Part 2 - The Scarlet Spider
Part 2 deals with the events that occurred between the storyline The Exile Returns and the introduction of a brand new Spider-Title: Sensational Spider-Man when Ben Reilly became Spider-Man with a new look...Highlights of this era involve the Maximum Clonage storyline, The Scarlet Spider, a period when all the Spider-Titles became Scarlet Spider-Titles for at least 2 months, and the revelation that Ben was the true Peter Parker.
ASM = Amazing Spider-Man
SPEC = Spectacular Spider-Man
WOS = Web Of Spider-Man
SPID = Spider-Man
SEN = Sensational Spider-Man
WOS #118, SPID #52, WOS #119, SPID #53 11/94 - 12/94
The Exile Returns
Ben creates new costume and wears it for the 1st time as he tries to make a new life for himself in Manhattan. He visits the warehouse where Spider-man caught the burglar who murdered his Uncle Ben and also visits the Brooklyn Bridge where Gwen Stacy died...He winds up fighting Venom of all villains and is first dubbed the "Scarlet Spider" by Daily Bugle writer Ken Ellis...The introduction Kaine takes place and Ben calls a man named Seward Trainer. The first use of Ben's Impact Webbing comes in pretty handy against Venom...1st appearance of Detective Jacob Raven takes place and the first use of Ben's Stingers he emits from his wrists making his arsenal of weapons much more deadly than those of Spider-Man's.
Spider-Man Unlimited #7 11/94
Scarlet Spider goes solo for the first time in a comic fighting street thugs and also visiting Aunt May in the hospital.
WOS #120, SPID #54, WOS 121, SPID #55 1/95 - 2/95
Web Of Life
Ben battles Tombstone and the Grim Hunter and meets Betty Brant...Talks with Seward Trainer heat up to the point that Trainer is now coming to New York...Ben's first battle with Kaine as the Scarlet Spider after Kaine recognizes him. We hear the first mention of the "Mark of Kaine" which is a deadly mark left on his victims made with his hand...Trainer finally arrives back to his old laboratory as Ben continues his battle with Kaine who winds up killing the Grim Hunter .
ASM #397, SPEC #220 1/95
Spider-Man has strange memories of being the clone...Mary Jane announces that she is pregnant with her and Peter's baby.
Spider-Man Unlimited #8 2/95
Scarlet Spider and Spider-Man battle terrorists.
SPEC #221 2/95
Kaine murders long-time Spider-Man villain Doctor Octopus who is later revived.
Funeral For An Octopus #1-3 3/95 - 5/95
Scarlet Spider and Spider-Man both battle the likes of the Vulture, Electro, Hobgoblin, and Mysterio...Octo-Spidey is created and Kaine makes a cameo appearance and later battles Electro and almost kills him.
WOS #122, ASM #399, SPID #56 3/95
Smoke And Mirrors
Ben finds himself being drawn to the Jackal's lair only to meet up with a "mini-me" version of the Jackal named "Jack". Spider-Man continues his having memories of being the clone...Spider-man then finds himself drawn to aiding Ben and they both meet the Jackal for the first time in ages. A clone of Gwen Stacy also surfaces to further cloud the picture...The Jackal tells Ben "You are the real one!" and that the High Evolutionary lied when he stated that the Jackal did not clone anyone. In the end the Jackal escaped.
SPEC #222, WOS #123 3/95 - 4/95
Players And Pawns
The 1st appearance of yet another (third) clone emerges and Kaine battles the Jackal...The Jackal battles the Scarlet Spider and is beaten and taken to Ravencroft Asylum. "Jack" dies as he is discovered to be a degenerated clone. Spider-Man battles a reluctant Kaine.
ASM #400 4/95
Aunt May dies (only to return later) and Ben says goodbye to Peter and meets Mary Jane for the first time. Traveller returns and Peter is arrested for murder as the authorities think he is Kaine...Backup story entitled The Parker Legacy.
