Best fight scene

I can't believe people are saying final fight scenes in Marvel Movie's suck...
Seriously, IM2 with the drones...sucked? And then when Vanko appeared out of nowhere I was like "holy ****".

And the Incredible Hulk was great too. When the hulk and the abomination ran at each other and collied (their blows should have shattered windows and the like, but eh) and then at the end I thought Hulk was going to rip the abominations head off...

I guess some people can't be satisfied. I will agree that Iron Man wasn't too god though.

1) Iron Man vs Iron Monger = "let down"

2) Hulk vs Abomination = very cool

3) Iron Man & War Machine vs the Hammer Drones = niceeeee

4) Iron Man & War Machine vs Whiplash = cool...just way too short
I disagree on some of these.

Iron Man vs Iron Monger was very good

Iron Man & War Machine vs the hammer Drones was very dissappointing, in fact that whole movie was very dissappointing!

Hulk Vs Abomination was very cool, except I didn't like the way it seemed that the Abomination was stronger than the Hulk.

As for Thor, I don't know which fight scenes will be the best, but the one I'm looking forward to the most is Thor vs the Destroyer. If they've done it right, it should be absolutely powerful, hardcore and awesome!

Thor vs Loki sounds weak to me, c'mon Thor vs Loki, that's lame and tame! Thor is a freaking warrior, he easily beats Loki.

If the Frost Giants are really big and really giants, that would even be a better fight than Thor vs Loki!
Iron Man vs Iron Monger was better than the Hammer Drones battle? Woah I never heard that before

Thor vs Loki should be pretty cool since it is gonna be the final fight as well as the battle with the most "meaning" behind it. Though I still can't help but think the Destroyer battle and the Frost Giant battle are going to be the best fights.

I agree, Thor is a warrior but Loki isn't a push over himself, he controls VERY powerful magic (enough to destroy a planet).
The Destroyer fight should be the best fight scene (and it might), but I have a feeling the fight between Thor and Loki will top it.

Hopefully they're all cool and we all win.
The Destroyer fight should be the best fight scene (and it might), but I have a feeling the fight between Thor and Loki will top it.

Hopefully they're all cool and we all win.

I agree, I have a feeling that the Destroyer fight will have the HUGE displays of power, while the Loki fight will be more "fast paced" kinda like Spidey vs Doc Ock (Spider-Man 2).

I also hope every fight in the movie will turn out amazing and have alot of thought put into them :)
Hulk Vs Abomination was very cool, except I didn't like the way it seemed that the Abomination was stronger than the Hulk.

Well, generally, the Abomination is stronger than the Hulk to start with, but unlike Hulk, his strength isn't variable. When Hulk gets angrier, which always happens when he encounters someone who can actually take one of his punches, he gets stronger, and wins in the end.
Well, generally, the Abomination is stronger than the Hulk to start with, but unlike Hulk, his strength isn't variable. When Hulk gets angrier, which always happens when he encounters someone who can actually take one of his punches, he gets stronger, and wins in the end.

True, Abomination is intended to be stronger than Hulk, until Hulk get's angry that is :).
This is a hard choice but I think I go with Thor vs Loki. But I'm hoping that all the fights in the movie will be satisfying. :up:
1) Iron Man vs Iron Monger = "let down"

2) Hulk vs Abomination = very cool

3) Iron Man & War Machine vs the Hammer Drones = niceeeee

4) Iron Man & War Machine vs Whiplash = cool...just way too short

I disagree with most of this.

1) Decent.

2) Awesome.

3) Decent.

4) Awful.
Iron Man vs Iron Monger was very good

Iron Man & War Machine vs the hammer Drones was very dissappointing

Iron Man vs Iron Monger was better than the Hammer Drones battle? Woah I never heard that before

I kinda agree, because Iron Monger was a character we knew and at some point liked (well I liked him when he grabbed the piece of pizza in spite :awesome:) so fighting him had more impact. Plus, Bridges' voice in the suit was also :awesome:!!!

The droid battle, while visually impressive just didn't hit me with any emotional impact. Like watching a game of rugby where you don't care about either team, that ends 50/48. Lots of points and excitement, but you still preffered the game where YOUR team won 15/12 :woot:.

