Days of Future Past Character Battles DOFP


X-Men United!
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
I don't know if this has been done on here before but I'll pit two xmen characters against each other and you guys vote to see who would win in the fight. After a while the character with the most votes will win. Please feel free to give reasons why you think each character will win each fight.

Once the winner is chosen I'll flex my writing muscles and write a short fan-fic fight scene based on who wins. The winner moves onto the next round and the loser is eliminated. Battles are chosen at random.

Please vote based on the strength they have shown in the movieverse not the comics universe.

these are the characters in the battle rounds

1) Prof X (Stewart)
2) Prof X (Mcavoy) Eliminated!
3) Magneto (Mckellen)
4) Magneto (Fassbender)
5) Mystique (Romijn)
6) Mystique (Lawrence) Eliminated!
7) Banshee (Landry-Jones)
8) Beast (Hoult) Eliminated!
9) Beast (Grammer) Eliminated!
10) Havok (Till) Eliminated!
11) Emma Frost (Jones)
12) Azazel (Flemyng) Eliminated!
13) Riptide (Gonzalez) Eliminated!
14) Wolverine (Jackman)
15) Sabretooth (Schreiber) Eliminated!
16) Storm (Berry)
17) Phoenix (Janssen)
18) Cyclops (Marsden) Eliminated!
19) Nightcrawler (Cumming)
20) Iceman (Ashmore)
21) Rogue (Paquin) Eliminated!
22) Angel Salvadore (Kravitz)
23) Colossus (Cudmore)
24) Shadowcat (Paige) Eliminated!
25) Angel (Foster) Eliminated!
26) Gambit (Kitsch) Eliminated!
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Cyclops (Marsden):


Magneto (Fassbender):
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I like this thread. Had to go with First Class Magneto. He's vicious and raw. First class Mags I don't think would have even hesitated to rip the adamantium straight from Wolverine's body. Cyke has a chance,albeit very slim since we see so little of him put to good use. His blast no doubt could put Magneto out but I don't see him even getting the chance to try it.

Final verdict: Cyclops begins the bout with two well timed blast. Magneto is able to create two durable metal shields quickly from surronding debris. He's knocked back,but isn't put down.
Cyclops shoots like crazy,Magneto magnatizes a metal piece from Cykes visors and they come off. Scott quickly closes his eyes,not wishing to harm any innocent bystandards. Magneto bends to surronding pipes or something to his will which latch Scott by the ankles and propel him into the air. In one final act of desperation Cyke opens his eyes for one final blast,but being the quick thinker,Eric quickly launches Scotts visors back on his face turning the power way down,and then proceeds to knock him against a surronding building. Knocking him unconscious.

Eric ends the bout as if talking to an unseen Professor X: "All these years Charles and still not even the best of your children can pull the trigger when push comes to shove."
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I think its hard to vote, since any of the two could kill the other with their powers.

The key is who starts before and faster, and where do they fight. Magneto needs metal elements around him, while Scott just needs his eyes, so....

I cant vote, lol
I voted Magneto. He is much stronger. Unlucky for Cyclops his first round opponent is pretty tough. Looks like he is going to be eliminated
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I like this thread. Had to go with First Class Magneto. He's vicious and raw. First class Mags I don't think would have even hesitated to rip the adamantium straight from Wolverine's body. Cyke has a chance,albeit very slim since we see so little of him put to good use. His blast no doubt could put Magneto out but I don't see him even getting the chance to try it.

Final verdict: Cyclops begins the bout with two well timed blast. Magneto is able to create two durable metal shields quickly from surronding debris. He's knocked back,but isn't put down.
Cyclops shoots like crazy,Magneto magnatizes a metal piece from Cykes visors and they come off. Scott quickly closes his eyes,not wishing to harm any innocent bystandards. Magneto bends to surronding pipes or something to his will which latch Scott by the ankles and propel him into the air. In one final act of desperation Cyke opens his eyes for one final blast,but being the quick thinker,Eric quickly launches Scotts visors back on his face turning the power way down,and then proceeds to knock him against a surronding building. Knocking him unconscious.

Eric ends the bout as if talking to an unseen Professor X: "All these years Charles and still not even the best of your children can pull the trigger when push comes to shove."

I really like this post!:yay:
the next match comes as soon as I learn how to reset and edit a poll. If you know how to do that please let me know.