SPID #57 4/95
Ben battles Traveller and has a talk with Mary Jane...Backup story entitled The Parker Legacy continues with Ben on a bus making his way for San Francisco in an early Ben Reilly story.
SPEC #223 4/95
The third Peter Parker now thinks that he is the true Peter Parker while the Jackal re-obtains his carrion virus and is free once again. Ben gets closer to Mary Jane...Backup story entitled The Parker Legacy concludes and shows how Ben first named himself "Ben Reilly".
WOS #124, ASM #401, SPID #58, SPEC #224, Spider-man Unlimited #9 5/95
The Mark Of Kaine
The third Peter Parker meets Mary Jane and Mary Jane has her pregnancy tested. Kaine grabs and takes Mary Jane...Kaine battles the third Parker and all 3 eventually meet after Spider-man flees prison with the help of Traveller displaying an illusion that he is still behind bars...All heck breaks loose as all the "Parker Brothers" fight each other...The third Parker's secret is revealed as he was "programmed" to be an assassin and has more powers than that of Ben or Spider-man who switch places and Ben is now the Parker in prison so that Peter can be with his pregnant wife...Peter wears the Scarlet Spider costume while Ben is in prison as Scrier recovers the third Parker's body who was left for dead after the huge battle.
New Warriors #59 5/95
Scarlet Spider Makes an innocent little cameo appearance in the pages of New Warriors.
WOS #125 6/95
1st appearance of the fourth Green Goblin. Spider-Man visits Miles Warren's clone's home, knocks him out and leaves with the Gwen Stacy clone, who in a backup story is shown to be involved with warren's clone to the point where they got married. The clone also realizes that she is indeed a clone even though Dreamweaver deluded her into thinking that she was Joyce Delaney as pointed out in Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #8.
ASM #402, SPID #59 6/95
Spider-Man begins to talk to Detective Raven then Traveller dissects Spider-Man and studies his psyche...Traveller's states his purpose is to discover the true nature of good and evil and they battle. Spider-man eventually saves Traveller's life.
SPEC #225 6/95
Spider-Man goes back to his familiar costume as the third Parker comes back, and the Jackal is watching!
WOS #126, ASM #403, SPID #60, SPEC #226 7/95
The Trial Of Peter Parker
The trial for Peter Parker begins with Ben Reilly standing in for Peter while Peter is away fighting Kaine as Spider-Man until Traveller teleports them away then judging Peter...Kaine's identity is finally revealed to be that of the very first failed clone of Peter Parker that has degenerated & Kaine reluctantly confesses to the murders that Peter Parker is standing trial for thereby clearing Peter but Kaine wants Ben Reilly dead so that Peter can live a somewhat happy life without concern of his clone...Kaine is eventually apprehended at the same time the third Parker clone receives a new costume and Spidercide is born. The Jackal makes some adjustments to his Carrion virus. The biggest shocker is saved for last though as Seward Trainer discovers that Ben is the true Peter Parker and Peter is the clone!
ASM, SPID, Venom, SPEC, WOS Super Specials #1 1995
Planet Of The Symbiotes
Ben battles Venom and various Symbiotes on the Planet of the Symbiotes with Spider-Man where they eventually meet up Carnage who only adds to the fun...A backup story running through all 5 issues has Ben battling a new mercenary and terrorist group named Shadowforce Alpha and then the Lizard.
New Warriors #61 7/95
Spidercide steals an isotope from a science facility that is necessary to complete the Carrion virus.
