BOUGHT/THOUGHT "Nobody cares about MLK Jr apparently" 1/17

EMusic To Dreads Ears (yes I know that's possibly the worst pun in recorded history :o )

From "lying in the gutters"

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]EMUSIC, MAESTRO.[/FONT]
After Diamond reported that Marvel were not going to accept retailer returns for their comics damaged due to eMusic inserts, Marvel have stepped up to offer a solution. Marvel are reprinting titles including "Civil War" #6, "New Universal" #2, "Amazing Spider-Man" #537 and "Punisher War Journal" #2, all without those wretched eMusic inserts, and making them available to replace damaged copies. If you're a retailer, reports those damages now. If you're a customer, ask your retailer how you can swap your damaged copy for an undamaged one. I understand that inserts for future titles are being redesigned so that they won't cause similar problems, and won't cause the comics to be unstackable on shelves. After the promotional period is over, there will be a six month hiatus before any similar programme is put into practice, and Marvel will talk with retailers first.
Why are people surprised that I wasn't the only one hating the EMUSIC thing? Anyway, reprints are a good collateral move, and also brillient because now the first prints will be worth more, if they're undamaged.

Also, not sure many of you have noticed, but I'm a bit like Daffy Duck. I live to complain, and usually am funniest when I am.

The fact is, unlike Dread, I don't buy books I hate. Period. If it sucks ass, it's gone. I'll stick with some mediocre books (Black Panther and FNSM) for some time, but, as far as I'm concerned, nothing I'm reading is really THAT awful. To me, less than a 5 is pretty disgraceful, with 1 or 2 being nigh-unreadable crap. If I were reading Nightwing OYL, that would probably be a 1 or 2. Fact is, I'm pretty happy with what I read.

The thing is, that like some posters, I genuinely liked USM and it's only within the last year or so that it has done consistantly downhill slowly and steadily, with CLONE SAGA being a Cyclone-esque dip into the abyss (reference to the Coney Island Cyclone, a famed rollar coaster in NYC). I'll at least finish the arc and from there assess whether ULTIMATE KNIGHTS is worth retredding on Ultimate Ronin while Bendis is ALREADY resurrecting that zombie in NEW AVENGERS.

Have you ever dropped a book mid-storyline? You never know how it ends. I at least want to see the ending of a B-Movie I've already paid to see 8/9th's of. Or half of. How many of you would literally walk out of a movie you paid $10 to see? I rest my case.

As I've said since day one, the Ultimate universe is completely unnecesary, as I doubt it attracted "new" readers to the core books. All it did was give creators continuity-free stories to tell, and for the most part, they blew it.

Sure, some stories were interesting twists, and the art has been decent to great (and at times terrible)... but I would have preferred if these "creative juices" would have been flowing through old characters that needed boosts or to low-selling books that could have used high-profile creators to attract more readers.

And as always, it's merely my two cents...

I do disagree with the feeling that the Ultimate line is useless, although I do agree that it probably hooked more "old fans wanting something new and continuity free" than "genuine new readers", probably by a ratio of 4:1. However, it has developed updated ways to do some of the origins for movie studios; some bits of Raimi's SPIDER-MAN were lifted right from Ultimate when the 60's stuff was outdated (i.e., a genetic super-spider vs. a "radioactive" spider). However, I'm glad Raimi didn't use the Bendis/Bagley "Hulk-Goblin". But that's another topic.

I'd agree that some of that creative talent should have gone to 616...until I remember that Bendis & Millar are usually much more effective in the continuity-free, "I hold all the toys" style of Ultimate than in the 40+-of-History, "You must actually SHARE toys" style of 616 Marvel. Frankly CIVIL WAR would have made much more sense in Ultimate than 616 in some ways, as that universe was launched in a bit of cynical, darkness & mire. Especially since in Ultimate, the characters have all barely known each other a year, vs. "10 years" in 616.

