The Dark Knight Bruce the genius - When will we see that brain power?

Apr 23, 2007
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We've already heard that we will see the dark knights detective skills in the Batman Begins sequel but what about putting that brain of his to good use?

In many of the comics Bruce is a really intelligent man, he can solve puzzles, crack formula's and design gadgets etc

This series seems to be relying on people like Alfred and Fox to be Bruce's brain and he himself is just the muscle. I wouldn't mind seeing him working on a vehicle, even if it's just at the design stage.

What are other peoples thoughts on this?
Well lyk u said- his detective skills are going to be shown and i think that requires some brain power
Well he already uses his intelligence to out wit his foes. Althought Joker might be a tough one to handle. :hoboj:
Well he already uses his intelligence to out wit his foes. Althought Joker might be a tough one to handle. :hoboj:

hell yeah
no one knows what goes on in his head

joker's plots are always a mystery until the end
like joker has said before
"Whats a joke without the punchline"
We've already heard that we will see the dark knights detective skills in the Batman Begins sequel but what about putting that brain of his to good use?

In many of the comics Bruce is a really intelligent man, he can solve puzzles, crack formula's and design gadgets etc

This series seems to be relying on people like Alfred and Fox to be Bruce's brain and he himself is just the muscle. I wouldn't mind seeing him working on a vehicle, even if it's just at the design stage.

What are other peoples thoughts on this?
Doesn't he drop out of school in Batman Begins? I remember something like that happening right before Joe Chill's trial....
Doesn't he drop out of school in Batman Begins? I remember something like that happening right before Joe Chill's trial....

Yeah. It would have been nice though to say he was pre-med or something though, in order to set-up his character's brainpower.
Yeah. It would have been nice though to say he was pre-med or something though, in order to set-up his character's brainpower.
I guess they screwed that up! Maybe he goes back to school and finally gets his GED.
Yeah, he went to Princeton, and liked it fine, but they just didn't feel the same way.
I kind of prefer him just being a really intelligent man. Not a genius to the point where he can invent anything he needs. Just really driven and learned.
Going to school has little or nothing to do with someone's intelligence - you acquire knowledge, skills, etc., but smart people are intelligent without that. Just because someone can tell you exactly how the muscles and tendons in your legs allow you to stand erect, walk, run, etc. does not mean they're intelligent (although it is likely that mostly intelligent people will want to know that in the first place), it means they've done their research.

While there is some correlation when it comes to going to school and being smart, the former does not cause the latter.
yeah i always felt that you don't need a piece of paper to tell you how smart you are
I guess they screwed that up! Maybe he goes back to school and finally gets his GED.

Well, its better if they didn't say anything. That way they can fill in the blanks when they decide to focus on his intelligence. So they did the opposite of screwing up, IMO.
It's also better that he's underestimated by the public. He dropped out of college, so he's a moronic, self-centred, irresponsible heir to a family fortune.
Bruce is more like an idea man . . . he knows enough to fix his own stuff if need be, but I wouldn't say he's a supergenius . . . just very strong-witted and uses the right people for the job . . .

he's just a clever detective . . . he wouldn't be able to formulate an antidote to fear toxin, but knows a guy who can . . . and he outsmarted Earle too . . . . but needed help for that too . . .
Bruce in Begins honestly seemed like a man of very average intelligence. It'd be nice to see him portrayed as smarter in TDK.

Personally, I never liked thinking of him as the "smartest man in the DCU" because it made him basically superhuman. So atleast they're not overdoing it.
We can't have it all in TDK...I'd save the brain power for BB3/SOTB. If there's a city wide freaks vs mob or freaks vs freaks war, he'll need it to strategize and save his city. :brucebat:

Im confident we will see more of Detective Batman but sucks to see our looking so depress and in emotional hell as always.
Going to school has little or nothing to do with someone's intelligence - you acquire knowledge, skills, etc., but smart people are intelligent without that. Just because someone can tell you exactly how the muscles and tendons in your legs allow you to stand erect, walk, run, etc. does not mean they're intelligent (although it is likely that mostly intelligent people will want to know that in the first place), it means they've done their research.

While there is some correlation when it comes to going to school and being smart, the former does not cause the latter.
I like this response, I think that they will probably show how he gets his Bat-Smarts by actually being Batman for a long time and not by having gone to school. Maybe that's the only type of smarts the guy has; detective smarts?
I like this response, I think that they will probably show how he gets his Bat-Smarts by actually being Batman for a long time and not by having gone to school. Maybe that's the only type of smarts the guy has; detective smarts?

Thanks :word:

Really, when one is intelligent, they already have the capacity for critical thinking and the like - this is why Bruce is more likely to be a good detective without any of the technical knowledge; because he naturally has an above- average intelligence. I can see how his application of knowledge far surpasses general knowledge that one would gain from schooling, imo
Bruce in Begins honestly seemed like a man of very average intelligence. It'd be nice to see him portrayed as smarter in TDK.

Personally, I never liked thinking of him as the "smartest man in the DCU" because it made him basically superhuman. So atleast they're not overdoing it.

I agree but i would say above average intelligence. what i want to see is more though one thing with BB bruce is i dont get the aura of a very intelligent man as i did with B89 bruce you didnt need to show him (B89 Bruce) solving a dozen problems just watch his facial features where you can see his brain working overtime i would call it a just under the skin burning intelligence its a feeling i dont get with BB bruce with the return of Lucius Fox in TDK i dont think we are going to see much more then we did with BB on the intelligence front.:csad:

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