Comics clone sage..


oom im a woc
Sep 3, 2005
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is there anywere tht has the 616 clone saga reading order? i searched google..but with lil luck

- and i just realised i spelt saga wrong in the title ¬_¬
try, you can look up old issues by chronology.
I know there used to be some torrents floating around, but those are very very bad and you should never download them :)
jim_root_rules said:
is there anywere tht has the 616 clone saga reading order? i searched google..but with lil luck

- and i just realised i spelt saga wrong in the title ¬_¬
I have the list. pm me and I can email it to you
SPidey rules
im 100% sure its in the offcial fans of reilly thrwad (on the very 1st page i think)
i checked it, and tht was just a check list i think :( lol i shuld have it sorted now tht donald is emailing me it tho:D
Part 1 - Before the Scarlet Spider

Part 1 deals with everything that occurred before the storyline Power And Responsibility which is right before Ben Reilly became the Scarlet Spider...Many events leading up to the original clone saga, the original clone saga, the Gwen Stacy clone, and the return of the clone is highlighted here.


ASM = Amazing Spider-Man
SPEC = Spectacular Spider-Man
WOS = Web Of Spider-Man
SPID = Spider-Man
SEN = Sensational Spider-Man

ASM #14 7/64

1st Appearance of the Green Goblin.

ASM #31 12/65

1st Appearance of Harry Osborn, Gwen Stacy, and a Professor by the name of Miles Warren who makes a very brief cameo in the story.

ASM #37 6/65

1st Appearance of Norman Osborn and his business associate Mendell Stromm AKA the Robot Master...Stromm seeks revenge at Osborn for taking control of the business after Stromm was ousted and sent to prison for embezzlement...Stromm has a heart attack at the end of the story and is thought to be dead.

ASM #39-40 8/65 - 9/65

Green Goblin and Spider-Man learn each other's identities with that of the Green Goblin's being Norman Osborn, none other than Peter Parker's classmate Harry's father.

Thor #134 11/66

1st Appearance of the High Evolutionary whom as we shall see later plays a pretty sizable role in the life of Professor Miles Warren.

ASM #53 10/67

Professor Warren has his first non cameo role as he invites Peter to a science exhibit after almost observing Peter placing his Spider-Man mask in his back pocket...They later go to the science exhibit and bring along Gwen Stacy.

ASM #121 & 122 6/73 - 7/63

Gwen Stacy dies at the hands of the Green Goblin falling from a bridge and The Green Goblin seemingly dies from being impaled by his own Goblin Glider...The death of Gwen Stacy would go on to be the impetus for Professor Warren's hatred of Peter Parker/ Spider-Man.

ASM #129 2/74

1st appearance of a new super-villain for Spidey: The Jackal...Green, furry, and deadly!...He wasnt taken too seriously when he was first introduced but my how things are gonna change!...He later also allies himself with Hammerhead and the Grizzly and still his real identity is a mystery.

ASM #136 9/74

Harry Osborn, son of Norman Osborn and the first Green Goblin, takes the mantle of the Green Goblin and becomes Green Goblin II making his father more proud of him...Norman always thought his son Harry to be soft and without a backbone in the past...How can his father be proud of him if he is dead? Good question and it WILL be answered!

ASM #144 5/75

Peter meets someone who has an uncanny resemblance to the late Gwen Stacy then battles and defeats Cyclone.

ASM #145 6/75

Peter thinks that Gwen is an imposter but later discovers with the help of Ned Leeds that her fingerprints match those of the late Gwen Stacy plus her grave was checked and the body hasn't been touched since she was buried.

ASM #146 & Giant-Size Spider-Man #5 7/75

Gwen makes a minor appearance as Spidey battles and defeats the Scorpion who makes an unlikely alliance with the Jackal...Spider-Man then battles the Lizard in a swamp with the help of the Man-Thing after a little chat about lost time with Gwen.

ASM #147 8/75

While Spider-Man battles the Jackal and Tarantula, Gwen is discovered to be under the control of the Jackal.

ASM #148 9/75

Peter finally realizes that Gwen Stacy is a clone while battling the Jackal and Tarantula. He also remembers a time when he and Gwen gave cell samples in one of Professor Warren's classes then goes and visits Warren about the cell samples and finds out they are missing. Warren blames his assistant, Anthony Serba, for taking them. Spider-Man later goes on to defeat Tarantula but is drugged by the Jackal who removes his mask to expose his true identity: Professor Miles Warren!

