Dating and race (and politics I guess)


May 4, 2007
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This was brought to my attention via a "facebook friend". You know the kind, where you just see their statuses but don't actually interact with them. But if I was to classify her personality, I would say she is a social justice warrior that you find on Tumblr.


Her thoughts on dating are that she actively chooses to date black men rather than white men because of her political views. In essence, she does it because she doesn't like white male privilege and that's what the grounding of her reasoning is.

Isn't that.. I don't know, inherently racist? I'd understand if she was predominately sexually attracted to black men, but this is different no?

I know I've dated people that have different political views, though is on another level.

What do you think?

(I'm just opening this up for discussion. I know everyone is different blah blah blah)
I'd have to agree with your assessment of her. It seems nothing more than a woman who feels the only way to fight racism is to only date someone of another race. Seems a bit misguided.
How old? 'Bout 20? Odds are she'll grow out of it.
Technically speaking, racism is a belief that a particular ethnicity is inferior to another one. So while I would definitely consider her logic silly, it's not racism per se (unless she thinks white men are genetically inferior to black men, but you never specified if that's the case).
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Racist? No. An idiot? Yes.

I doubt the guys she sets her sights on will want to be used as political lightning rods for her cause. Once they find out she's only dating them because she doesn't like white male privilege, they'll dump her ass and find someone who actually likes them for the people they are and not what their skin colour represents.
Racist? No. An idiot? Yes.

I doubt the guys she sets her sights on will want to be used as political lightning rods for her cause. Once they find out she's only dating them because she doesn't like white male privilege, they'll dump her ass and find someone who actually likes them for the people they are and not what their skin colour represents.


I would say if anything she's being racist against black people because she's not really treating them as an individual, but as some sort of way to fulfill her own agenda. Sounds like a pretty terrible person.
I don't know, sounds like something someone would just say on Facebook. I mean was she asked about it or she felt the need to share that info? Seems she just feels more attracted to black men. And to me I don't think it's something that needs to be analyzed or she should feel the need to defend. I would guess if the right white man came into her life that she was attracted to physically and had a good personality, most of her reasons for being against it would suddenly fade away.
My thoughts:

1) White men can't experience racism. Racism is a network of inequality, both systemic, conscious, and subconscious. There is no such thing as reverse racism. White men can experience prejudice, of course, but that is slightly different. White men don't have to worry about systemic inequality, or subconscious bias, or legislation aimed against them, etc. etc.

2) Men.... but mostly white men... are the biggest problem in the world right now. Would I want to date someone who looks like, acts like, and talks like a terrorist? What if the same woman said, "I refuse to date anyone who aids or condones terrorist attacks on innocent people." Would that be racist? Tally up all the death, war, poverty in the world.... and it's a good bet that white men would have been the main cause of most of it. Certainly in America.

3) White men do this all the time, IMO. Some men like to date Asian women, or black women, or trans girls. Porn has turned men into hunters for various fetishes... men are taught to dehumanize and commodify women in their relationships .... but a woman can't practice her right to consciously choose who she wants to be with? Women don't need to be bound by their biology no more than men do. I don't date someone because I think they're cute. I date someone because we're an intellectual and emotional fit. Women should be given the same ability.

4) I believe politics should influence who one dates. I will not date a Trump supporter. Full stop. Never will. I'd rather sleep on a pile of garbage.
I dated a black woman I met in grad school. She once said that black people cant be racist because racism is used by the powerful against minorities. Bigotry is different because it’s hatred between different people (homophobia, anti-Semitism, etc)

We didn’t last long at all. I was really nothing to her but an ignorant suburban white guy to be educated about white privilege.
Yes it's silly to avoid dating whites due to "white privilege" but what about avoiding black dates because it's stigmatized within families and society in general.

Isn't avoiding black dates due to social stigma much more common place?
I don't understand how race can impact political views...

Point blank...

Then you are being willfully blind to feed your ego that you are a clear headed "middle of the road" type that is "above it all" and sees it all so much more clearly than most everyone else.

If you can't imagine how someone living the life of a Hispanic or African American in the U.S.. or frankly any non-"White" (in quotes cuz it's a franchise that can be extended to groups for reasons when said group for a long time in the past was considered FAR from Western European ideals by many on both sides of the Atlantic. See Italians, Poles etc.) would by personal and family history have a wildly divergent political view from someone that does not have the peculiarities of those life experiences is to pretty much deny the reality that there is a HUGE race issue in the States.

And at this point it's obvious the progress of the 1950's through to the 1990's in no way "solved" race relations.

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