Ultimate has seen some good stories and creative revamps, but it has seen it's downturns. The creative teams have gotten more B-List and Bendis is obviously out of steam on USM. He needs a co-writer badly. He's willing to work with Reed on THE ILLUMINATI, why not bring him along for USM? Or hell, Jeff Parker would work too. I mean he writes X-MEN: FIRST CLASS and SPIDER-MAN LOVES MJ, doesn't he?

I don't disagree with waht you said (in truth I agree 100% that its always worse to see something good ruined etc etc).

But really I'm not sure of the relevance it has to mardachamp's reviews genreally being on the positive side because he only buys books he likes.

Sure it explains peoples relentless bashing of USM but I wasn't really discussing that.

For what its worth the clone saga (USM) is not IMO the worst arc that has been written for USM. Its had plenty of good moments (and some bad moments too) but I enjoyed the whole "throw EVERYTHING and the kitchen sink in" plot of it.

The main criticisms I have of it are
a) pacing, as has been pointed out this arc is 9 issues long it really could have been done in 5-6 (this is a standard and generally lazy criticism of bendis but it does apply here IMO). This is particularly noticable in issues 4 & 6 which are two massive info dumps and could have been condensed into other issues without losing much of the narrative flow or pacing. Normally this criticism is a bit blase because it ignores what bendis is trying (rightly or wrongly to do) with his dialogue but for the most part these issues aren't conversations they are simply monologues and could have been edited better
b) Were-MJ to be honest I don't have a problem with a psycho clone of peter giving mj an OZ injection given that her lack of powers has been a continuing theme throughout USM its a perfectly sensible plot idea. My problem is with the frankly hideous design which looks stupid and CHANGES her gender whenever she "wolfs out"
c) Lack of costume, I understand the reasoning but its beginning to grate, even with me.

What I enjoyed about the arc
a) As I said before I feel than anything can happen in this arc
b) Magno Ock as long as he doesn't become a magneto class villain (ie give him limitations that rely on his arms) I really like this as when you look back at his previous apperances it fits in really well.
c) the clones have been fun and quirky, from the multi armed to the furry spider boy they've each shown different sides of pete and its fascinated me
d)The developing relationship between pete and the fantastic four has been a real joy to read for me, its completely different from 616 (aside from johnny and pete) and it's good to see.
e) fight scenes there's been plenty of and they are for the most part (aside from a two page section in the latest issue which is just, well, murky) rendered well with lots of energy and clarity

What I'm unsure of
a) carnage-gwen this makes sense if they took a sample of gwens dna post death because she had been attacked by carnage, comic science allows something to have been transferred I suppose but where does the clone go from here?
b)aunt may does I really don't want her to know, not cause of the whole "everyone knows his identity thing" but because he needs to have someone in his home life not know so he has a proper peter/spidey dichotomy. It's easy to live 2 lives like that if you don't have to hide it and the book will lose something. I'm hoping for amnesia on this one.

Anyway it's not finished and my mind may change before the end but it's certainly better than the black cat arc and the strange arc IMO.

I've lost hope that an ending will save it. Bendis gets some of the small moments right, but you can take that for granted. A few kernals of corn in a long fat turd don't make it corn-on-the-cob. Yes, a vulgar analogy, so be it. And IMO, The Black Cat arc and the Strange 2-parter were leagues better than this. My main criticism of those two arcs were; "why is Spider-Man helpless against females who are well below his power range" and "why did we need a hokey team-up with Dr. Strange Jr. and Nightmare to have him FINALLY react and sulk to Gwen's death?" But, SUPERSTARS (I read it in trade) were basically some plots left over from UMTU to me.

I'm officially done talking about USM this week. I'm sick of it.