ASM #149 10/75

1st appearance of Spider-Man's clone who turns out to be Ben Reilly. Spider-Man battles the clone in Shea Stadium (which nobody would have noticed that year since the Mets had no attendance!). At the same time, the Jackal proclaims his love for the late Gwen Stacy and it is also discovered that Warren killed his assistant Anthony Serba. In the end, an explosion set by the Jackal killed the Jackal who was later discovered to be a clone of the Jackal. The Spider-Man clone was seemingly dead as a result of the explosion as well.

ASM #150 11/75

Spider-Man throws away Dr. Curt Connors conclusions about whether or not he is the clone or the real Spider-Man. He then goes on to battle Spencer Smythe and Spider-Slayer versions of the Kingpin, Vulture and Sandman.

ASM #151 12/75

Spider-Man drops the body of the seemingly dead clone in a smokestack within an incinerating plant. Before he drops him in, he calls him his "brother".

Now it gets messy!

ASM #180 5/78

A third Green Goblin, Harry Osborn's psychiatrist named Bart Hamilton, re-visits the Brooklyn incinerating plant where Spider-Man disposed of his clone in a smokestack carrying Spider-Man...They are joined by the second Green Goblin, Harry Osborn and Hamilton eventually dies in an explosion.

SPEC #25-31 12/78 - 6/79

Spider-Man battles a new foe by the name of Carrion who claims to be the clone of Professor Miles Warren and accuses Spider-Man of the murder of Gwen Stacy. Carrion was eventually killed by a Spider-Amoeba in the end.

SPEC #68 7/82

Mendell Stromm appears to be back alive battling Spider-Man but "he" turns out to be a robot programmed with Stromm's brain waves after he supposedly died.

SPEC #142 & 143 9/88 - 10/88

The Gwen Stacy clone re-surfaces in Lansing Michigan where she is a teacher at Baxter High School. The High Evolutionary is looking for her...She makes it to Columbus Ohio where the High Evolutionary's Gatherers almost track her down. She is now going to find Peter for help.

SPEC Annual #8 10/75

The High Evolutionary's Gatherers battle Spider-Man as the Gwen clone tries and does again meet Peter. It is learned that the High Evolutionary wants to study Gwen and later captures her after she discovers that Peter is Spider-Man. The High Evolutionary concludes that she is not a clone but rather a genetic construct. Daydreamer of the Young Gods later clears her mind of the "illusion" of being a clone of Gwen Stacy.

SPEC #149 4/89

Spider-Man meets a new Carrion who is a student named Malcolm McBride who stumbled upon the abandoned lab of Professor Miles Warren and found a vial of the Carrion virus that infected him. Peter also came upon the same lab and found a journal from Warren he left behind. In it Warren stated how he learned Peter was Spider-Man and that his assistant Anthony Serba was the Spider-Man clone and Joyce Delaney was the Gwen Stacy clone. Both as a result of Cellular transformation and are genetic constructs. The first Carrion was discovered to be a genetic virus infection and NOT the clone of Professor miles Warren.

Spider-Man: Lost Years #1-3 8/95 - 10/95

A man by the name of Ben Reilly is seen in Salt Lake Utah along with another man by the name of Kaine. They will both later be discovered to be clones of Peter Parker. 1st appearance of Louise Kennedy who falls in love with Kaine and is also the partner of a Detective named Jacob Raven...Ben eventually saves Raven's life from organized crime figures who took the life of his wife. Ben meets Kaine and fights as Kaine's cellular degeneration accelerates...Kennedy later is discovered to be playing both sides of the law and Kaine murders her.

Note: Spider-Man: Lost Years #0 (1/96) was a reprint package of the backup stories in WOS #117, ASM #394, SPID #51, SPEC #217, ASM #400, SPID #57 & SPEC #223.

SPEC #200 5/94

Harry Osborn, the son of Norman Osborn and the second Green Goblin, dies as a result of the new Goblin formula that turned out to be too toxic for him to handle.

WOS #114 7/94

Aunt May receives a mysterious phone call who senses that there is trouble in the Parker family & according to Aunt May it "seems been ages since we last chatted".

ASM #391 7/94

Aunt May has a stroke and is found on the kitchen floor by Mary Jane.

SPID #48 7/94

The mysterious figure calls Parker residence and Mary Jane answers and hangs up. The clone recognizes Mary Jane's voice.

WOS #115 8/94

The mysterious caller calls the Parker residence as an "old friend" of the family trying to reach May Parker. When told that she was in a hospital, the man crushes the phone wearing a recognizable school ring then races to his motorcycle.

SPID #49 8/94

The mystery man gets closer and closer to the east coast from the west coast to see Aunt May and the school ring is getting larger and larger becoming more visible.

