID's blood glows or anything, so he wouldn'tve known. In other news, is wouldn'tve a word? I use it a lot, but it doenst look right...
I dont' thin kit's the bloody guys that gave him the AIDS, I think it was that stupid aht he was wearing:up:

But seriously, I feel horrible for him:(
Master Bruce said:
Master Bruce is... kind of one. It's what Alfred calls Bruce Wayne.

BruceWayne is another name taken by someone, btw.

You're approved my friend, cause you're right. :up:

You'll be on the list.

Erzengel said:
I know there's an Archangel here but my name means that in German.

Sweet, you'll be going on the list as well.
Darren Daring said:
I dont' thin kit's the bloody guys that gave him the AIDS, I think it was that stupid aht he was wearing:up:

But seriously, I feel horrible for him:(

Yeah, I really do feel bad, but then again I heard he was a jackass in the products forum. Then again, its not really fair is it? Be a jackass in one instance, get aids 2 days later...that kinda **** should only happen in mexico:o
I also find it hilarious that the original thread starter added Not Jake to his superhero list:o
dmcnx said:
Yeah, I really do feel bad, but then again I heard he was a jackass in the products forum. Then again, its not really fair is it? Be a jackass in one instance, get aids 2 days later...that kinda **** should only happen in mexico:o

It's not the end of the world, by making wildly innapropriate jokes I can help remind him of that:up: But he has to stop doing hat.
dmcnx said:
Yeah, I really do feel bad, but then again I heard he was a jackass in the products forum. Then again, its not really fair is it? Be a jackass in one instance, get aids 2 days later...that kinda **** should only happen in mexico:o
It's called unbalanced karma. Like, you steal a Twix from the store, and the next day you're in jail for grand theft auto. Stupid hat:down

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