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E3 2011: Microsoft Edition

Isildur´s Heir;20526179 said:
I don´t know if you can download it yet, but you can watch it at Gamespot
thanks, downloading now, but it will take 3 hrs. to finish
To my fellow Kinect users&fans,Which full Kinect game got you even more interested in the device&games??,For me I have to say definitely Ryse&Star Wars!(I am pretty da** disappointed in the lag though and seems weird since every other game for it works perfectly with no big lag except this one)

As for Kinect compatible!?,I have to say Forza 4/Mass Effect 3&Ghost Recon!!!
Ryse looks cool but Kinect Star Wars looks terrible. And most of the Kinect features shown on 3rd party games look like they can be easily done on the PS3 with the PlayStation Eye and Wii U with the Wii Remote and new controller as well.
True!,Is Avatar Kinect that thing announced at CES months ago where you talk to other Kinect players and you use your body/facial expressions&voice to interact??

Anybody know when Youtube&Bing are expected to go on Xbox-live??,Not important to me But Youtube option is pretty cool and Bing can come in handy!!
This only shows what i´m always saying, that MS only cares for money and not about quality in gaming

So we tracked down Microsoft Studios chief Phil Spencer to grill him about Remedy's reveal and the dearth of Alan Wake games in Microsoft's E3 lineup. "I read that," Spencer said, laughing about the news. "I don't know that they've signed it with anybody." While Spencer told us that Wake "didn't sell as well as we would have liked," he was clear that it wouldn't affect their working relationship. "I'd love to work with Remedy again," he told us. "We have ongoing conversations with them."


The all "we would like to work with them again" is nothing more than PR BS, of course no company will close their doors to anyone; what is really important is the part in bold, what it basically because Alan Wake didn´t sold as much as MS was hoping for, they don´t want it anymore, so, yeah, it might go multiplatform in the end.

Alan Wake was one of the most praised games in the 360 last year, but, because it didn´t sold as they expected, they basically gave it the finger.
Quality....what´s that?
MS only cares for one thing and one thing alone, money.

It´s pathetic....
It didnt sell well because of red dead everyone knows that. Also i thought it got decent reviews at best, not universal praise. Every company besides probably Nintendo only care about money, why would they invest in something that isn't going to pay off in the end.
It didnt sell well because of red dead everyone knows that. Also i thought it got decent reviews at best, not universal praise. Every company besides probably Nintendo only care about money, why would they invest in something that isn't going to pay off in the end.
That´s not true and you know it.
Sony is also like that, maybe not as much as Nintendo, but they are close.
If not, they would never made Killzone 2, SOCOM would be long dead and so on...
Maybe is a Japanese thing....

Of course money is important, no one can say otherwise with a straight face, but this industry is about quality and criativity above all else, those are the two pillars of any art form and in that regard MS fails like no one.
If tomorrow Halo, Fable or Forza stops selling, say goodbye to them, but because they sell, that´s the only thing MS does.
Just look at Molyneux, you might like him or not, it´s irrelevant; but you have to agree that, since Lionhead was bought by MS, only he does is Fable...one after the other.
Now look at Molyneux´s past and tell me that he is a guy that likes to milk his franchises to death...
Isildur´s Heir;20559779 said:
That´s not true and you know it.
Sony is also like that, maybe not as much as Nintendo, but they are close.
If not, they would never made Killzone 2, SOCOM would be long dead and so on...
Maybe is a Japanese thing....

Of course money is important, no one can say otherwise with a straight face, but this industry is about quality and criativity above all else, those are the two pillars of any art form and in that regard MS fails like no one.
If tomorrow Halo, Fable or Forza stops selling, say goodbye to them, but because they sell, that´s the only thing MS does.
Just look at Molyneux, you might like him or not, it´s irrelevant; but you have to agree that, since Lionhead was bought by MS, only he does is Fable...one after the other.
Now look at Molyneux´s past and tell me that he is a guy that likes to milk his franchises to death...

Im sorry dude, but you're just flat out wrong. You like to pretend that these companies are all flowers and rainbows and want to give the consumer what they want, but that is wholly incorrect. MONEY. Thats whats its about. Period. There is a saying that goes, 'the bottom line is the bottom line' and that is just as true here with the big 3. I agree about quality and creativity, but those are 2nd to the bottom line, you are flat out senile if you dont understand that. Some companies are better than others at balancing the two, but dont kid yourself. I'll also agree with you in that i feel both Sony and Nintendo are better at taking chances on titles that might not see a big return, but lets be honest, if those ip's dont hit their projected gains, chances are you wont see them again. Heavenly Sword comes to mind.

