Who else wanted see it but no we get Juggernaut vs Kitty Pryde
Exploding Boy said:I think the guy said that he went to go get Leech. Colossus steped up they fought. Juggs threw Pete away then went into the building and Kitty followed. Something like that.
Yup, he saw it at an early press screening, I think. Said that 20 minutes of footages were cut.Exploding Boy said:Someone who saw an uncut version said that Juggernaut and Colossus fight for 16 sec.
The Ones saw it, too, I think.Iceman/Psylocke said:I think it was Wolverini who said he saw the fight.
The Ones said:Collosus (muttering): Who's unstopable now
The Ones said:Hi, heres the details of the Collosus vs Jug's scene:
Juggernaut: Im the Wrong guy to play hide and seek with
Kitty: Who's hiding you dick?
Collosus (off screen): Oy, Muscle bag's. *collosus comes into frame and metals up* How about picking on someone your own size
Juggernaut: Ive been waiting for that all my life.
Juggernaut runs into collosus. Collosus stands there, hoping to stop him but goes flying. Jugg's charges but Collosus gets up and smacks him in the chest. Juggernaut grab's Collosus and throws him into the cieling, a large dent forms but Collosus is repelled back down. Collosus hits him twice in the face and makes Jugg's helmet go wrong. Jugg's is now furious and propels Collosus into the direction of leech. Collosus dearmours and he looks confused. He spots leech with a sad expression on his face, almost saying sorry without words. Collosus smiles and taunts Juggernaut. Juggernaut gets his helmet right and charges, he staggers as he gets closer and look's worried. Collosus delivers one knock out punch to Jugg's face.
Collosus (muttering): Who's unstopable now
Nathan said:Nah, I doubt it. The joke of the line is because he's known as the Unstoppable Juggernaut. So unless he mentions that, the line makes little sense and loses it's meaning.
godlike13 said:wasnt he screaming that to kitty at one point while he was chasing her
Warhammer said:I can't wait for this scene on the DVD.
It'll make X3 more better than what it was.
Especially with 20 minutes cut, like Mr. Lex said.