here's the thing... if people think that venom is still alive look again... when spidey throw the pumpkin bomb into the symbiote and brock jusmps in look at the explosion... there's a skeleton much like the one's seen in the first one on the balcony scene with the board members... carnage can't be brought in unless they totally mess things up worse because carnage comes from the venom syniote when brock and cassidy have cells next to eachother in prison... i've heard talk about the hobgoblin... again, impossible because the hobgoblin was harry's psychiatrist and have we seen any sign of him going to therapy... no... also there was talk of actually using the vulture in spidey one but they went with goblin instead... so i think they may use him... i do agree with the lizard theory they did show connors quite a bit in the 3rd one... so who knows... in closing hobgoblin, venom and carnage are out... oh and to whoever thinks that gweb stacy is the black cat check your sources... felicia hardy is the cat... stacy dies... sorry to run through your bubble garden with a pin but that's how it is...