Alan Wake specifically was a massive disappointment and MS is doing the right thing from a business standpoint(after all, thats what they are). Alan Wake spent 6 years in development only to release with "good" review scores and barely 1 million units sold. Im sorry man, but thats a game that underperformed. Any company would say the same.

As for the titles you mentioned, Killzone was to be Sony's Halo, so they had to try and make that title work and for SOCOM, um that game has always sold well(the first game on the PS2 sold almost 4 mill units). It was only until the most recent titles(when the game tried to be more Call of Duty in order to bring in more sales) that it started to fall. So actually Sony killed creativity with SOCOM.

Also, as for the PR speak of " I dont know that they've signed with anybody", thats exactly what that is. PR speak. You cant read anything in to that. I mean just a few short months ago IO Interactive told us all that they were NOT working with David Bateson on a new Hitman game, after Bateson let it slip that he has just finished work on the project, flash forward to now, a new Hitman game, by IOI, has been announced. Im going in to the PR field upon graduation and take it from me, you cant believe anything those guys say.
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To my fellow Kinect users&fans,Which full Kinect game got you even more interested in the device&games??,For me I have to say definitely Ryse&Star Wars!(I am pretty da** disappointed in the lag though and seems weird since every other game for it works perfectly with no big lag except this one)

As for Kinect compatible!?,I have to say Forza 4/Mass Effect 3&Ghost Recon!!!

Did they even show any gameplay of Ghost Recon for Kinect? I want to know how the heck you move and take cover??
Did they even show any gameplay of Ghost Recon for Kinect? I want to know how the heck you move and take cover??

From what i got, it doesnt appear as tho you'll use kinect to play through the standard game. You'll use Kinect in different modes like the gun builder and then maybe on a shooting range.

The only thing really cool about the Kinect use in Ghost Recon was the gun builder. That looked really neat. Especially if you are like me and like changing up your weapons for different mission types.
Ghost Recon looked....rough.

And with Kinnect, you shoot by bending forward, and raising your hand in a "STOP" way. Like you're directing traffic or something.

Very awkward.
Im sorry dude, but you're just flat out wrong. You like to pretend that these companies are all flowers and rainbows and want to give the consumer what they want, but that is wholly incorrect. MONEY. Thats whats its about. Period. There is a saying that goes, 'the bottom line is the bottom line' and that is just as true here with the big 3. I agree about quality and creativity, but those are 2nd to the bottom line, you are flat out senile if you dont understand that. Some companies are better than others at balancing the two, but dont kid yourself. I'll also agree with you in that i feel both Sony and Nintendo are better at taking chances on titles that might not see a big return, but lets be honest, if those ip's dont hit their projected gains, chances are you wont see them again. Heavenly Sword comes to mind.
Pat, c´mon, i´ve said exactly that, in my post, money is important, i never said otherwise, and like you said, it´s all about balacing it, because let´s face, there needs to be a reason why a game is made and another isn´t, and that reason is fanbase and fanbase equals money.
But don´t look only about money, there is another big reason...creativity is always a big point in making games, if not, why would anyone make new Ips, or better yet, why sometimes ressurect some Ips that were dead for years?
It´s always a gamble, but chances are needed to be made, if not, nothing evolves.
I give you an example, Perfect Dark.
Joanna Dark is one of the best female characters of all time in a video game, only a blind company doesn´t see that and try to ressurect her.
Hell, even Lara Croft is making a restart...
When you buy a company you do it for two reasons, expertise and Ips.
MS bought Rare, they never used none.
Sure, you can say that Rare was already a pale imagine for their former self, i´m not going to discuss that (not again anyway), but at least use their Ips, which are a lot.
Platform Games, they have Conker or Banjo or even make the return of Saberman.
Fighting Games, Killer Instinct
Perfect Dark could be turn into a story driven FPS, with conspiracy theories with aliens and alike, think X-Files meets Matrix

As for Heavenly Sword...rumors say that Sony is making a sequel with another developer, if true or not, only time will tell....

Alan Wake specifically was a massive disappointment and MS is doing the right thing from a business standpoint(after all, thats what they are). Alan Wake spent 6 years in development only to release with "good" review scores and barely 1 million units sold. Im sorry man, but thats a game that underperformed. Any company would say the same.
Almost all games that go for a extremely long development cycle end on underperforming and being worst than they should, it´s a fact.
Reason: They become outdated
Even so, Alan Wake is a fine game, everyone says the same, and any company with half a brain (not the company, of course) would realise that and make an Alan Wake 2.
When there is so many saying that the game is great, you pick it up and try again, look at where went wrong and polish it.
Do you want me to tell what they could do to make it better?
Make it free-roaming, still have a linear structure but have all liberty to go everywhere in Bright Falls, even have a mission or two in the middle of it all to amp up the tension and fear.

