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Best Christian Bale Movie


  • American Psycho

  • The Machinist

  • Batman Begins

  • Reign Of Fire

  • Equilibrium

Results are only viewable after voting.


Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
Not sure if this has been done, but I thought with lots of batman hype, Why not? The way I see it, there is only two choices, The machinist and American psycho, but i'll put some more up just to see what people say.
Ive only seen BB and Equilibrium(just bought The Machinist the other day) but i can tell you now BB will win this poll

This will be more interesting in 6 months time once The Prestige,Harsh Times and Rescue Dawn have been released
Both the machinist and american psycho are superior films to BB, hopefully enough people have seen them, to make this poll work!
Cyrusbales said:
Both the machinist and american psycho are superior films to BB, hopefully enough people have seen them, to make this poll work!

Even if they have BB is the holy grail in these parts
hunter rider said:
Even if they have BB is the holy grail in these parts

Sickening isn't it, I think peopl here are very much sheltered when it comes to films, they watch BB and shawshank redemption, anything else is strange and foreign, it's a little upsetting really
Cyrusbales said:
Sickening isn't it, I think peopl here are very much sheltered when it comes to films, they watch BB and shawshank redemption, anything else is strange and foreign, it's a little upsetting really

I dunno ive found a lot of very interesting people here with knowledge on many decades of film but BB wins every poll it's in ;)
I've only seen 2 of those so I'll say American Psycho

I had intentions to see The Machinist.

I loved Reign Of Fire
America Psycho hands down, loved the twist ending

Watch it yourself lazy bastard
BB is my favorite, but his best performances are in AP and The Machinist
His roles are pretty diverse so it's hard to compare them
Cyrusbales said:
Sickening isn't it, I think peopl here are very much sheltered when it comes to films, they watch BB and shawshank redemption, anything else is strange and foreign, it's a little upsetting really

You do realize on that list a very strong argument could be made for Batman Begins, I mean the way he played the duality of Batman was great. I mean out of those movies the only one that really puts up a good fight would be American Psycho which is a fine film. Equilibrium is simply Brave New World with guns yet it lacks the sophistication, subtlety, or wit so it lacks any real poignancy. The Machinist was a respectable outing, and I'm all for surrealism movies, but it felt amateurish at times and cheap, and simply not as grand or as moving as BB or Psycho, and lastly Reign of Fire, do I really need to say anymore. Both BB and Shawshank are decent movies, but I simply don't know why your saying what your saying since there are no other options on this poll to vote for.
Batman Begins, but I can't wait to see him in The Prestige. That movie looks like he'll have a good role and he looks good in it.
Movies205 said:
You do realize on that list a very strong argument could be made for Batman Begins, I mean the way he played the duality of Batman was great. I mean out of those movies the only one that really puts up a good fight would be American Psycho which is a fine film. Equilibrium is simply Brave New World with guns yet it lacks the sophistication, subtlety, or wit so it lacks any real poignancy. The Machinist was a respectable outing, and I'm all for surrealism movies, but it felt amateurish at times and cheap, and simply not as grand or as moving as BB or Psycho, and lastly Reign of Fire, do I really need to say anymore. Both BB and Shawshank are decent movies, but I simply don't know why your saying what your saying since there are no other options on this poll to vote for.

Was BB moving? I found it rather dull, American Psycho was a much more sophisticated and well strung film, much superior writing. And the machinist has a feel that was able to chill you down to your very bones! (equilibrium and reign of fire are just wild cards really).

The best bit of BB was Cillian Murphy, I personally thought Bale was sub-par in it, especially after psycho and machinist.
BB. Although I found The Machinist to be a really fine film as well.
The only film up there I haven't seen is Machinist (i've been meaning to), and I gotta give it to Batman Begins. My second would probably be Equillibrium, although American Psycho was certainly interesting. Reign of Fire... meh.
I've only seen BB. I've been meaning to see American Psycho, though.

My vote will go to BB.
Seriously, more people need to see Machinist. As Movies said, it's not as grand as BB, but, IMO, it's just fantastic surrealism. I really couldn't argue with anyone who thought that was as good, or better than, BB.
I think it's unfair that people are voting for BB, just because they haven't seen the others, it's the smaller film industries losing out to marketing and stuff of big hollywood films! Curse BB!
Cyrusbales said:
I think it's unfair that people are voting for BB, just because they haven't seen the others, it's the smaller film industries losing out to marketing and stuff of big hollywood films! Curse BB!

Well Chris voted BB and he's seen them all,sometimes you gotta accept that people don't agree dude,and your new come to me before making polls,i could'a told you what would happen with this one;)
hunter rider said:
Well Chris voted BB and he's seen them all,sometimes you gotta accept that people don't agree dude,and your new come to me before making polls,i could'a told you what would happen with this one;)

I knew what would happen, I'm just seeing how many sophisticated film goers there are:), There's not enuff of us! And I'm disgusted than almost no-one has seen the machinist! disgrace!
Cyrusbales said:
I knew what would happen, I'm just seeing how many sophisticated film goers there are:), There's not enuff of us! And I'm disgusted than almost no-one has seen the machinist! disgrace!

when you say "us" who exactly are you categorizing ? just curious

I will have to be a disgrace as well as far as the Machinist goes,it's on the shelf behind me but i haven;t watched it yet:O
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