How about X-MEN FIRST CLASS #5? It had Thor. :D And Jeff Parker has really impressed me this year with some good ol' school stuff. Or Slott's new JLA CLASSIFIED thing? Normally everyone is all over Slott like white on rice.
I do disagree with the feeling that the Ultimate line is useless, although I do agree that it probably hooked more "old fans wanting something new and continuity free" than "genuine new readers", probably by a ratio of 4:1. However, it has developed updated ways to do some of the origins for movie studios; some bits of Raimi's SPIDER-MAN were lifted right from Ultimate when the 60's stuff was outdated (i.e., a genetic super-spider vs. a "radioactive" spider). However, I'm glad Raimi didn't use the Bendis/Bagley "Hulk-Goblin". But that's another topic.

Curious...when I saw the movie I actually laughed out loud when I saw how his powers were manifesting because I thought: "WOW! They're using Spider Man 2099's explanation for the powers." It's the only Spidey title I can say that I've collected and enjoyed (the last issues were kinda meh, though).
Ultimate has seen some good stories and creative revamps, but it has seen it's downturns. The creative teams have gotten more B-List and Bendis is obviously out of steam on USM. He needs a co-writer badly. He's willing to work with Reed on THE ILLUMINATI, why not bring him along for USM? Or hell, Jeff Parker would work too. I mean he writes X-MEN: FIRST CLASS and SPIDER-MAN LOVES MJ, doesn't he?

That's Sean McKeever.

The only review I wish I'd been harder on was Infinite Crisis. Maybe I'm solidifying my Pro-Marvel stance, maybe I'm still feeling burned by DC's Bull**** hardcover changes, but that "story" was a piece of crap, especially when compared to Identity Crisis, which was probably the finest DC story I've ever read.
Why are people surprised that I wasn't the only one hating the EMUSIC thing? Anyway, reprints are a good collateral move, and also brillient because now the first prints will be worth more, if they're undamaged.

Also, not sure many of you have noticed, but I'm a bit like Daffy Duck. I live to complain, and usually am funniest when I am.

Not really.
That's Sean McKeever.

The only review I wish I'd been harder on was Infinite Crisis. Maybe I'm solidifying my Pro-Marvel stance, maybe I'm still feeling burned by DC's Bull**** hardcover changes, but that "story" was a piece of crap, especially when compared to Identity Crisis, which was probably the finest DC story I've ever read.
Weird. Jeff Parker kept including that title in his X-MEN: FIRST CLASS letters pages solicts, along with the next issue of that book and AGENTS OF ATLAS, so I assumed that he, like Kirkman, used the letters column to solict books he wrote. Oh, well. Guess he figures people who like that book may like SPIDER-MAN LOVES MJ, and he may be right. I won't read it, though. I'm a man. Men don't read/watch teen soap operas...or at least don't admit it. Even though men usually write them. I won't explain illogic. ;)

I was probably too easy on INFINITE CRISIS too, considering I'm not a hardcore DC fan and it was more epic and entertaining to me than HOM, which was Marvel's event when that started. Plus, y'know, it had superhero trappings like villians, epic battles and rising over adversity to triumph, genre expectations modern Marvel believes are unrealistic and outdated. Yet they forget that those expectations are iconic, and timeless.

I mean, it's not very "realistic" for a skinny, half naked teenage girl to be able to kill a manical serial killer who can easily overpower buff jocks, armed cops, and so on, but it's a typical cliche in horror movies and studies have shown that movie genre to be the most reliable for box office profits over time. Plus, it develops said girl's character usually. Time was, Marvel understood that if realism, or at least bitter cynicism giving the illusion of realism, had to fly out the window to develop a character, out it went. Oh, well. Least there's ANNIHILATION. And eventually Marvel will allow CW to end and some new growth may emerge from the scorched earth.
More reviews. Short and Sweet

Detective Chimp and the Helmet of Fate - An interesting story in it's own right but more a shoe try on book than an actual search for an owner for the helmet.

USM - Stupid, just stupid.