As for the titles you mentioned, Killzone was to be Sony's Halo, so they had to try and make that title work and for SOCOM, um that game has always sold well(the first game on the PS2 sold almost 4 mill units). It was only until the most recent titles(when the game tried to be more Call of Duty in order to bring in more sales) that it started to fall. So actually Sony killed creativity with SOCOM.
The point is, Killzone was a huge failure, so, by your logic, the best was to let the franchise die.
What they did was (nothing to back it up, only logic) to wait for the next gen, and try again.
As for SOCOM, i thought it had underperformed...
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Isildur´s Heir;20561027 said:
Pat, c´mon, i´ve said exactly that, in my post, money is important, i never said otherwise, and like you said, it´s all about balacing it, because let´s face, there needs to be a reason why a game is made and another isn´t, and that reason is fanbase and fanbase equals money.
But don´t look only about money, there is another big reason...creativity is always a big point in making games, if not, why would anyone make new Ips, or better yet, why sometimes ressurect some Ips that were dead for years?
It´s always a gamble, but chances are needed to be made, if not, nothing evolves.
I give you an example, Perfect Dark.
Joanna Dark is one of the best female characters of all time in a video game, only a blind company doesn´t see that and try to ressurect her.
Hell, even Lara Croft is making a restart...

Oh yea i agree to an extent, but these new ip's and new titles are done with the bottom line in mind. They are created to turn a profit. No publisher would fund the development of a game if they didnt think there was profit to be made in the end, regardless of how creative the ip may be.

As for Heavenly Sword...rumors say that Sony is making a sequel with another developer, if true or not, only time will tell....

Yea iv heard the rumors, but to be honest that game sold more units than i thought it did. I didnt think it even topped a mill, but it did.

Isildur´s Heir;20561027 said:
Almost all games that go for a extremely long development cycle end on underperforming and being worst than they should, it´s a fact.
Reason: They become outdated
Even so, Alan Wake is a fine game, everyone says the same, and any company with half a brain (not the company, of course) would realise that and make an Alan Wake 2.
When there is so many saying that the game is great, you pick it up and try again, look at where went wrong and polish it.
Do you want me to tell what they could do to make it better?
Make it free-roaming, still have a linear structure but have all liberty to go everywhere in Bright Falls, even have a mission or two in the middle of it all to amp up the tension and fear.

The point is, Killzone was a huge failure, so, by your logic, the best was to let the franchise die.
What they did was (nothing to back it up, only logic) to wait for the next gen, and try again.
As for SOCOM, i thought it had underperformed...

Well i wouldnt say every game that has a long dev cycle under performs. Red Dead Redemption and the recently released LA Noire would state other wise. The problem with long dev times is cost. The longer a game spends in development, the more money its going to cost, leaving less room for profit. Its why Activision is making piles of money at the moment. They have just about all of their titles on yearly release schedule to keep costs down. Not to mention the fact that CoD releases every year to like a billion units sold.

I also agree that Alan Wake should get a sequel, i enjoyed the game, but if im looking at it from a business perspective, im not as quick to make that claim. I mean theres no telling how much money was made or lost with Alan Wake. Generally a title needs to move about a million units for the company to see a good return and thats with a normal dev cycle (2-3 years). Alan Wake ballooned to around 6.

But yea i agree with you overall. I think MS, if they arent going to release another AW, is making a mistake in the long run. I can see AW having another game or 2, improving on what made the 1st game good and becoming a much more profitable endeavor. And next time, dont release on the same day that a Rockstar title is releasing.
I didn't buy Alan Wake due to Red Dead.. I know many others that didn't get it for the same reason.

Then, when I did play Alan Wake, I thought it was crap. So... if it doesn't get any kind of sequel I could careless...
I didn't buy Alan Wake due to Red Dead.. I know many others that didn't get it for the same reason.

Then, when I did play Alan Wake, I thought it was crap. So... if it doesn't get any kind of sequel I could careless...

I bought both the night the released.

I enjoyed Alan Wake, altho i havent been back to play it since iv beaten it.
I was more let down by it than anything. I remember playing it and thinking "So... what were all the delays for...?"

Seemed like a not scary Silent Hill.
I was more let down by it than anything. I remember playing it and thinking "So... what were all the delays for...?"

Seemed like a not scary Silent Hill.

Yea i can agree with that, especially considering, at the time, i was playing Red Dead Redemption, another game that had a long development and a game that i would put near the top of best developed games this generation.
I loved the first few hours of Alan Wake, i thought it was unique and fun but after that i started to lose interest quickly.

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