The Walking Dead Aw, Hell Nah - IT'S THE T-DOG THREAD!


Definitely Not 40
Apr 4, 2004
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You know what to do. :o
"An episode without t-dog isn't an episode at all." ~ Anon
T-Dog got the shotgun that one time when Rick told him to.
I wouldn't mind T-Dog so much if he wasn't so blatantly the 'token black guy'. Give the man some real personality and lose the stupid (and horribly cliche) nickname and we might have a character that's worth getting invested in. Normally I'm not so cynical, but everything about T-Dog screams "We needed a black guy on the show."
T-Dog is there to remove the walkers carcass from the vicinity after they have killed them.

He is basically the groups garbage man.
He's gonna be the last surviving member, watch. :o
I heard that T-Dog has been a zombie this entire time, just nobody noticed.
He's gonna be the last surviving member, watch. :o

You D**n right!!!!

I heard that T-Dog has been a zombie this entire time, just nobody noticed.

I'm laughing so hard right now LOL.

the cure is in his pants...

Yeah he calls that T-puppy!

I'm expecting them to do an episode where T-Dawg tells everyone his real name, that he was a mortgage broker that lived in an upper class neighborhood, he drove a SAAB, took racquet ball lessons, and misses his iced foamed lattes. After that we will see more character development because he won't have some nickname but a real name Theodore lol.
Yup a SAAB. And the 'Dog' in his nickname is in remembrance of his labradoodle lol.
Most worthless character ever. You could have a compelling, African-American character taken from the actual comic named Tyreese. But no, let's have a character who might or might not be as cliched as his rejected rapper name would imply, but we'll never really know because he only ever says 5 lines a season.

Governor..... you know what to do.
Who knows. Maybe they made him that way not knowing if they would kill him off earlier. Then again, maybe he gets developed and becomes one of the most important people lol.
Is T-Dog anymore worthless than Carol honestly? Or Lori?
T-Dog has a personality. He's the guy that says "That is wack" and "****"

"I'm only in this song because I'm a black guy!"
I'll never understand the T-Dog hate. I liked his conflict over dropping the key and his brief struggle with wanting to leave when his arm was infected. I don't see anything wrong with a character of few words who seems to keep his mind on survival rather than constantly being sidetracked by petty personal woes.

And for those of you who say he has no role, do I really need to point out the obvious? Rick might be great with a gun, but he's a runt. Glenn is a tiny guy, too. Daryl is good with his crossbow, but he's a normal-sized man. In a world where close-quarters/gang-style melees are common, a big guy is invaluable to the safety of a group.
And for those of you who say he has no role, do I really need to point out the obvious? Rick might be great with a gun, but he's a runt. Glenn is a tiny guy, too. Daryl is good with his crossbow, but he's a normal-sized man. In a world where close-quarters/gang-style melees are common, a big guy is invaluable to the safety of a group.

The black guy is the 'big muscle' of the group. And the cliches just keep on comin'. :woot:
lol Oh Please...

T-Dog was giving him the stink-eye in the finale after his speech, and Rick was like "*****, what?" and T-Dog was like "nvm :csad:" and piped his ass down. :o
lol Oh Please...

T-Dog was giving him the stink-eye in the finale after his speech, and Rick was like "*****, what?" and T-Dog was like "nvm :csad:" and piped his ass down. :o

Wow, that's assuming a lot from a simple glance back. T-Dog's a contemplative guy, but he has his limits. Other than Rick being armed, why in the world would T-Dog be afraid of him or anyone else in the group?

I think everyone would be happier with the character if they stopped judging him by Tyreese standards. We've been promised some revelations about T-Dog and I'm quite interested to see the direction of the character.
I wonder how Maury is gonna let everyone know that Lori is carrying T-Dog's baby.

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