I wanna say Loki's fight, especially in the final battle, but the thing is, I find Marvel's "final battles" to be...about...lackluster, kinda.
Thanks to Iron Man.
But damn us Thor fans may get the best treatment. What other Marvel films were this villan heavy and had this much action?
I wanna say Loki's fight, especially in the final battle, but the thing is, I find Marvel's "final battles" to be...about...lackluster, kinda.
Thanks to Iron Man.But damn us Thor fans may get the best treatment. What other Marvel films were this villan heavy and had this much action?
Hulk was a bit underwhelming too...but I still liked their fights, don't get me wrong.
Let's hope!
Hulk vs Abomination was awesome.
I agree with you, but the fight at the end of TIH was pretty good. Most of the Iron Man fights were ok, they were just too short.
Yep, all that was missing from the TIH fight was "vehicles throwing" & them trading more "punches".
I liked the fights...I just wish they weren't so short.
All three spider-man movies had like, 15 minutes worth of a final fight.
Kick-ass had a 20 or so minute finale.
Iron Man, Iron Man 2, & TIH had like...5 - 8 minutes.
My money is on the Destroyer fight!
Iron Man's fight scene was very slow paced, Iron Man 2's final fight was better but it was only like 2 mins
TIH had a pretty long fight scene but there was bit of "non fighting" moments in there as well.
Hey, at least IM and Monger fought for more than 30 seconds...
Loved the movie....but the final fight... :
Drones were awesome though
I give it either the drones, or the Mark II fighter jet scene.