Guardians of the Galaxy Drax The Man on the Sax: a Thread for the Destroyer - Part 1


Who should play Drax?
I think Drax is a character who isn't going to be speaking all that much anyway so if Gunn can direct him well enough we are in for a great Drax because man does he fill the physical role well.

They will probably pretty much have to go that route lol.
Maybe he could be like Black Panther in the Avengers cartoon. I think there have been entire episodes with him not speaking or saying just a few lines. Yet he's still a badass and he's still really intelligent.
They will probably pretty much have to go that route lol.
They wrote the script before they cast the role. Whatever they "have to do" had already been decided before Batista.
You really think directors and writers don't adapt their screenplays for certain actors? I mean, Drax isn't going to make or break this movie. But you really think the guys who wrote Iron Man had all the witty quips and remarks that RDJ brought to the movie? There are re-writes happening on set during filming. They're not going to change the whole script for someone but there is always tweaking and changes being made.

I am a little fuzzy on Drax's origins. I thought he was an alien robot created to kill Thanos. But then I read that its a lot more complicated, with a human
soul being put in the body of an artificially created organic warrior by some omnipotent alien being after the human's family was murdered in their car by
Thanos. Or something. But that might just be his old old origin, and has since been retooled.

It would be easier, in my opinion, for the movie to make him simply an alien robot created for the sole purpose of killing Thanos. In the concept art above
he looks like a robot with organic styled skin. Like Brainiac or something.

Anyway, I found these pic of Batista that could be used to photoshop him into looking like Drax.

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You really think directors and writers don't adapt their screenplays for certain actors? I mean, Drax isn't going to make or break this movie. But you really think the guys who wrote Iron Man had all the witty quips and remarks that RDJ brought to the movie? There are re-writes happening on set during filming. They're not going to change the whole script for someone but there is always tweaking and changes being made.

Yeah, there's a difference between changing dialogue and reducing it. I doubt Drax has more dialogue than Quill, Gamora, and RR in the first place, but the casting of Batista isn't going to be the reason Drax doesn't have as many lines as the others (if that's actually the case).
Yeah, there's a difference between changing dialogue and reducing it. I doubt Drax has more dialogue than Quill, Gamora, and RR in the first place, but the casting of Batista isn't going to be the reason Drax doesn't have as many lines as the others (if that's actually the case).

I think Groot will have more dialogue than Drax.:o

I am a little fuzzy on Drax's origins. I thought he was an alien robot created to kill Thanos. But then I read that its a lot more complicated, with a human
soul being put in the body of an artificially created organic warrior by some omnipotent alien being after the human's family was murdered in their car by
Thanos. Or something. But that might just be his old old origin, and has since been retooled.

It would be easier, in my opinion, for the movie to make him simply an alien robot created for the sole purpose of killing Thanos. In the concept art above
he looks like a robot with organic styled skin. Like Brainiac or something.

Anyway, I found these pic of Batista that could be used to photoshop him into looking like Drax.


I'd rather Drax just be an alien than an alien robot.
Yeah, a robot? No.
Drax's human origins can *easily* be transplanted to another planet; and *should,* imho. Instead of throwing yet another human into the far reaches of space where one would assume Peter Quill would be the only representative of his race, you could still tell the tale of Drax as an ordinary alien whose family was attacked and slain by Thanos, all except for Drax and his psychic lesbian daughter who's just as bald as he is and who has a penchant for nudity and high collars.

(And no, I didn't make that last part up, for any Marvel noobies out there. Google "Moondragon")
Yeah, a robot? No.
Drax's human origins can *easily* be transplanted to another planet; and *should,* imho. Instead of throwing yet another human into the far reaches of space where one would assume Peter Quill would be the only representative of his race, you could still tell the tale of Drax as an ordinary alien whose family was attacked and slain by Thanos, all except for Drax and his psychic lesbian daughter who's just as bald as he is and who has a penchant for nudity and high collars.

(And no, I didn't make that last part up, for any Marvel noobies out there. Google "Moondragon")

Yeah, I'd like that route for Drax as well. It's simpler, and works better than him having a human past imo.
Yeah, a robot? No.
Drax's human origins can *easily* be transplanted to another planet; and *should,* imho. Instead of throwing yet another human into the far reaches of space where one would assume Peter Quill would be the only representative of his race, you could still tell the tale of Drax as an ordinary alien whose family was attacked and slain by Thanos, all except for Drax and his psychic lesbian daughter who's just as bald as he is and who has a penchant for nudity and high collars.

