The Dark Knight Rises Bring Back the Batcave! - Part 1

The new BATCAVE under Wayne Manor is lit by fluorescent lights, with spotlights on ten displays cases. The BAT-COMPUTER sits in a corner, covered from condensation and other waters by a hood. Next to the computer is the case holding the BATSUIT. Near the waterfall is the BAT-POD, as there is no current BATMOBILE. BRUCE WAYNE stands near the DISPLAY CASES, ALFRED enters.

Master Wayne.

CUT TO- Bruce looking at the contents of the DISPLAY cases. He walks past them. In one, the ORGINAL BATSUIT he wore during his first months as THE BATMAN. In the next, the MASK OF THE SCARECROW. In the third, an empty vial of the FEAR TOXIN ANTIDOTE. The fourth contains THE CALLING CARD OF THE JOKER. Wayne stops.


Miss Kyle called, she said she would be unable to make it to dinner tonight.

Just as well, since this Riddler figure. I haven't seen anyone so obsessed with Batman since....

BRUCE looks at the CALLING CARD.

Since him. I still hear his laugh in my dreams, Alfred. I still hear the echo of the things he said to me.

Then why, sir, do you place trophies from your adventures in such plain sight? Some would say you are honoring them.

BRUCE hesitates, walks to the next (fifth) DISPLAY CASE. Inside is the COIN that belonged to HARVEY DENT, as well as a "I BELIEVE IN HARVEY DENT" BUTTON.

No, I've made this little museum to remember... what I've faced.

CUT-TO: WAYNE facing the five still-empty DISPLAY CASES.

And what I still have to face. I worry I'm going to need more then ten cases...

I think that the Bat-Cave should come back in any third installment. My ideas can sort of be found in the "write your own scene" thing I replicated above.

What do you think? Should the Bat-cave and Wayne Manor come back rebuilt, or should he stay in the Bat-Bunker/Garage?
Keeping everything hidden is a great idea carried over from the bat-bunker. To my knowledge it's never been implemented in the comics or anything else.
The bat bunker was pretty meh. Almost anything would be an improvement over that. That said, I'm still not sure how to feel about this new cave setup.

It's like the Burton and Schumacher Batcaves had a baby...and it grew up and decided to be emo.

I don't dislike it...the cave around the new stuff still kicks ass, and its serviceable. They got the obvious elements right, and the idea of the water hiding it is pretty cool.

Who's he hiding stuff from, though? And why, storywise? And when did all this get done if he retired from being Batman after THE DARK KNIGHT?
I'm still not sure how to feel about this new cave setup.

It's like the Burton and Schumacher Batcaves had a baby...and it grew up and decided to be emo.

I don't dislike it...its serviceable. They got the obvious elements right, and the idea of the water hiding it is pretty cool.

Who's he hiding it from?

And when did all this get done if he retired from being Batman after THE DARK KNIGHT?
I pretty much like it. There's not too much for me to hate about it. I said this last night, but its not my ideal Batcave, but I think it works for these films.

And I think he had it made whenever the Bunker was made. Not sure, and I really don't care that much, either.
I'm just thrilled they didn't cover up the cave walls and make it into a bunker, or that Silver Age "gymnasium" Batcave.
I'm just thrilled they didn't cover up the cave walls and make it into a bunker, or that Silver Age "gymnasium" Batcave.
Same here, I was getting a bit scared that they would.
I like the little makeshift setup from Begins better, but whatever, I'm glad the cave itself is back.
I'll admit the cave looks a little odd so far with the single square-shaped center platform, but we need to all be cognisant of the fact that the only wide shots of the cave we have so far are from during Bruce's retirement. I think the cave will look great when the other possible platforms are activated. Right now, I really like the contrast of the harsh white lighting and the pitch black of the stone in the cave.
This is the description of the cave from the Dark Knight Manual
"The success of the stripped-down bunker prompted the upgrade of the cave beneath Wayne Manor, with a renewed sense of porportion. It had begun as a much rawer space, and now could be streamlined, sparse, and transformable. The stone solitude of the bunker inspired the creation of a series of dark slate obelisks, which could rise and fall, thanks to a hydraulic system, depending on their specific needs. Each part of the new nerve center sat atop one of these massive slate cubes, making them all easily accessible. The movable stone slabs can disappear into the ground, giving the impression-should outsiders approach- that it is merely an inactive, unremarkable cave.
Our surveillance equipment was expanded yet again, as were the database and streaming capabilities. Vehichle storage and readiness were crucial to the functionality of the cave. The Bat, and aircraft developed by Wayne Enterprises R&D, was recently added to the arsenal, and this flying vehicle is stored on a hydraulic stone slab as well. Bridges and ramps have also been constructed inside the cave, allowing freedom of movement from one area to the next. These have proven quite helpful for transport of equipment."

And here are some pics of the cave I've found

If Bruce had given up on everything, why even continue with the construction of the cave after the end of Batman? Though, it did seem rather sparse and minimal compared to other Batcaves I'm used to. Perhaps what there is in the film was completed before he hung up the cowl?
So what did everyone think of the cave now that we've seen the movie?

This was pretty much the extent of what we saw of the cave





Not the cave we deserved but a Batcave nonetheless

Shame we never got a new Batmobile. I'm expecting the reboot to use alot of the batmobile to make up for Nolan's.
I was pleasantly surprised by the "Batcave" we got in this film. I expected and hoped more of the cave's tech would be contained in the manor foundation portion. It kind of bugged me (if only from from a subjective aesthetic standpoint) that the work stations looked "waterlogged." At times I thought the smooth, wet platforms looked dangerously slippery as if to require a "caution: wet floor" sign lol. Overall, for both security and spacial economy, it's perhaps the most practical Batcave design so far IMHO. However, this by no means makes it my favorite.
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Seeing Wayne walking out and about the Batcave without his cowl though was so awesome. Loved that scene.
Seeing Wayne walking out and about the Batcave without his cowl though was so awesome. Loved that scene.
I had a grin on my face, very cool to see. Would've liked to have seen more of that type of thing, but what we got was nice.
Seeing Wayne walking out and about the Batcave without his cowl though was so awesome. Loved that scene.

I LOVED that too. It was one of the few times in a comicbook movie where it felt natural to see the Superhero without his mask but still in his battle armor. I would have liked one more scene like this.
If Bruce had given up on everything, why even continue with the construction of the cave after the end of Batman? Though, it did seem rather sparse and minimal compared to other Batcaves I'm used to. Perhaps what there is in the film was completed before he hung up the cowl?

If he didn't complete the Batcave during TDK, I think it's possible he did it during the few years he worked on the clean energy project; that kept him distracted prevented him from falling into depression for a while.

And Alfred did say that Bruce hadn't been down in the Batcave for a while, which means he must have spent some time there when he moved back to the manor.
The more I think about it, the more I just kind of find it boring. Just sort of is what it is.

It seems extraneous to have a platform that rises from the water into the air when he wasn't even Batman to use it after the events of TDK. It feels a little forced that this version of the cave was ever completed if he stopped being Batman.

I do like the nod to the staircase in this design, but the upgrade was obviously designed this way so they didn't have to rebuild the cave in its entirety, which looked fantasic in BATMAN BEGINS. I think a lot of the great visuals of the cave were lost this time around. I really think I prefer the "makeshift" cave we got in BEGINS.
I'm glad we got to see the Batcave and for what it's worth since Bruce hadn't been Batman for 8 years since TDK. What we got I was more than satisfied . Also I liked that we revisited the Bat bunker location from TDK.

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