SPEC #215 8/94

The mystery man saves a small child from being hit by a truck in the middle of the street.

WOS #116 9/94

Mystery man goes to visit Aunt May in the hospital but leaves suddenly after seeing Peter Parker arrive. He then calls the hospital for her condition from a pay phone.

ASM #393 9/94

The mystery man visits the grave of Gwen Stacy then Midtown High School now fully displaying his ring of the same school. A guard questions why he is there at such a late hour.

SPID #50 9/94

The mystery man snoops around Aunt Mays home and Spider-Man scares him away thinking he was a burglar.

SPEC #216 9/94

Mystery man goes to see Aunt May in the hospital but once again sees Peter Parker & again leaves. He eventually sees her later. Last page shocker shows Peter Parker coming face to face with the mystery man himself: Another Peter Parker!

WOS #117, ASM #394, SPID #51, SPEC #217 10/94

Power And Responsibility

After the clone and Peter Parker battle it out, the clone tells Peter who he is and a key player is introduced in the form of Judas Traveller and his host, a man who studies human nature and their capacity for good and evil...Another mysterious figure is introduced who doesn't play much a a role at this point by the name of Scrier, but in the end he (or it) will! Traveller discovers the clone and sends his associate Chakra to bring him to Ravencroft Asylum to try and save Spider-Man where he also is...Chakra retrieves Ben Reilly (as he first called himself) from the hospital where Aunt May is and he first dresses up in the Spider-Man costume and then meets Peter at Ravencroft...They eventually fight each other again then team-up against the inmates of Ravencroft where they create a tight bond and alliance. The clone vanishes away after an explosion then ponders whether he should stay or return to exile.

Birth Of A Spider-Man (Backup story)

Professor Miles warren creates a clone from a chemical tank while blaming Peter Parker for the death of Gwen Stacy. He uses mind-controlling drugs and hypno-therapy on the clone but eventually the clone breaks free...As the clone discovers his powers, he meets the Jackal and fights him then meets the Gwen Stacy clone and the Jackal knocks him out...Clone first puts on Spider-Man costume while Warren forms the clone's sense of identity...Amazing Spider-Man #149 is covered in more detail and shows the clone leaving the incinerating plant where Peter left him and set off to Parker's apartment where he saw Peter and Mary Jane which made him realize that he was the clone.
Part 2 - The Scarlet Spider

Part 2 deals with the events that occurred between the storyline The Exile Returns and the introduction of a brand new Spider-Title: Sensational Spider-Man when Ben Reilly became Spider-Man with a new look...Highlights of this era involve the Maximum Clonage storyline, The Scarlet Spider, a period when all the Spider-Titles became Scarlet Spider-Titles for at least 2 months, and the revelation that Ben was the true Peter Parker.


ASM = Amazing Spider-Man
SPEC = Spectacular Spider-Man
WOS = Web Of Spider-Man
SPID = Spider-Man
SEN = Sensational Spider-Man

WOS #118, SPID #52, WOS #119, SPID #53 11/94 - 12/94

The Exile Returns

Ben creates new costume and wears it for the 1st time as he tries to make a new life for himself in Manhattan. He visits the warehouse where Spider-man caught the burglar who murdered his Uncle Ben and also visits the Brooklyn Bridge where Gwen Stacy died...He winds up fighting Venom of all villains and is first dubbed the "Scarlet Spider" by Daily Bugle writer Ken Ellis...The introduction Kaine takes place and Ben calls a man named Seward Trainer. The first use of Ben's Impact Webbing comes in pretty handy against Venom...1st appearance of Detective Jacob Raven takes place and the first use of Ben's Stingers he emits from his wrists making his arsenal of weapons much more deadly than those of Spider-Man's.

Spider-Man Unlimited #7 11/94

Scarlet Spider goes solo for the first time in a comic fighting street thugs and also visiting Aunt May in the hospital.

WOS #120, SPID #54, WOS 121, SPID #55 1/95 - 2/95

Web Of Life

Ben battles Tombstone and the Grim Hunter and meets Betty Brant...Talks with Seward Trainer heat up to the point that Trainer is now coming to New York...Ben's first battle with Kaine as the Scarlet Spider after Kaine recognizes him. We hear the first mention of the "Mark of Kaine" which is a deadly mark left on his victims made with his hand...Trainer finally arrives back to his old laboratory as Ben continues his battle with Kaine who winds up killing the Grim Hunter .

ASM #397, SPEC #220 1/95

Spider-Man has strange memories of being the clone...Mary Jane announces that she is pregnant with her and Peter's baby.