You can't. You either have to make a new thread or have a moderator reset and edit the poll.
Thamks BMM. I guess I'll put up the next one now.


sorry no fan fic for this one. i wrote it but accidentally lost it and now cannot be bothered to rewite it. Thanks for voting.
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Since I cannot reset the poll, votes will have to be cast through your individual posts. I'll count them up afterwards. sorry:csad:
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Professor X, of course!

Azazel can't escape from Cerebro and Mind control! Professor X can also freeze time, and he could use that while battling Azazel.
the first battle should have been Cyclops vs Riptide.

Cyclops should have been left out so soon.

about the new battle: Charles, of course.

Azazel could injure Charles hardly, but he would stop Azazel right after, and even kill him. So.. yeah, Charles.
the first battle should have been Cyclops vs Riptide.

Cyclops should have been left out so soon.

about the new battle: Charles, of course.

Azazel could injure Charles hardly, but he would stop Azazel right after, and even kill him. So.. yeah, Charles.

All battles are selected randomly. But I agree Cyclops shouldn't have been eliminated so quickly. I guess, like in the films, he's unlucky. lol

I vote professor X as well. He could mentally shut down azazel's mins before he even took a step.
This is one of those battles where charles could lose the fight but win the war so to speak.

My take:

Cyclops lays unconscious after Magneto's victory.
"All these years Charles and still not even the best of your children can pull the trigger when push comes to shove."
From the shadows emerges Professor X now in a wheel chair. "What do you plan to do Eric? Kill me?" Magneto looks confused. By all accounts the last time he saw Charles this man was younger.....And had more hair.
Magneto hesitates and then slightly smiles. " I won't Charles but-"
From behind Xavier, Azazel teleports quickly. He grabs charles before the telepath has time to register what has happened. Azazel reappears (Holding Xavier by the collar of his shirt) high into the air. He then drops Xavier. As the professor begins his final descent he accesses Azazels mind. He wince's slightly at weird memories. Almost incomprehensible to his own mind. He fights these abstract thought forms quickly and forces the mutant teleporter against his own will to save the professor.

The landing is rough,and Xavier crashes 10ft from the ground. Azazel reappears looking slightly confused. Unsure of what has just happened.
Then in an instant he draws his sword and in the same motion teleports again. He begins to reappear atop Xavier to deliver the death blow when suddenly Xavier highjacks his powers once more,causing his opponent to now teleport atop Eric. Ready to remove the mutants helmet. Magneto notices just in the nick of time to magnitize Azazel's sword and sends his own soldier flying into a nearby car.
The force of the crash renders him out like a light. Debris flies everywhere and the mutant is buried in the rubble.

Winner: Xavier
This is one of those battles where charles could lose the fight but win the war so to speak.

My take:

Cyclops lays unconscious after Magneto's victory.
"All these years Charles and still not even the best of your children can pull the trigger when push comes to shove."
From the shadows emerges Professor X now in a wheel chair. "What do you plan to do Eric? Kill me?" Magneto looks confused. By all accounts the last time he saw Charles this man was younger.....And had more hair.
Magneto hesitates and then slightly smiles. " I won't Charles but-"
From behind Xavier, Azazel teleports quickly. He grabs charles before the telepath has time to register what has happened. Azazel reappears (Holding Xavier by the collar of his shirt) high into the air. He then drops Xavier. As the professor begins his final descent he accesses Azazels mind. He wince's slightly at weird memories. Almost incomprehensible to his own mind. He fights these abstract thought forms quickly and forces the mutant teleporter against his own will to save the professor.

The landing is rough,and Xavier crashes 10ft from the ground. Azazel reappears looking slightly confused. Unsure of what has just happened.
Then in an instant he draws his sword and in the same motion teleports again. He begins to reappear atop Xavier to deliver the death blow when suddenly Xavier highjacks his powers once more,causing his opponent to now teleport atop Eric. Ready to remove the mutants helmet. Magneto notices just in the nick of time to magnitize Azazel's sword and sends his own soldier flying into a nearby car.
The force of the crash renders him out like a light. Debris flies everywhere and the mutant is buried in the rubble.

Winner: Xavier

Nice post. I imagine that atthis point Xavier would do the 'stop time' trick like psylockolussus






this is unfair, lol

Angel should battle with....

well, a brotherhood member, not another x-man lol

but I was gonna say Shadowcat :D

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