(And no, I didn't make that last part up, for any Marvel noobies out there. Google "Moondragon")
He doesn't even necessarily have to be put into a different body. Maybe he can just have his regular body powered up.
But at the same time you don't want to step on the origin of Gamora. An alien who Thanos murdered her whole planet (?) and left her alive for her to later become one of the deadliest warriors in the galaxy out for Thanos' head. If Drax is just another alien who Thanos murdered his family leaving him alive to become a deadly warrior out for revenge it might be too similar. But I am not as familiar with Drax as others, I saw him on the Silver Surfer cartoon where they said he was an alien, then I read some place that he was created to kill Thanos (which he did leaving him without a reason for living). So I assumed he was a robot created to kill Thanos. (And the concept art I posted makes him look cybernetic, so I kept assuming.)
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But at the same time you don't want to step on the origin of Gamora. An alien who Thanos murdered her whole planet (?) and left her alive for her to later become one of the deadliest warriors in the galaxy out for Thanos' head. If Drax is just another alien who Thanos murdered his family leaving him alive to become a deadly warrior out for revenge it might be too similar. But I am not as familiar with Drax as others, I saw him on the Silver Surfer cartoon where they said he was an alien, then I read some place that he was created to kill Thanos (which he did leaving him without a reason for living). So I assumed he was a robot created to kill Thanos. (And the concept art I posted makes him look cybernetic, so I kept assuming.)

The fact that Thanos murdered the populations of both of their home planets could be part of the bond that Drax and Gamora share. Sort of a brother and sister type relationship.

Silver Surfer (1998)


In the Silver Surfer animated series, Drax is the android companion of Mentor.
Drax has an organic mind that sometimes glitches and disappears. After Mentor
become a part of the Virals (what has become of the Watchers), he claims to
have no purpose. The Surfer encourages him to live his life, for he deserves it.
Drax is voiced by Norm Spencer, who also was the voice of Cyclops on the
X-Men animated series.
Knew I saw the robot thing some place. Did they just make that up for the show?
The fact that Thanos murdered the populations of both of their home planets could be part of the bond that Drax and Gamora share. Sort of a brother and sister type relationship.

And there's also the fact that there are a LOT of planets that have been destroyed by Thanos. The hardest part of these backstories is believing that Thanos left any survivors...
And there's also the fact that there are a LOT of planets that have been destroyed by Thanos. The hardest part of these backstories is believing that Thanos left any survivors...

Agreed. Maybe Thanos purposely leaves a survivor or two alive so that they can live to tell others in the universe about his terror?
I know a lot of people here think Bautista will be fine as Drax because he won't be speaking very much, but damn do I love Drax and I really hope he has more than a couple of lines. I'm disappointed with Bautista and hope that Gunn can work with him to give us a Drax the fans want.
I wouldn't mind Drax being an android/cyborg, a reconstructed alien whose sole purpose is to kill Thanos after he annihilated his home world.
People will probably hate this idea, but what if Drax and Gamora are of the same planet or even related, therefore making the similar backstories easier to tell. (I don't think I'd like this route but just wanted to tosh it out there.)
I wouldn't mind Drax being an android/cyborg, a reconstructed alien whose sole purpose is to kill Thanos after he annihilated his home world.

Then they could have Drax seemingly die, but get saved by someone/something and be brought back with that purpose. I wouldn't mind him as a cyborg(still an organic Alien, but with a few robotic parts), just don't have the mechanical parts showing. Do it like Ash on Alien, where you wouldn't know he had robot parts unless you saw his insides.
The concept art already hints at it. If you look closely his arms look like metal plating. Parts of his head as well.
The concept art already hints at it. If you look closely his arms look like metal plating. Parts of his head as well.

Yeah, but that is just concept art. I don't really like that design, and he has that slight mechanical look that I don't want. He looks much better in the more recent concept art to me, where he is seemingly fully organic on the outside, along with those scars that have replaced his tattoos from the comics. If he has any mechanical parts, I don't want it to be obvious. Like I said, Ash was handled the way I'd prefer Drax to be handled. Even Samurai Jack did it, where some enemies looked organic but when Jack sliced them open, you saw the robotic parts sparking and spilling out. Although, Drax needs to also have some organic parts inside of him that coexist with the robotic parts, such as blood, (most of) his skeleton, some organs, etc.

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In concept art many artists explore as many options and concepts and ideas that they can. Some are not used.
I had a teacher who did werewolf ear designs (or something) for a movie and they didn't even use them, still paid
him of coarse. That is why the concept art may not be what they go with in the end, maybe especially if they are
revealing it this soon. Although I thought the same thing about a recent superhero movie, Green Lantern, and they
still went with it.

I'd like to see, personally, Drax look mostly humanoid but have signs of being a robot.
Not clearly robotic parts or mechanical joints or wires bolts and gears visible. Since he would be a robot/android/
cyborg from aliens with alien tech, it should be more advanced than our. I'd like to see though signs that he isn't
just a humanoid. Something like how they showed AMAZO on Young Justice:





Just to show instantly that he isn't average, humanoid. Maybe show less obvious seems running down his head
and arms (I'd go with real subtle) but I would have them there and not terminator styled. But that might just be me.
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