Build the DC Cinematic Universe


All Mighty
Feb 11, 2011
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I'm Basically copying this thread from another forum, the following is an exact copy of the first post in that thread and answer.
Build the DCCU how you think it should be done. Criticisms are open. However, you have to start with what we have now, meaning your plans must include:

1. Batfleck
2. Arrow and Flash TV shows
3. What comes out of Batman/Superman

You can split the Arrow/Flash shows into their own universe or keep them in continuity with the films. In addition, you're limited to one film a year up until 2018 (because that's how WB roles right now). You can put in the casting for who you think should get the role for each character.

Also post a general plot synopsis of the films and how they make sense in the context of everything else DC has going on.

Now Here's my take:

-Loose Batman continuity where Batman has been around and has faced the Joker, the scarecrow and possibly Ra's All Ghul & Bane.
-The Man of Steel
-Arrow/ Flash Show
-World's Finest
-Wonder Woman
-Possible Batfleck spin-off and another Superman solo movie
-Justice League (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, John Stewart, and The Flash), i prefer Hal Jordan and don't think Stewart can really hold his oun movie but for a team-up, to give more diversity to the League and to distance themselves from the GL movie failure then Stewart is the best road to take.

If they want to go the Trilogy road then they should wait until the 3rd film for Darkseid, either way, whenever they decide to use Darkseid, then Batman should sacrífice himself in a similar way to Final Crisis in order to defeat the villain.
If the tv-verse and movie-verse were one and the same, this is how I see each character making their debut.

Big screen for the big-three (Snyder's zero-issue-esque trilogy)

2013 - Superman in 'Man of Steel'
2015 - Batman in 'World's Finest'
2017 - Wonder Woman in 'Justice League'

and at the same time on TV:

2014 - Bruce Wayne in "Gotham". Have season 1 start with the Wayne's death, and end with Gordan finally meeting Batman in his first year
2014 - The Flash in 'Arrow' season 2, and later gets his own show.
2016 - Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) in 'The Flash' season 2 with an entire Barry&Hal arc, and later has an arc with Oliver in 'Arrow' season 4.
John 'Stewart' Diggle gets a ring in the season 4 finale and joins the 2017 JL movie.

I also wouldn't be opposed to having different actors for film and tv, even if they're in the same continuity (perhaps if there's a time-gap between the shows and the JL movie)



2018 The Green Lantern Corps (Blomkamp), The Flash (Boyle),
2019 Wonder Woman (Wyatt), Superman: The Man of Tomorrow (Brad Bird)
2020 Batman: The Dark Detective (Affleck)
2021 Justice League: Rise of Atlantis (Snyder)

2022 War of the Lanterns (Johnson), Flash To the Past (Jones)
2023 King of Atlantis (Jackson), Wonder Woman & The New Gods (Del Toro)
2024 Justice League: The New Frontier (Snyder)

then recasts
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If you mean the progression of the story, I'd say it goes in this order:

1) Bruce has been Batman for one year
2) Season 1 of Arrow/Batman's year two
3) The events of Man of Steel/Season 2 of Arrow(?)
4) The rest of Season 2 of Arrow, the beginning of the Flash show, then the events of World's Finest (or Batman vs. Superman or whatever)
5) However much more of the Flash show that will go with guest appearances from both Arrow characters and hopefully Hal Jordan GL
6) Either a proper MoS sequel with an after credits scene of Wonder Woman's landing in man's world or Justice League with a heavy focus on Wonder Woman's origin.
If I was DC, I would try to get the Dark section of the universe running. The best and easiest option would be to greenlight del Toro's 'Dark' project and starting a small wave of films based on it. Use them to pave the way for a proper Sandman franchise. If they would work with Gaiman and create a terrific adaptation, it would blow everything Marvel has out of the water.
I strangelly don't feel excited by GUillermo Del Toro's DC Dark film at all. Many of those franchise would probably work better as TV Shows. One thing DC should do different with their strategy is not to go with the usual post-credits scenes/ promotion for the next films, probably trying for each film to stand very well on its oun.
Thinking better about it this is how i think it should play out, i'll divide it into Phases to make it easier but i don't think DC should follow Marvel's same pattern on that:

Phase I:

-The Man of Steel directed by Zack Snyder
-Green Arrow and the Flash are expanded upon on their respective TV shows
-Superman/ Batman Crossover Movie directed by Zack Snider

Phase II
-The Man of Steel sequel directed by Zack Snyder
-Batman Solo film Directed by Ben Affleck
-Wonder Woman Directed by Refn
-Trinity (Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman) possibly directed by Zack Snyder

Phase III:
-The Man of Steel 3
-Possibly Wonder Woman 2 and Batfleck Sequel
-Justice League (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, John Stewart as Green Lantern, the Flash and possibly Martian Manhunter)

After that they could expand upon other properties, like making an Aquaman film and introducing him in Justice League 2, and making a Green Lantern Corps film.
2013-Man of Steel.
2015-World's Finest.
2016-Wonder Woman and Justice League Dark (GDT).
2017-Flash and Man of Steel 3.
2018-Justice League (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman, and Black Canary).
2020-Green Lantern reboot.
I'd also explore the possibility of lesser know character getting there own films. Also, you can have Arrow be in the same continuity as the DCU IF you can explain the timeline with Man of Steel (Superman is supposed to be the first superhero, yet there is no mention of the events of MOS in Arrow, fix that and you're good).
2013 - Man of Steel
2015 - World's Finest
2016 - Wonder Woman
2017 - Justice League
2018 Man of Steel 3, The Batman
2019 - Wonder Woman 2, Aquaman
2020 Justice League 2,
I strangelly don't feel excited by GUillermo Del Toro's DC Dark film at all. Many of those franchise would probably work better as TV Shows. One thing DC should do different with their strategy is not to go with the usual post-credits scenes/ promotion for the next films, probably trying for each film to stand very well on its oun.
There's no way that you'd have the budget to do those franchises on TV and do them properly, a movie, especially a Del Toro movie, works much better.
As shows like Buffy and Supernatural have shown they can be done in television very well, expecially Hellblazer.
As shows like Buffy and Supernatural have shown they can be done in television very well, expecially Hellblazer.
Buffy and Angel in no way had the budget to make Swamp Thing convincing, if you wanted to show the full extent of his abilities. Hellblazer had all kinds of apocalyptic **** that was only briefly shown in Buffy, again because of the budget. Deadman is the same way. I want to see these epic characters and their worlds on the big screen, that is the proper place for them.
I wouldn't be surprised if JLD is shelved and WB/DC focuses just on the A-List heroes for now.
When i was talking about Justice League Dark characters on tv i didn't mean Swamp Thing, i only read the first issues, and if i remember correctly it didn't have Swamp Thing, i would actually like to see a film of Swamp Thing and Animal Man.

Hellblazer and Deadman have the premieses of TV shows in my opinion, one is a detective about the paranormal and the other is a ghost who can possess people and takes over their bodies in order to save them. That right there is good TV show material that could feed a lot of story arcs and one-episode stories, it almost writes itself.
2015: The World's Finest
2016: Wonder Woman, The Flash
2017: Man of Steel 2
2018: The Justice League
2019: Dark Universe
I'm hoping everything is connected now. Arrow, Flash, Constantine, Gotham, Man of Steel and beyond..

As long as Gustin is good enough as Flash that is
I'm hoping everything is connected now. Arrow, Flash, Constantine, Gotham, Man of Steel and beyond..

As long as Gustin is good enough as Flash that is

Yeah, it's hard to say right now.

For all we know, Gustin could be really bad and we won't get a Flash show (and he won't appear in Arrow again), in which they'll just recast for the movies.

Or a recast for the Flash show, and the new guy could possibly be in the movie. Who knows.
Assuming that the TV shows do exist inside Man of Steel(as it's unconfirmed still yes?)