Spider-Man Unlimited #8 2/95

Scarlet Spider and Spider-Man battle terrorists.

SPEC #221 2/95

Kaine murders long-time Spider-Man villain Doctor Octopus who is later revived.

Funeral For An Octopus #1-3 3/95 - 5/95

Scarlet Spider and Spider-Man both battle the likes of the Vulture, Electro, Hobgoblin, and Mysterio...Octo-Spidey is created and Kaine makes a cameo appearance and later battles Electro and almost kills him.

WOS #122, ASM #399, SPID #56 3/95

Smoke And Mirrors

Ben finds himself being drawn to the Jackal's lair only to meet up with a "mini-me" version of the Jackal named "Jack". Spider-Man continues his having memories of being the clone...Spider-man then finds himself drawn to aiding Ben and they both meet the Jackal for the first time in ages. A clone of Gwen Stacy also surfaces to further cloud the picture...The Jackal tells Ben "You are the real one!" and that the High Evolutionary lied when he stated that the Jackal did not clone anyone. In the end the Jackal escaped.

SPEC #222, WOS #123 3/95 - 4/95

Players And Pawns

The 1st appearance of yet another (third) clone emerges and Kaine battles the Jackal...The Jackal battles the Scarlet Spider and is beaten and taken to Ravencroft Asylum. "Jack" dies as he is discovered to be a degenerated clone. Spider-Man battles a reluctant Kaine.

ASM #400 4/95

Aunt May dies (only to return later) and Ben says goodbye to Peter and meets Mary Jane for the first time. Traveller returns and Peter is arrested for murder as the authorities think he is Kaine...Backup story entitled The Parker Legacy.

SPID #57 4/95

Ben battles Traveller and has a talk with Mary Jane...Backup story entitled The Parker Legacy continues with Ben on a bus making his way for San Francisco in an early Ben Reilly story.

SPEC #223 4/95

The third Peter Parker now thinks that he is the true Peter Parker while the Jackal re-obtains his carrion virus and is free once again. Ben gets closer to Mary Jane...Backup story entitled The Parker Legacy concludes and shows how Ben first named himself "Ben Reilly".

WOS #124, ASM #401, SPID #58, SPEC #224, Spider-man Unlimited #9 5/95

The Mark Of Kaine

The third Peter Parker meets Mary Jane and Mary Jane has her pregnancy tested. Kaine grabs and takes Mary Jane...Kaine battles the third Parker and all 3 eventually meet after Spider-man flees prison with the help of Traveller displaying an illusion that he is still behind bars...All heck breaks loose as all the "Parker Brothers" fight each other...The third Parker's secret is revealed as he was "programmed" to be an assassin and has more powers than that of Ben or Spider-man who switch places and Ben is now the Parker in prison so that Peter can be with his pregnant wife...Peter wears the Scarlet Spider costume while Ben is in prison as Scrier recovers the third Parker's body who was left for dead after the huge battle.

New Warriors #59 5/95

Scarlet Spider Makes an innocent little cameo appearance in the pages of New Warriors.

WOS #125 6/95

1st appearance of the fourth Green Goblin. Spider-Man visits Miles Warren's clone's home, knocks him out and leaves with the Gwen Stacy clone, who in a backup story is shown to be involved with warren's clone to the point where they got married. The clone also realizes that she is indeed a clone even though Dreamweaver deluded her into thinking that she was Joyce Delaney as pointed out in Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #8.

ASM #402, SPID #59 6/95


Spider-Man begins to talk to Detective Raven then Traveller dissects Spider-Man and studies his psyche...Traveller's states his purpose is to discover the true nature of good and evil and they battle. Spider-man eventually saves Traveller's life.

SPEC #225 6/95

Spider-Man goes back to his familiar costume as the third Parker comes back, and the Jackal is watching!

WOS #126, ASM #403, SPID #60, SPEC #226 7/95

The Trial Of Peter Parker

The trial for Peter Parker begins with Ben Reilly standing in for Peter while Peter is away fighting Kaine as Spider-Man until Traveller teleports them away then judging Peter...Kaine's identity is finally revealed to be that of the very first failed clone of Peter Parker that has degenerated & Kaine reluctantly confesses to the murders that Peter Parker is standing trial for thereby clearing Peter but Kaine wants Ben Reilly dead so that Peter can live a somewhat happy life without concern of his clone...Kaine is eventually apprehended at the same time the third Parker clone receives a new costume and Spidercide is born. The Jackal makes some adjustments to his Carrion virus. The biggest shocker is saved for last though as Seward Trainer discovers that Ben is the true Peter Parker and Peter is the clone!