UXM - I can't believe that happened. There's finally some interesting tension in the story, the whole "I'm in Love with Jean" thing at the end of 77, and now it will probably go unresolved. Or it will get resolved without any of real conflict between scott and professor X. Kinda pisssed me off, but at least this ****ty Ultimate cable story is over for now.
The airplane scene rocked, too bad the rest of the movie couldn't keep it up.

I hated the fact that all it did was rehash the first film.

Superman The Movie:

Lex Luthor real estate scheme
Mrs. Tessmacher
Stupid henchman
over the top action sequence that pulls you out of the movie: Rotating the Earth the opposite direction so that time goes backwards.

Superman Returns:

Lex Luthor real estate scheme
Kitty (Essentially Mrs. Tessmacher)
Stupid henchman (That Lex Luthor still wouldn't consider employing)
Over the top action sequence that pulls you out of the movie: Superman lifting essentially a continent of Kryptonite all the way to space without dieing a horrible painful death.

Not only that but it did other things that the first movie didn't do:

Added a super child :down
Made a teeny bopper surfer chick Lois Lane :down
Made a Superman movie two and a half hours with about fifteen minutes worth of action. :down
Made Superman into a home wrecker that took Lois flying in hopes that she would leave Richard for him. (He even tried to kiss her, and SHE had to stop him...he didn't do it, SHE had to.)

Sorry, for a die hard Superman pains me to hate a Superman movie so much, but Brian Singer found a way to do it.

Very nice. Those thoughts couldn't be any more accurate. Gotta say though, stopping a bullet with his eye was still one of my favorite film moments for that year.
Very nice. Those thoughts couldn't be any more accurate. Gotta say though, stopping a bullet with his eye was still one of my favorite film moments for that year.

And even that was ripped off from an issue of Supreme Power, where it was tem times cooler.
I'm gonna keep my eye on Jeff Parker for now on.

I will too.

When X-MEN FIRST CLASS first started, I wondered what it's point was in the X-verse as a whole, being yet another "tales from XM Year One" sort of story. But after these past few months, it's become a feel-good pleasure to read, much as AGENTS OF ATLAS was. Plus, hey, full stories in every issue! A writer unafraid of actual villians, or action, or even some cheese, yet does it seriously! Yeah, Parker's there on the "geek list" with Kirkman, Slott, Vaughan, and Reed now for me.
I will too.

When X-MEN FIRST CLASS first started, I wondered what it's point was in the X-verse as a whole, being yet another "tales from XM Year One" sort of story. But after these past few months, it's become a feel-good pleasure to read, much as AGENTS OF ATLAS was. Plus, hey, full stories in every issue! A writer unafraid of actual villians, or action, or even some cheese, yet does it seriously! Yeah, Parker's there on the "geek list" with Kirkman, Slott, Vaughan, and Reed now for me.

Definately. The fact that the guy writes and does art for various books as well makes him a true rarity. Marvel NEEDS to get this guy an ongoing.

If you want any more information on him here's his website

Definately one to watch over the next year :up:
I will too.

When X-MEN FIRST CLASS first started, I wondered what it's point was in the X-verse as a whole, being yet another "tales from XM Year One" sort of story. But after these past few months, it's become a feel-good pleasure to read, much as AGENTS OF ATLAS was. Plus, hey, full stories in every issue! A writer unafraid of actual villians, or action, or even some cheese, yet does it seriously! Yeah, Parker's there on the "geek list" with Kirkman, Slott, Vaughan, and Reed now for me.

It's funny, but it's like theres this group of writers at MARVEL who truly embody what Stan and all the other old timers stood for and keep the pure superheroics alive at MARVEL, yet it's like the they play second string too the *****ebags,pompus,arrogant yet talented *******s like BMB,Ellis,Millar,JMS and Ennis. It's like theres two factions at Marvel.

Oldschool vs Newschool.

We need a thread for this.
It's funny, but it's like theres this group of writers at MARVEL who truly embody what Stan and all the other old timers stood for and keep the pure superheroics alive at MARVEL, yet it's like the they play second string too the *****ebags,pompus,arrogant yet talented *******s like BMB,Ellis,Millar,JMS and Ennis. It's like theres two factions at Marvel.