"Phase 1"
Arrow Season 1(2012-2013)-->Introduces Green Arrow
Man of Steel(2013)-->Introduces big event(ie the Alien Invasion of Kryptonians) that shakes up the world and acts as the wake up call for all the crazy stuff like Metahumans out of the woodwork and introduces Superman
Arrow Season 2(2013-)-->Fleshes out Green Arrow, Introduces Flash
Flash Season 1((2014)-->Flash is fleshed out, world starts to come to grips with Metahumans, aliens etc
Superman/Batman(2015)-->Introduces Batman, Fleshes out Superman, Introduces Lex Luthor. Seeds are sown for a Justice League that Superman and Batman build together as well as Secret Society where Lex Luthor=The Anti-Nick Fury
Wonder Woman(2016)-->Introduces Wonder Woman, it's pretty much self contained, only at the final scene we see hint at JL

Some optional ideas if they want to add something other than/as well as Wonder Woman:

Aquaman(2016)--->Introduces Aquaman, following the origin story. Geoff Johns is tapped to write the script and says he'll characterize him just like new 52 Aquaman, fans go wild, general public finally likes Aquaman and takes him seriously. As well as that, James Cameron is confirmed to direct.:o

Green Lantern reboot(2016)--->John Stewart is the Green Lantern for the Justice League movie, and this will be his movie, however he's not the only human Green Lantern in existence. We find that Hal Jordan does exist, and is a superior/mentor figure to John as he evolves into the great hero he's meant to be and proves himself to be the best Lantern for Sector 2814. The catch with this is, he's got to be cast young, so not likely Idris Elba will be cast. The ideal antagonist could be the Red Lantern army. At the end of the movie, the Guardians of the Universe receive a distress call coming from a downed Martian ship on Earth, John Stewart is then sent to investigate.

Justice League(2017)--->Superman & Batman bring together Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and Aquaman to fight off a coming threat. I'll leave it to TPTB to decide, preferably Starro or Braniac. You could introduce other street level heroes like Green Arrow or Black Canary in lesser minor character roles(or even cameos) just to make the universe more cohesive.

"Phase 2"(these are more or less random ideas, they could go, but I'll leave that to TPTB, except for the first one)

Batman reboot(2018)---> Enough said, perhaps introduce a new Joker, Freeze or something? or perhaps the Bat Family as Batman & Robin would definitely be a distant, forgotten memory by then? Seeing as it would be a 10 year anniversary to TDK, there'll be plenty of Easter Eggs/homages just to wink at the fans. Let's thrown in a Christian Bale cameo or something in haha. Of course, Ban Affleck's directing.

Arrow & Flash shows keep going as usual and perhaps end soon? If so, then

Green Arrow(2018)-->Introduces Arrow to the big screen

Flash(2019)-->Introduces Flash to the big screen, perhaps introduce Grodd?

There are many more that I believe they could do, but I would be just typing for hours which I do not feel like doing, maybe some other day haha.

Eventually I'd like to see them do a movie about our favorite Thanagarians Hawkman & Hawkgirl(considering many here want to take the MOS prequel comic as canon, then in that case they exist) or a Shazam/Captain Marvel as well as a Legion of Superheroes(Booster Gold was hinted!) and maybe down the line another Superman movie inspired by the Death & Return of Superman(yes bring Doomsday please!)

oh, and everything culminates on a JL movie inspired by Kingdom Come, where Luthor being the "anti-Nick Fury" has his plan come to fruition, a perfect final chapter for our heroes.:yay:
If I was doing it:
Man of Steel
Batman vs Superman (with a WW cameo at the end leading into Justice League)
Justice League: Batman, Superman and WW faced the big bad (Darkseid) and lost. WW escapes to Earth and gathers heroes to go back and rescue them. WW, GL, Flash, MM and Aquaman) they rescue Bats and Supes and the team faces off Darkseid and his army. The heroes win and build the Watchtower.
Wonder Woman: Her solo film and origin
The Flash
Man of Steel 2
Justice League 2
all sequels
Teen Titans or Young Justice

* Because WB has all their characters they can and should start adapting their big story lines Infinite Crisis, Blackest Night, ect. ect. ect.
Here's how I'd do it.

