Discuss what you LIKED about X3

Don't we already have a praise thread? Or did it die off...
X3 had a great storyline.
Great characters.
Good action
Good emotinal scenes

Only bad thing was Character development and that Rogue didn't het enough action
chaseter said:
Don't we already have a praise thread? Or did it die off...

We probably did. But so many hate threads were created, it kinda got shoved to the back. So I thought I'd start afresh.
TKing said:
We probably did. But so many hate threads were created, it kinda got shoved to the back. So I thought I'd start afresh.

I forgive you...according to so many bashers on here...I won't cite any...there is equal opportunity for praisers and bashers. Yet if you look at the first page...there is about 1-2 praise threads and about 5 bash threads. I can guarantee you they will run in here and try to ruin the good times.

Here is what I liked:

Angel and Jean background
Anything Beast
Xavier vs Phoenix
Jean House fight...it should have been longer
Anything Magneto...especially breaking out Mystique
The final battle was cool...although I wanted some Jugg vs Colossus.
chaseter said:
The final battle was cool...although I wanted some Jugg vs Colossus.

Oh, yes definitely. If we had that scene with Bobby vs. Phat too, that would have been awesome.
Nell2ThaIzzay, I agree with everything you said in both this and the previous "appreciation" thread. One of the few who can look past the (relatively few,IMO) disappointing aspects and appreciate the positive and the overall X-men feel this movie had. Well spoken.:up:
TKing said:
Now, if any "bashers" of the film wish to contribute, I'm not stopping you. It's a free country, after all, all opinions are appreciated. :word:
I liked Storm's hair and her suit in the Alkaline lake scene. It was bit of a surprise 'cause the wardrobe sucks so hard (among everything else) in this movie. I think it looks maybe better than the leather suits. Very comic booky.

Oh yeah, and Marsden did excellent job.
Rac said:
I liked Storm's hair and her suit in the Alkaline lake scene. It was bit of a surprise... in this movie. I think it looks maybe better than the leather suits. Very comic booky.

Yeah, I was a little confused at seeing too. I wonder why they don't wear it more often? I quite liked it actually.
One thing I like was that they finally showed some of the emotional relationship between Cyke and Jean. Even if it was just for a few minutes. When I first watced X3 in theaters I wasnt too upset that she had Killed Cyclops. But I think that X3 was the only time it was actually believeable that they were a couple.
Storm22 said:
What effects didn't you like?

My main gripe would have to be the Colossus armored effect. He looked far better in his cameo in X2. Considering his limited appearance (which is another complaint of mine), it's a minor quibble. Like I said, most of the effects were absolutely awesome.
I forgot about Mulitple Man...Eric Dane was great in his small role as Madrox...I wouldnt mind seeing a spin-off of his character
MoPlaYa43 said:
I forgot about Mulitple Man...Eric Dane was great in his small role as Madrox...I wouldnt mind seeing a spin-off of his character
I doubt that would happen...I don't think MM can hold a movie on his own. His character was good and Dane did great...I wish he would have fought Wolverine in the forest like we thought.
^^^ I just noticed that you posted at 4:20...lol...(sorry couldnt help it)...:oldrazz:
MoPlaYa43 said:
^^^ I just noticed that you posted at 4:20...lol...(sorry couldnt help it)...:oldrazz:
HAHA! My post was coherent so I wasn't doing what you suggest.:woot:
I liked.. no, loved the fact that it ended. :)
it's nice to be positive even in the most hopeless situations
I just watched this film again last night, and well, simply put, there are many elements of this movie that are the best of the franchise. I don't like Cyclops dying, Rogue curing, or Wolverine becoming Cyclops, but other than those things, this one may be the best of the 3.

I think much of the problem is that this film wasn't as good as any of us expected. Even I will admit that I don't like it as much as I thought I would.

BUT, I'm not going to judge a movie based on what could have been, or what might have been. I can only judge a movie based on what was. And what was, was, in my opinion, a very damned good movie, with a lot more emotion than anyone is willing to give it credit for. Yes, I feel that there are character moments in this film that are just as good as any character moments in Singer's films. I'll be honest, as much as I love Singer's films, I think that his character is overhyped. Not that it's bad, because it's great. But because I don't think it was the focus that a lot of people claim it was.

It sucks that there's a bunch of people who don't like the film, and aren't satisfied with it. But no amount of their complaining about what was wrong, or what could have been, is going to take everything that was right away from me. I have a full, complete, satisfying trilogy that makes me happy as an X-Men fan.
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
It sucks that there's a bunch of people who don't like the film, and aren't satisfied with it. But no amount of their complaining about what was wrong, or what could have been, is going to take everything that was right away from me. I have a full, complete, satisfying trilogy that makes me happy as an X-Men fan.

well then thats good, cause theres still alot of complaining to be done.

xii22_loop said:
well then thats good, cause theres still alot of complaining to be done.


Well then, that's good, and there are appropriate threads for that.

And this one isn't one of them.
X3 does have some great moments...pity though that-- oops not a place for this.
X3 deserves much more credit, for its complex storyline and fantastic action pieces.

People often dismiss X3 for whatever reason (change of director, Scott's death, Rogue being cured etc), but fail to notice that it is a pretty, darn good film. If they just watched it, without expectations or without watching the previous movies beforehand, they would realise that it does have emotional depth and the two story lines in fact merge quite well.
You know what I loved the most? Magneto didn't seem like an evil villain like before, but more like someone that is trying to do what he thinks is the right thing. This time he is ruthless too, but not as cold hearted as before... I like the Magneto that screams trying to stop the murder of Charles Xavier, and lecturing Pyro about what X did for mutants, better than the Magneto that sends to death a little girl in his place, or uses his best friend as a genocidal weapon against his will, probably killing him in the process. This time, Magneto really seemed provoqued, and like good X-Men comics, you are not really sure if he is wrong, if you would be against him or joining him.
Kanon i got to agree with you. It seems that he did respect professor x even though they were enemies. And it changed my opinon of magneto a bit.
Other stuff I liked:
The danger room sequence - great explosive action. Loved it. Colossus protecting rogue, now that was cool. And of course colossus throwing logan was great and the sentinel, im glad they included it.
Acting - a lot of it was great. The young warren did a awesome job. I cringed the first time i saw it but he's great. Ellen Page as Kitty, really good. And i cant believe she's wearing a wig, it looks authentic.
Beast - finally! It looked so real and the way he moved, was great.
The final battle - Logan telling jean he loved her. Although I feel it would be better if that was Cyk, it was so sad.
So in conclusion I loved the action, emotion and most of the acting was good.
I just loved almost everything about this movie i mean i've seen a lot of sci-fi/action/dramas but i really believe this movie is the best one i've seen.
fav. scenes:
Angel flashback
jeans return(really underated i thought it was great...even though i do have my own vision for how i thought she shoulda came back)

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