ASM, SPID, Venom, SPEC, WOS Super Specials #1 1995

Planet Of The Symbiotes

Ben battles Venom and various Symbiotes on the Planet of the Symbiotes with Spider-Man where they eventually meet up Carnage who only adds to the fun...A backup story running through all 5 issues has Ben battling a new mercenary and terrorist group named Shadowforce Alpha and then the Lizard.

New Warriors #61 7/95

Spidercide steals an isotope from a science facility that is necessary to complete the Carrion virus.

Alpha, WOS #127, ASM #404, SPID #61, SPEC #227, Omega 8/95

Maximum Clonage

The Jackal reveals his master plan for killing all humans and replacing them with clones and he begins by testing his Carrion virus on 1 town as the Scarlet Spider battles both the New Warriors and Spidercide...A strange occurrence happens as Spider-Man befriends the Jackal as Spider-Man is still confused and angry after hearing that he is the clone. The Jackal gets shot by the Punisher...The new alliance angers Ben into fighting Spider-Man and then everyone is fighting each other: Ben vs. Spidercide, Jackal vs. Kaine, Ben vs. Jackal, you get the picture! Spidercide is enlightened by Scrier as to who exactly he is and removes his degeneration factor...After we learn the origin of Kaine, Kaine and Ben create an alliance and the Jackal sends Spider-Man to get the Gwen Stacy clone from her home...Spider-Man brings the Gwen Stacy clone to his home where Mary Jane is instead as the Jackal battles Spidercide. Spidercide seemingly kills Kaine by impaling him with huge large machinery...As the Jackal's plans come closer and closer to fruition, Scrier steps in and interrupts his plans. Spidercide and the Jackal battle atop the Daily Bugle rooftop and Spidercide falls to his death. The Jackal then battles Ben and Spider-Man until he himself falls to his death.

New Warriors #62 8/95

The Scarlet Spider joins the young super-group the New Warriors and helps fight Helix.

WOS #128, ASM #405, SPID #62, Spider-Man Unlimited #10 9/95


After Ben and Spider-Man battle D'Spayre, they decide to continue on as the Scarlet Spider and Spider-Man respectively...We get a flashback on how Ben met Seward Trainer in the next couple of issues...Ben fights the Vulture.

SPEC #228, WOS #129 9/95 - 10/95

Time Bomb

Spider-Man goes nuts reacting to all the torment he has been through lately.

New Warriors #63 9/95

The Scarlet Spider and the New Warriors continue their battle with Helix.

ASM #406, SPID #63, SPEC #229 10/95

The Greatest Responsibility

The introduction of a new Doctor Octopus takes place and she battles Ben. It is revealed that her father is none other than Seward Trainer...The battle expands to also include Spider-Man...Peter decides to quit being Spider-Man and decides to move to Portland with Mary Jane.

Spider-Man: The Parker Years #1 11/95

Right after Peter quits being Spider-Man, the story basically re-caps the events between the clones birth and the return of Ben Reilly.

New Warriors #64 10/95

The Scarlet Spider battles Psionex along with the New Warriors.

WO Scarlet Spid #1, AM Scarlet Spid #1, Scarlet SPID #1, SPEC Scar Spid #1 11/95

Virtual Mortality

All four titles change for a couple of months to reflect the prominence of the Scarlet Spider as the lead Spider-Man as he fights with the new Doctor Octopus, the Pro, Aura, Override, & The Looter throughout the storyline.

Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1 11/95

Professor Miles warrens connections to the High Evolutionary is finally revealed as he is explained to have been his assistant then was banished due to Warren's unauthorized experiments...Events of Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #8 and Spectacular Spider-Man #149 are also explained as the journal Peter found was planted by the High Evolutionary who also admits that warren was indeed successful in creating clones but didn't want the world to know about it. Kaine is also revived.

New Warriors #65 11/95

The Scarlet Spider battles Protocol along with the New Warriors.

WOSS #2, ASS #2, Scarlet Spider #2, SPEC SS #2 12/95


The Scarlet Spider battles Override, Aura, and the Looter...He goes on to battle a new Villainess named Joystick and also have another fight with the new Doctor Octopus. Ben becomes Spider-Man.

Green Goblin #3 12/95

The Scarlet Spider battles El Toro Negro and Joystick.

New Warriors #66 12/95

The Scarlet Spider makes a brief appearance.

SEN Mini-Comic 1995

Ben Reilly makes a token appearance in this Wizard special just before Sensational Spider-Man #0 is published.