Oldschool vs Newschool.

We need a thread for this.

Yeah, we definitely need a thread for creator bashing people we've never met. :whatever:
I don't usually do reviews, because like Marcdachamp, I tend to buy what I like. Sometimes stinkers slip through, but I'm happier if I quickly bag them and forget them (leading to one of the great tragic ironies in my comic book reading life: bad ones are taken care of the best, while good ones I'll read over and over.) And frankly, if you like something, what can you say besides, "Hey, I really liked that issue." And people will quickly start calling you a tool or shill for Marvel because you're not cool enough to spout off about everything and "keep it real" and "stick it to the Man." Or whatever. For me, I don't see any need or worth to hyper-analyzing these things. I just want to enjoy them.

I've been trying to figure out why Dread (and some others) really Hate USM lately. Especially this last storyline (I still can't drag myself to call them arcs; see how weird I am.) I sort of liked the goofiness of it. And one of Dread's comments on it finally cleared it up for me. Outside of the initial origin issues, which I thought were written perfectly, I never thought this was a Great title. Good. Certainly good enough to keep me buying. But not top of the list. For me (and TMOB will love hearing this), the whole run has been average, and maybe a little above at times. But hey, I'll take a religiously on-time slightly above average title any day over one that is Great and comes out every three or four months like Ultimates. And I think that's why you guys hate these average issues so much, because you thought so much more of the title than I ever did.
I never thought the book was all that good either. Which is why I dumped it after Carnage and never looked back. I wouldn't call it overrated, but, it's the only word that comes to mind.
I hate anything with Ultimate, a few exceptions of course. This was one of them. Is he still 15?
For me (and TMOB will love hearing this), the whole run has been average, and maybe a little above at times. But hey, I'll take a religiously on-time slightly above average title any day over one that is Great and comes out every three or four months like Ultimates. And I think that's why you guys hate these average issues so much, because you thought so much more of the title than I ever did.

I never thought the book was all that good either. Which is why I dumped it after Carnage and never looked back. I wouldn't call it overrated, but, it's the only word that comes to mind.

:yay: :yay: :yay:

Even at it's best it was a cabbage fart with a slight hint of rust..
I like cabbage, but the gas afterwards, horrible.
It's funny, but it's like theres this group of writers at MARVEL who truly embody what Stan and all the other old timers stood for and keep the pure superheroics alive at MARVEL, yet it's like the they play second string too the *****ebags,pompus,arrogant yet talented *******s like BMB,Ellis,Millar,JMS and Ennis. It's like theres two factions at Marvel.

Oldschool vs Newschool.

We need a thread for this.

Just to play Devil's Advocate, Dan Slott is being handed a big profile CIVIL WAR mini and has taken part in Marvel's "Counsel of Elders" style meetings with Joe Q, the editors, and Bendis, JMS, Millar, Loeb, etc. And both Vaughan and Kirkman were deemed worthy enough to write ULTIMATE X-MEN, which is usually a Top 20-30 book. Even if Kirkman's run on that has easily been his weakest at Marvel for me. Marvel's also tried to amp Vaughan's RUNAWAYS this year and cares for the property, including them in FCBD, including them in a CW mini that sold in the Top 35, and making sure to attach an A-Lister to the title when Vaughan leaves. Plus, they're even getting a spin off with THE LONERS.

HOWEVER, in terms of styles of writing, yes, there seem to be writers who do "old school" and writers who do "destroy the school because it's shocking". And many of those older school, lower profile writers get props at the boards and pop up on various wish lists for pretty much any title under the sun: Slott, Vaughan, Kirkman, Fraction, McKeever, Brian Reed, and now Jeff Parker. Least for me.

As for people who said that USM was never "great", just usually good or sometimes above good into nifty...I won't dispute. I've said all I want to say about USM and my feelings on it this week.

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