But I'll agree they could (and should) have done more with the Iron Monger (and also final Whiplash)...
I kinda agree, because Iron Monger was a character we knew and at some point liked (well I liked him when he grabbed the piece of pizza in spite :awesome:) so fighting him had more impact. Plus, Bridges' voice in the suit was also :awesome:!!!

The droid battle, while visually impressive just didn't hit me with any emotional impact. Like watching a game of rugby where you don't care about either team, that ends 50/48. Lots of points and excitement, but you still preffered the game where YOUR team won 15/12 :woot:.

But I'll agree they could (and should) have done more with the Iron Monger (and also final Whiplash)...

I agree, even though the actual fight with Whiplash was better.
I disagree on some of these.

Iron Man vs Iron Monger was very good

Iron Man & War Machine vs the hammer Drones was very dissappointing, in fact that whole movie was very dissappointing!

I agree,
The IronMonger fight was short but pretty cool. I liked the banter between the two characters.The build up was great.

The fight at the end of IM2 was really unexciting. It took place in a fairy land cherry blossom garden too which was really odd. Drones are not exciting enemies and the Whiplash fight was so brief. You never even got a good shot of his suit because the fairy garden was so dark. He opened his helmet too.

Thor against those weird demons in the trailer looks cool. He looks great in that dark setting. Not so excited about seeing him in that white tent mud wrestling Shield agents but thats part of the plot I guess.
I agree,
The IronMonger fight was short but pretty cool. I liked the banter between the two characters.The build up was great.

The fight at the end of IM2 was really unexciting. It took place in a fairy land cherry blossom garden too which was really odd. Drones are not exciting enemies and the Whiplash fight was so brief. You never even got a good shot of his suit because the fairy garden was so dark. He opened his helmet too.

Thor against those weird demons in the trailer looks cool. He looks great in that dark setting. Not so excited about seeing him in that white tent mud wrestling Shield agents but thats part of the plot I guess.

The Hammer Drones/Whiplash fight did take place in a very odd & boring area. I still think the fight with the Hammer Drones was kick ass though.

Thor is fighting Frost Giants in the scene you're referring too, and he doesn't have any powers in the scene where he's fighting the shield agents.
heh One of my fave lines in IM2 was "Hammeroid attack".
Yeah those Blue Guys with Red eyes are Frost Giants, Wormy. I can't wait to see more of them in action. We've heard from one guy that they grow and another says the opposite yet they can shape change.
The battle against the Frost Giants might be the underdog. I think that has the potential to be pretty cool (not ready to put it above the Destroyer and Loki fights, though). Just the shot in the trailer of the shock wave coming out from Thor slamming Mjolnir down looks worth it.
I don't know about the fight with Loki being better than The Frost Giant battle, In my opinion the Loki fight is the under dog.

From the few scenes I saw of the Loki fight in the trailer it doesn't seem like it's going to be on par with the Frost Giant battle and the Destroyer fight.
Yeah Steintym, there was a rumor of 300+ extras as Frost Giants times 10 cgi in one scene. I've yet to even see where that scene is from unless they flash back to when Odin first fought them.
So even WITH a script we don't know exactly what's going on since they were still adding to the written scenes.
BIG example of something like that is LotR. They added plenty of scenes to the LotR films and scripts.
I've just reached passed 1,000 post and I was wondering, how do I make my Avatar bigger?

Edit:Thanks for the answer, I got it now :)
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300+ extras sounds awesome. Who knows? I guess that could still be in the scene with the frost giants. We've only seen some quick shots from that battle (which primarily focused on Thor's action). That scene already sounds intense. An endless wave of frost giants would definitely up that.
yes it would. I can't wait to see the movie. lol
Yeah I hope the rumor about the 300 extras times 10 CGI is actually true, that would make Thor one of the most epic superhero films of all time.
I would have to say I am looking foward to the loki and thor fight because its gonna have alot of emotion in it , especially on loki's part at least thats what i think . I think alot of people understermate loki due to his size but I think he will give thor a run for his money with his speed and being agile . I read the interview regarding his fighting style and he sounds deadly .

Iam looking foward to the others as well , hopefully they will all be very exciting . :yay:

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