WOSS #3 & 4, New Warriors #67 1/96 - 2/96

Nightmare In Scarlet

Ben battles a new Cybernetic version of the Scarlet Spider created from the Cyberwar storyline and the new Cybernetic version goes on to create a lot of destruction...Ben meets the New Warriors as Spider-Man for the first time.

SEN #0 1/96

The first issue of a new Spider-Man title features Ben in a new Spider-Man costume as he takes the mantle of Spider-Man and creates a new identity for himself: He dyes his hair blond and accepts a job at the Daily Grind, a coffee shop. He battles a new foes named Armada and meets someone new by the name of Jessica Carradine.

A new Spider-Ben is born!
Part 3 - Revelations

Part 3 deals with the events that occurred between the time that Ben Reilly took the guise of Spider-Man and the end of the entire clone saga. The clone saga concluded with the storyline Revelations and the Mastermind of the whole saga was revealed. Spider-Man and Peter Parker's life would never be the same again!


ASM = Amazing Spider-Man
SPEC = Spectacular Spider-Man
WOS = Web Of Spider-Man
SPID = Spider-Man
SEN = Sensational Spider-Man

Spider-Man Holiday Special 1995 1995

Ben now as the new Spider-Man battles the Scorcher, a villain from Spider-Man's past as told in the series Untold Tales Of Spider-Man.

Spider-Man Punisher Family Plot #1 & 2 1/96 - 2/96

Spider-Ben battles Tombstone with help from the Punisher.

Spider-Man: The Final Adventure #1-4 11/95 - 2/96

Peter and Mary Jane move to Portland where he goes to work at the company, Galannan, that sponsored the exhibit where he gained his spider-powers when he was bit by a radio-active spider...He ends up battling a villain by the name of Tendril and Dryrot and he eventually loses his powers...Ben makes an appearance in the final two issues where he talks with Mary Jane after she came back to New York for awhile.

ASM Annual '96 1996

A flashback story taking place right after the events on Sensational Spider-Man #0 involving Kraven the Hunter and various supporting cast members at the time (roughly after Amazing Spider-Man #56). Ben battles thugs on a train.

ASM #407 1/96

Ben meets the Human Torch and battles the Sandman without the knowledge at the time that Sandman is on the good side of the law.

SPID #64 1/96

Ben battles El Toro Negro and Poison

SPEC #230 1/96

Ben battles a new character named DK who is somewhat of a muck-monster like Man-Thing.

Spider-Man Unlimited #11 1/96

Ben battles Skull-Jacket along with the Black cat.

Venom: Along Came A Spider #1-4 1/96 - 4/96

Ben and Venom have a battle royal in this 4 issue limited series.

SEN #1, ASM #408, SPID #65 2/96

Media Blizzard

Ben fights Mysterio and Armada in a 3 parter.

SPEC #231, SEN #2, ASM #409, SPID #66 2/96 - 3/96

The Return Of Kaine

Kaine returns from a regeneration pod at the same time a skeleton with a torn up Spider-Man costume is retrieved from the smokestack in the incinerating plant where Spider-Man left the clone's body years ago & it becomes a major news item...Kaine meets Ben again after battling the Rhino then a major brawl breaks out with Ben, Kaine, The Rhino, Polestar & Joystick...Kaine eventually vanishes yet again then Spider-Man returns from Portland with Mary Jane to see what the skeleton represents.

DC Versus Marvel #1-4 2/96 - 5/96

Ben battles Superboy and defeats him in one of the 2-universe big battles and meets the Joker from the DC Universe...Peter Parker meets Clark Kent and Lois Lane at the Daily Planet where J. Jonah Jameson also works...In a cameo appearance, Spider-Ben fights Man-Bat.

Spider-Man Team-Up #2 3/96

Ben & The Silver Surfer battle a Mad Thinker Robot then Quasimodo and even Thanos.

SPEC #232 3/96

Ben meets Spider-Man and Mary Jane again after they have arrived back from Portland after a battle with the new Doctor Octopus.

SEN #3, ASM #410, SPID #67, SPEC #233 4/96

Web Of Carnage

Ben discovers that the women that he met in Sensational Spider-Man #0, Jessica Carradine, is non other than the daughter of the burglar that murdered Uncle Ben way way back in Amazing Fantasy #15. And if that's not the least of his problems, the skeleton discovered from the smokestack is revealed to be another clone of Peter Parker...Ben goes on to become Spider-Carnage as the Carnage symbiote takes control over Ben.

