Discussion: The REPUBLICAN Party

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Mormon boy would be lucky if he was the VP to Borelenty :woot:

Inoffensive (to party base), 'better than that other candidate' and vanilla predictably will win the day. Republicans are too emasculated to take any real risks with any game changing candidate. This is why Borelenty will take it.

The biggest issue for Romney will be the mormon issue. Luckily, the only ones that won't vote for Romney simply because he is a mormon will be fundamental strong Christians - the sort of Republican voter that will be split among Huckabee/Barbor/Pawlenty/Palin lines. The pragmatic Republicans (which make up the majority) will look at Romney who can speak better, has a record tailor made for the times and who will have more money in their war chest than the other candidates combined.
He lost last time and it won't change this time.

The social conservatives will band together to overthrow the fiscal conservatives to ensure Borelenty takes it. For these folks: social conservatism > fiscal conservatism and economics.

May stubbornness reign supreme!
He lost last time and it won't change this time.

That certainly didn't hurt McCain. ;)

The social conservatives will band together to overthrow the fiscal conservatives to ensure Borelenty takes it. For these folks: social conservatism > fiscal conservatism and economics.

May stubbornness reign supreme!

Rational social conservatives (i.e. social conservatives that don't hate mormons) have no reason to fear Romney. Romney's greatest support came in 2008 came from the likes of Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, etc. well known avid social conservatives.
Rush Limbaugh the social conservative. The man has lived an interesting life to say the least (multiple wives, prescription drug addiction, etc.). I live in a very socially conservative town, one of the most conservative places in the United States. The people here are so squeaky clean in how they conduct themselves that they make Limbaugh's behavior look like some kind of a 60's hippie. lol
I'd like to see him on the political stage. He'd be extremely entertaining. Like a clown, or something.
Rush is an entertainer who has alot of ears...nothing more to me...not a real speaker
That's what I'm saying.

He'd be pretty ****in' funny as a politician.

I'd hate to live in the state he'd be in, but still. For comedy, some sacrifices can be made.

Republican Sen. George Voinovich, who is not running for re-election next year, told a newspaper in his home state of Ohio yesterday that Southerners bore a good share of the blame for his party's lagging popularity.

"We got too many Jim DeMints and Tom Coburns," Voinovich told the Columbus Dispatch Monday. "It's the Southerners….

"They get on TV and go 'errrr, errrrr,'" he said, according to the paper.

"People hear them and say, 'These people, they're Southerners. The party's being taken over by Southerners. What they hell they got to do with Ohio?'"

Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn and South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint have been top targets for Democrats. Over the past few weeks, the Democratic National Committee has released spots slamming DeMint, including a tough ad that rips the senator for saying defeat of the administration's health care bill would "break" President Obama.
No...not really...

I mean the biggest names in the GOP right now are Sarah Palin, John McCain, Mitt Romney, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. Only one of those is from the south, and that's only if you count Kentucky as the south. One of them is from Ohio!
No...not really...

I mean the biggest names in the GOP right now are Sarah Palin, John McCain, Mitt Romney, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. Only one of those is from the south, and that's only if you count Kentucky as the south. One of them is from Ohio!

Bite your tongue! :cmad:

I can't stand John Boehner...or Mitch McConnell.
But that does not change the fact that Boehner is far more important than DeMint - so the complaint that "ITS TEH SOUTHERNZ!" fault is kinda...well...silly?

This, of course, all ignores the fact the GOP is more popular now than it has been since 2004.
Since it seems to be in vogue, I'm gonna go ahead and label this guy a racist.
Sarah Palin has proven that you don't have to live in the south to sound like a southerner.
Yeah, never heard anyone down here sound like they stepped out of Fargo, dontcha know.(o fer cute!).
She has more of a Wisconsin twang actually :o

Well...I've never been to Wisconsin.
She sounds like someone from Fargo. That's why that little Thanksgiving speech she had in front of the guy putting the turkey through the grinder worked on a lot of levels. It reminded people of the guy putting the bodies through the wood chipper in the movie.
Hey, I grew up 35 miles north of NYC, within 10 miles of family that had a southern twang to their voice. Of course, we are talking about hardcore rednecks/ hillbillies.

Interestingly enough, I seen the same thing when I lived in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Hey, I grew up 35 miles north of NYC, within 10 miles of family that had a southern twang to their voice. Of course, we are talking about hardcore rednecks/ hillbillies.

Interestingly enough, I seen the same thing when I lived in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
You can hear every "r" she speaks....if anything she adds "r"s that aren't there....

You want to hear "southern" ya gotta come to the deep South, Tennessee and Kentucky is a twang, twang isn't Southern....

ooops, I thought I was just editing my other post....

"redneck" is not a southern draw, or even a dialect, its a word describing people....as is hillbilly....doesn't mean that their speech is "suthun"...so to speak....
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