2013: Man of Steel, Arrow Season 2; introduce Barry/Flash
2014: Flash S1, Arrow S2; teamup maybe.
2015: Superman/Batman, Arrow S3, Flash S2; introduce Hal
2016: Wonder woman movie; if possible mention or introduce Atlantis
2017: Justice League introducing Superman, Batman, WW, Hal and Barry; Cyborg could be introduced as the last member.
I agree with roach. Building to some kind of event would probably be ideal since DC has the luxury of doing so. It must be greatly disappointing to Marvel fans that they're likely not going to see the big event storylines on screen like the Civil War, Avengers vs. X-Men, the true Age of Ultron, etc. anytime soon. Instead of thinking small with building to a generic Justice League story, they could build the universe towards something like Trinity War (if the New 52 will have the influence that I think it will on this movie universe), any of the 'Crisis' stories, Flashpoint, and stuff like that.
I agree with roach. Building to some kind of event would probably be ideal since DC has the luxury of doing so. It must be greatly disappointing to Marvel fans that they're likely not going to see the big event storylines on screen like the Civil War, Avengers vs. X-Men, the true Age of Ultron, etc. anytime soon. Instead of thinking small with building to a generic Justice League story, they could build the universe towards something like Trinity War (if the New 52 will have the influence that I think it will on this movie universe), any of the 'Crisis' stories, Flashpoint, and stuff like that.
I'm quite sure they're glad those won't happen anytime soon, they have a bad rep, and while Civil War is seen on a better light due to having introduced so many new fans, Avengers vs X-Men was quite bad, and i heard the true age of Ultron was just terrible. So i'dd rather not get those events in any form, and i'm sure most fans are thinking the same, or they wouldn't flame every time somebody suggested an adaptation of Civil War, and that wasn't even such a bad event, so imagine what the reaction would be for the trully aweful ones.
Thinking about it more, I want Arrow to be its own universe. Flash deserves a 170 mil + budget, not a tv show on one of the lesser networks
i think they already have a plan. think about it, WB is very insecure at this point in making superhero movies. i'm sure that most of the planning was done by snyder and goyer when they began working on the film. think of all the eastereggs and cameos in MoS. then the announcement of world's finest. WB wouldn't make an announcement of that magnitude at CC if they didn't know what they were doing.
Here's my take on the more possible ways DC can take to expand his universe

Option 1:
World's finest 2015
Wonder Woman 2016
Flash or Flash vs Green Lantern end of 2015/2016
Justice League 2017 (Superman, Batman, Wondy, Green Lantern,MM (leaving the General Swanwick becoming Martian Manhunter to change a little bit its origin, and possibly Cyborg)
Man of steel 3 Solo movie 2018
Batman Solo movie 2018
Trinity (Superman, Batman and Wondy vs Atlanteans and introduction of Aquaman) that could be in exchange of Aquaman solo movie... 2019
Shazam 2019
JL 2 (with Shazam and Aquaman properly introduced) 2020
Aquaman Solo Movie 2021
Green Lantern Solo movie 2021

Option 2
World's Finest 2015 (they leave a WW cameo for the next movie)
Flash or Flash vs Green Lantern end of 2015/2016
Wonder Woman 2016
Justice League 2017 (Supes, Bats, Wondy, MM, Green Lantern and the destruction leave Victor Stone damaged and the creation of Cyborg for JL2)
Man of Steel 3 2018
Aquaman Movie 2018
Batman solo movie 2019
Green Lantern solo movie 2019
Justice League 2 2020 (including Shazam)
Shazam 2021

Option 3
World's Finest 2015 (Leaving WW easter eggs for Trinity)
Batman Solo Movie 2016
Flash or Flash vs Green lantern 2016
Trinity 2017
MOS 3 2018
Wonder Woman 2018
Justice League (Supes, Wondy, Bats, Green Lantern, MM, and leaving a destroyed victor stone to become Cyborg to JL2) 2019
Aquaman 2020
Shazam 2020

tell me guys which one is your favorite and more important which one you thing is the most possible?

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