New Warriors #70 4/96

Ben helps the New Warriors battle the villain Advent, this time as Spider-Man.

SEN #4, ASM #411, SPID #68, SPEC #234, SEN #5, ASM #412 5/96

Blood Brothers

Jessica Carradine discovers that Ben is Spider-Man and displays her hate for him as well...A new mysterious character is introduced and he seems like he is on life support. He is named Gaunt. The Daily Grind coffee shop is destroyed by fire...As Ben goes on to battle the Hobgoblin, Osborn Industries is revealed to be financing Multivex, a research company involved heavily in the clone saga...The Molten Man gets involved in the mix and battle both Ben, Spider-Man, and then Gaunt...Multivex explodes after all the battles.

Spider-Man Unlimited #12 5/96

Ben battles the Beetle, Shocker, Jack O' Lantern, Scorpia, Boomerang, and the Pro. The skeleton is handed over to the authorities.

New Warriors #71 5/96

Ben makes only a cameo appearance as Spider-Man again. His last appearance in New Warriors.

Venom: The Hunted #1 5/96

Ben makes only a short appearance in the Daily Grind coffee shop as they get a new customer: Eddie Brock!

SPID #69 6/96

Ben battles the Hobgoblin once again as Peter and Mary Jane receives a welcome home party.

SPEC #235 6/96

Ben goes up against Will-O-The-Wisp and his creator Jonas Harrow.

Spider-Man Team-Up #3 6/96

Ben and the Fantastic Four team-up and journey to another world.

Daredevil #354 7/96

Ben meets Daredevil and fights the Shooter.

SEN #6 7/96

Jessica Carradine realizes that Spider-Man is truly a hero after Ben saves the life of a child.

ASM #413 7/96

Ben fights Mysterio and Armada.

SPID #70 7/96

Ben begins a battle against the mob.

SPEC #236 7/96

Ben continues his fight with Jonas Harrow and Dragon Man joins the battle.

Green Goblin #10 7/96

The 4th Green Goblin, a hero, fights an illusion of Spider-Man (Ben) created by the villain Arcade who is hired by Gaunt to kill the Green Goblin.

Avengers #400 7/96

Ben makes a cameo appearance.

SEN #7 8/96

Nothing major happens in this issue.

ASM #414 9/96

Ben battles a new Villainess named Delilah and a new Rose is introduced.

SPID #71 8/96

Ben goes up against Hammerhead as his battle with the mob intensifies.

SPEC #237 8/96

Peter regains his Spider Powers that he lost during the Final Adventure limited series & Ben begins a fight with the Lizard.

Spider-Man Unlimited #13 8/96

Ben versus the Scorpion with a little help from Powerman and Iron Fist.

SEN #8 9/96

It's Ben against the Looter. The first time since the Cyberwar storyline begun in Web Of Scarlet Spider #2.

ASM #415, SPID #72 9/96

Ben tries his best against the extremely powerful X-Men mutant killers the Sentinels.

SPEC #238 9/96

Ben continues his fight with The Lizard.

Spider-Man Team-Up #4 9/96

Ben and The Avengers battle the Spider-Man robot created by Kang from Avengers #11 way back when.

SEN #9 10/96

Ben begins a battle with Swarm.

ASM #416 10/96

In the middle of the Onslaught War that rushed many Marvel heroes to another world, The villain Gaunt meets with Scrier and many mysteries are soon to be revealed.

SPID #73 10/96

Ben takes on Tombstone.

SPEC #239 10/96

Ben's fight with the Lizard concludes.

SEN #10 11/96

Ben concludes his fight with Swarm.

ASM #417 11/96

Mysteries start to unfold as Traveller is revealed to be a sham. He possesses only limited Psionic powers and the ability to alters other's perceptions of reality. Scrier is discovered to be an organization rather than an individual. Peter and Ben battle the Scriers to try and help Traveller and Peter dons the Spider-Man attire once again. In the end Traveller escapes Scrier as Scrier's employer and Mastermind behind the clone saga wants him dead...Gaunt kills the individual Scrier we got to know for this failure.

SPID #74 11/96

Ben and Daredevil fight HYDRA.

Green Goblin #13 11/96

Ben makes a 3 page appearance fighting street thugs.

Marvel Fanfare V2 #3 11/96

Ben and Ghost Rider battle the Wendigo.

Spider-Man: Redemption #1-4 9/96 - 12/96

A woman by the name of Janine from The Lost Years limited Series, comes back to visit Ben and they fall in love but Kaine is responsible for luring her back as "bait". We learn that Kaine's suit is designed to slow down his physical degeneration...Ben and Kaine fight once again and Janine turns herself over to the authorities for killing her father years ago after she was abused by him. Kaine follows suit and also turns himself over to the police.