Alpha, WOS #127, ASM #404, SPID #61, SPEC #227, Omega 8/95
Maximum Clonage
The Jackal reveals his master plan for killing all humans and replacing them with clones and he begins by testing his Carrion virus on 1 town as the Scarlet Spider battles both the New Warriors and Spidercide...A strange occurrence happens as Spider-Man befriends the Jackal as Spider-Man is still confused and angry after hearing that he is the clone. The Jackal gets shot by the Punisher...The new alliance angers Ben into fighting Spider-Man and then everyone is fighting each other: Ben vs. Spidercide, Jackal vs. Kaine, Ben vs. Jackal, you get the picture! Spidercide is enlightened by Scrier as to who exactly he is and removes his degeneration factor...After we learn the origin of Kaine, Kaine and Ben create an alliance and the Jackal sends Spider-Man to get the Gwen Stacy clone from her home...Spider-Man brings the Gwen Stacy clone to his home where Mary Jane is instead as the Jackal battles Spidercide. Spidercide seemingly kills Kaine by impaling him with huge large machinery...As the Jackal's plans come closer and closer to fruition, Scrier steps in and interrupts his plans. Spidercide and the Jackal battle atop the Daily Bugle rooftop and Spidercide falls to his death. The Jackal then battles Ben and Spider-Man until he himself falls to his death.
New Warriors #62 8/95
The Scarlet Spider joins the young super-group the New Warriors and helps fight Helix.
WOS #128, ASM #405, SPID #62, Spider-Man Unlimited #10 9/95
After Ben and Spider-Man battle D'Spayre, they decide to continue on as the Scarlet Spider and Spider-Man respectively...We get a flashback on how Ben met Seward Trainer in the next couple of issues...Ben fights the Vulture.
SPEC #228, WOS #129 9/95 - 10/95
Time Bomb
Spider-Man goes nuts reacting to all the torment he has been through lately.
New Warriors #63 9/95
The Scarlet Spider and the New Warriors continue their battle with Helix.
ASM #406, SPID #63, SPEC #229 10/95
The Greatest Responsibility
The introduction of a new Doctor Octopus takes place and she battles Ben. It is revealed that her father is none other than Seward Trainer...The battle expands to also include Spider-Man...Peter decides to quit being Spider-Man and decides to move to Portland with Mary Jane.
Spider-Man: The Parker Years #1 11/95
Right after Peter quits being Spider-Man, the story basically re-caps the events between the clones birth and the return of Ben Reilly.
New Warriors #64 10/95
The Scarlet Spider battles Psionex along with the New Warriors.
WO Scarlet Spid #1, AM Scarlet Spid #1, Scarlet SPID #1, SPEC Scar Spid #1 11/95
Virtual Mortality
All four titles change for a couple of months to reflect the prominence of the Scarlet Spider as the lead Spider-Man as he fights with the new Doctor Octopus, the Pro, Aura, Override, & The Looter throughout the storyline.
Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1 11/95
Professor Miles warrens connections to the High Evolutionary is finally revealed as he is explained to have been his assistant then was banished due to Warren's unauthorized experiments...Events of Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #8 and Spectacular Spider-Man #149 are also explained as the journal Peter found was planted by the High Evolutionary who also admits that warren was indeed successful in creating clones but didn't want the world to know about it. Kaine is also revived.
New Warriors #65 11/95
The Scarlet Spider battles Protocol along with the New Warriors.
WOSS #2, ASS #2, Scarlet Spider #2, SPEC SS #2 12/95
The Scarlet Spider battles Override, Aura, and the Looter...He goes on to battle a new Villainess named Joystick and also have another fight with the new Doctor Octopus. Ben becomes Spider-Man.
Green Goblin #3 12/95
The Scarlet Spider battles El Toro Negro and Joystick.
New Warriors #66 12/95
The Scarlet Spider makes a brief appearance.
SEN Mini-Comic 1995
Ben Reilly makes a token appearance in this Wizard special just before Sensational Spider-Man #0 is published.
WOSS #3 & 4, New Warriors #67 1/96 - 2/96
Nightmare In Scarlet
Ben battles a new Cybernetic version of the Scarlet Spider created from the Cyberwar storyline and the new Cybernetic version goes on to create a lot of destruction...Ben meets the New Warriors as Spider-Man for the first time.
SEN #0 1/96
The first issue of a new Spider-Man title features Ben in a new Spider-Man costume as he takes the mantle of Spider-Man and creates a new identity for himself: He dyes his hair blond and accepts a job at the Daily Grind, a coffee shop. He battles a new foes named Armada and meets someone new by the name of Jessica Carradine.
A new Spider-Ben is born!