The Force Awakens Box-Office: Star Wars Episode VII vs Avatar 2


All Mighty
Feb 11, 2011
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This thread is not to discuss which will be the better story, but which will make more money, i didn't count Avengers 2 or Justice League because i think these 2 are more connected to each other, both are continuations of a popular science fiction film series that has broken records.

From what it seems some of the original actors of the original trilogy may come back, that will probably give the new trilogy a bigger hype.

Which on is going to make more money in 2015? Star Wars Episode VII or Avatar 2? Can any of them even break Avatar 1's record?
I don't think either will break Avatar 1's record. But Star Wars is going to wreck Avatar 2.

I've legitimately never heard anyone in real life talk about Avatar, the only reason it made so much is because of the amazing special effects. The sequel won't do bad, but it won't be a box office juggernaut like the original was.
Avatar 2 is coming out in 2015...? Damn, talk about a massive year for movies. That's going to be the biggest year we've ever gotten if these movies aren't delayed.

Just checked, and it says that the earliest is 2015 but Avatar 2 might be delayed until after 2015. Star Wars will make more if both come out the same year, though.
2015 will definitelly be a big year for movies, and will easily surpass 2012 if the films aren't delayed.
The more time goes on, the less I care about an Avatar sequel. Especially now that we have more important things to be getting on to, like Star Wars. :oldrazz:
If Ford, Hamill and Fisher all return, it will destroy Avatar. Otherwise, probably not.
I don't think them returning will decide if Episode 7 beats Avatar 2. It would help, but people are going to watch a new Star Wars movie regardless of them showing up.
There's no way SW will beat Avatar 2. Cameron knows what kind of stories to write to maximize audience appeal. Coupling that with the promise that every movie of his lately is also a technology advancement... yeah, no way SW will beat it. Unfortunately.
There's no way SW will beat Avatar 2. Cameron knows what kind of stories to write to maximize audience appeal. Coupling that with the promise that every movie of his lately is also a technology advancement... yeah, no way SW will beat it. Unfortunately.

I think it would depend a lot on the director and cast for VII ... I would give it a small chance.
I don't think either will break Avatar 1's record. But Star Wars is going to wreck Avatar 2.

I've legitimately never heard anyone in real life talk about Avatar, the only reason it made so much is because of the amazing special effects. The sequel won't do bad, but it won't be a box office juggernaut like the original was.

Pretty much this. Avatar really was fantastic in regards to its effects, but the story has been done before, and I think done better. I really haven't even heard of anyone clamoring for Avatar 2, and if I wasn't a huge Star Wars fan, I couldn't imagine myself ever clamoring for another Avatar where likely the villians would be the returning humans. It just feels boring to me. Star Wars has so many possibilities, and me being such a huge fan just makes it that much easier to say I think SW will win out, at least in terms of being abetter film.

I own Avatar on Blu, and after watching the DC, I realized how much I could go without ever watching it again. I like it, but its kind of like Independence Day: Amazing the first time, but nearly unwatchable to me after that.
I think SW deserves more than just a small chance of beating Avatar 2 in the BO.
Stupid Avatar. Thats all i got.
Lets be real people the Prequels did a lot of damage to Star Wars, the release and the cartoon movie made very little money and Avatar has a good fan base. This isn't hands down Star Wars VII.
Lets be real people the Prequels did a lot of damage to Star Wars, the release and the cartoon movie made very little money and Avatar has a good fan base. This isn't hands down Star Wars VII.

Most of the GA seemed to like the prequels. It's really only the fanboys that complain about them.
I think SW deserves more than just a small chance of beating Avatar 2 in the BO.

I want to agree with you, but I just don't think it's realistic. Cameron writes FX movies first, love stories second and good drama/narrative third. SW isn't about that (I know some people will say the PT was exactly that), so it will always come second.
Most of the GA seemed to like the prequels. It's really only the fanboys that complain about them.

From my encounters, people just like the Star Wars series as a whole. What I've gotten a lot though, is that people like the new ones but prefer the originals including younger people.
Heard quite the opposite from younger people, actually.
Heard quite the opposite from younger people, actually.

Then they'll grow up and know the truth! ;)

Heck, I thought Return of the Jedi was the best out of the OT til I reached my teens.
I don't think so. Even younger people in 1999 (like me) grew up to still liking the PT more. It's only antural. Let's not forget that a considerable amount of fans or viewers in general like something because of it defining their childhood in some way. FFS, some people like Diamonds Are Forever because of the latter reason.

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