Best fight scene

I would have to say I am looking foward to the loki and thor fight because its gonna have alot of emotion in it , especially on loki's part at least thats what i think . I think alot of people understermate loki due to his size but I think he will give thor a run for his money with his speed and being agile . I read the interview regarding his fighting style and he sounds deadly .

Iam looking foward to the others as well , hopefully they will all be very exciting . :yay:

True, I wouldn't mind seeing Loki pull off some "jaw dropping" energy attacks as well.
I would have to say I am looking foward to the loki and thor fight because its gonna have alot of emotion in it , especially on loki's part at least thats what i think . I think alot of people understermate loki due to his size but I think he will give thor a run for his money with his speed and being agile . I read the interview regarding his fighting style and he sounds deadly .

Iam looking foward to the others as well , hopefully they will all be very exciting . :yay:

Not to mention he has Gungir. Should be a great battle.
The destroyer battle choked me up some the second Thor got his hammer back, I almost dropped a tear when this happened! Speachless part of the movie. But the best fighting came with the Frost Giants IMO, much longer sequence and just awesome balls out ass kicking! Loki was a very close 2nd for me.

Frost Giants fight epitomized a Thor fight; Thor going toe to toe with a bigger foe and coming off the victor!
Frost Giants fight epitomized a Thor fight; Thor going toe to toe with a bigger foe and coming off the victor!

Hellz yeah, it was kind of sad to see him toned down a bit in The Avengers. :csad:
Frost Giants was most definitely the best fight/battle sequence of the movie.. I thought the Destroyer "Battle" and the one with loki left a little to be desired.. still a great movie though. CH is great.
Frost giant fight was the best. That shows Thor really cutting loose and going all out. Personally, I don't think we have seen a character in the MCU yet who is capable of taking on Thor if he fights like that.

But hopefully that will change in Thor: The Dark World
Do you guys think the battle they're filming in T:TDW is gonna be better than the Jotunheim battle?
It looks like it'll have more explosions, at the very least. So, if you're going by Michael Bay standards, hell yeah it'll be better! ;)
It looks like it'll have more explosions, at the very least. So, if you're going by Michael Bay standards, hell yeah it'll be better! ;)

Well it does mean more firepower for Thor to test his mettle against and hopefully he can even shrug off a few.
The Thor vs. Selvig drinking contest was pretty riveting to me.
Hard to believe the Destroyer battle is leading the poll...

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