Uncanny X-Men #339 12/96

Ben makes a minor couple page appearance along with some of the X-Men.

Spider-Man Team-Up #5 12/96

Ben and Gambit battle Tombstone in the first story then he teams up with Howard The Duck to fight the Circus of Crime.

Spider-Man Unlimited #14 12/96

Ben battles Cardiac, Joystick, and El Toro Negro.

SPEC #240, SEN #11, ASM #418, SPID #75 12/96


After years of the clone saga, the Mastermind behind the whole thing is revealed. Slowly but surely we learn more and more about the man who is in the background all this time...Seward Trainer is forced by Gaunt to rejuvenate him the Gaunt takes his new robot form. Trainer is killed by the Mastermind...Gaunt goes on to battle Ben and is revealed to be Mendell Stromm, Norman Osborn's ex partner who was thought to be dead after a heart attack. A woman named Alison Mongrain begins work at the Daily Grind. She drugs Mary Jane's soup...Mary Jane goes into labor and sadly loses the baby as Gaunt continues his fight with Ben who is now joined by Spider-Man...Gaunt is defeated and killed for his failure by the Mastermind who is shockingly revealed to be Norman Osborn, thought dead for many years. Mongrain delivers a package to Osborn who many think to be Peter and Mary Jane's baby...The return of Norman Osborn can only mean the return of the original Green Goblin and he does indeed return with a major battle with Spider-Man. Peter/ Spider-Man is revealed to be the true Peter Parker and sadly, Ben dies from being impaled by the goblin's glider (very similar to how Norman "died" in Amazing Spider-Man #122) trying to save Spider-Man...Spider-Man is finally convinced he is the true Peter Parker as he watches Ben disintegrate before him.

The Clone Saga Concludes!
Part 4 - After the Clone Saga

Part 4 deals with all the events that occurred after the storyline Revelations. Many events that made things clearer and explanations for the entire saga were revealed in issues after the clone saga. Even to this day, the clone saga is referred to and more and more concerning the entire era is added to.


ASM = Amazing Spider-Man
SPEC = Spectacular Spider-Man
WOS = Web Of Spider-Man
SPID = Spider-Man
SEN = Sensational Spider-Man

What-If? V2 #86 6/96

In an alternate reality story, the question is asked: What if the Scarlet Spider killed Spider-Man?

Spider-Man 101 Ways To End The Clone Saga #1 1/97

A number of alternate endings to the clone saga done in a humorous vein.

Spider-Man: The Osborn Journal #1 2/97

Many secrets revealed through the Journal of Norman Osborn...Many revelations including the how's and when's concerning his apparent death in Amazing Spider-Man #122 and what he did in between that time and his return in Spider-Man #75...Also his connections to the Scriers, Judas Traveller, Seward Trainer, the Jackal, Mendell Stromm/ Gaunt. More detail is given on his whole plot against Peter Parker and Spider-Man.

A very suggested read for anyone interested in the Clone Saga.

Spider-Man: Dead Man's Hand #1 4/97

A Third Carrion, Dr. William Allen is introduced and the first Carrion introduced in Spectacular Spider-Man #25 is revealed to be a clone of Professor Miles Warren by the High Evolutionary.

Spider-Man Unlimited #17 8/97

Mendell Stromm, better known as Gaunt in the clone saga, is found to be alive and well. He was last seen seemingly killed by Norman Osborn at a school yard after failing to kill Ben and Spider-Man. He received brain damage from Osborn's blasts and thus created memory loss. Osborn's name "triggered" back his memory and then went after Spider-Man with a vengeance. He was taken to Ravencroft Hospital after Spider-Man defeated him and hasn't been seen since.

Thunderbolts '97 Annual 1997

Kaine makes a short appearance as he and many other super villains are set free from the super-human prison called the Vault...He and the other villains are soon returned the prison.

ASM #435 6/98

Kaine makes an unexpected appearance as he battles a number of Scriers and leaves at least one in a hospital with the "Mark of Kaine".

SPID V2 #27 & 28 3/01 - 4/01

Mendel Stromm comes back, partially in the form of a computer system trying to take over the world. He asks Spider-Man to kill him and that of course is against Spider-Man's beliefs. Instead, Spider-Man uploaded a loop program putting Stromm in Standby mode where he is now in an eternal sleep.

What an amazing poster...HR-PUFF&STUFF, you absolutely rule, dude.

:word: :yay: :woot:

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