Edgar Wright's Ant-Man - Part 1

what happened to this project? is it still happening? will it coincide with the avengers? any news at all?
AH! I can't find it! Edit: got it.
This has convinced me more that we're going to get Lang's story with Pym's name. I think it will be a mix of the two characters. I think we'll get Jan at some stage- whether that is in the sequel or not I'm unsure of.

It can be seen on vimeo.

what happened to this project? is it still happening? will it coincide with the avengers? any news at all?

It is suppose to begin Marvel's phase 3 movies in 2015, and will most likely tie into Avengers 3.

^ Yep, true, which I'm very happy about, more so the helmet. Again, can't believe we got something so close to the comics, I thought we'd just get a mask with ant antenas on it and that would be it. What we got looks freaking crazy, I really hope the final design looks close to what we see in the footage.

Also, this makes it pretty clear the budget for this won't have to be much more than $100m flat, wouldn't be surprised if it were less. The most expensive parts of the movie will probably be when he goes giant size and I doubt we see that more than twice. Not that I'm complaining, Wright can work wonders with a $100m budget and Ant-Man shouldn't require you to break the bank anyway. If this just grosses $350m then I think it would be considered a great success.

EDIT: Actually I'd say the helmet looks like a combination of the classic and Scott's. It's a full helmet like Scott's and the ant communicator looks more like a gas mask like Scott's as well, but the overall layout of the mask looks like the classic, with there looking to be dented parts to represent eye holes.
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That test footage was pretty awesome in my book. Can't wait to see what a real budget will do!
The test footage was awesome exactly how I pictured his powers working on screen. Some thing almost like Nightcrawler with the size changing looking like he appears from nowhere.

Edgar also nailed the fighting style very kinetic and Matrix stylish which works with a character that rapidly changes perspective

Only negative I have to say is the suit looks a little too shiny but perhaps thats because of how the scene was lit.
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Really cool. I don't know why, but there's something about this footage that reminds me The Matrix. The Agents? The music? The elevator? I don't know.
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Really cool. I don't know why, but there's something about this footage that reminds me The Matrix. The Agents? The music? The elevator? I don't know.
I think it was the agents. When I first watched the preview I thought it was MIB at first. :oldrazz:

I loved it though, really cool.
Does anyone think there might be even a remote possibility this footage could be included with the Marvel Cinematic Universe Box Set coming out on April 2nd. Because that would be a really nice treat if it was, and to me it doesn't seem unimaginable since these box sets can often include extras. I have mine on Blue Ray preordered with Amazon.

So, here is hoping.

Really cool. I don't know why, but there's something about this footage that reminds me The Matrix. The Agents? The music? The elevator? I don't know.

there was music? i had my speakers on and couldn't hear anything. *crap*
Might just be the belt, but when closely examining the suit in some scenes in an attempt to draw out what the suit looked like, I noticed it looks like the suit had what looked like a gun attached to the back of the belt... Maybe this?

The footage looked great. Can't wait for the official release!
Might just be the belt, but when closely examining the suit in some scenes in an attempt to draw out what the suit looked like, I noticed it looks like the suit had what looked like a gun attached to the back of the belt... Maybe this?

The footage looked great. Can't wait for the official release!

makes sense to go in armed (depending on why he'd be going up that elevator).
I thought it was worth while posting a list of Edgar' comments about Ant-Man over the years.

Edgar Wright
"'The idea that we have for the adaptation is to actually involve both... Henry Pym and Scott Lang. So you actually do a prologue where you see Pym as Ant-Man in action in the 60's, in sort of 'Tales to Astonish' mode basically, and then the contemporary, sort of flash-forward, is Scott Lang's story, and how he comes to acquire the suit, how he crosses paths with Henry Pym, and then, in an interesting sort of Machiavellian way, teams up with him."

"Most shrinking films are about in somebody in jeopardy and this is something where the shrinker has the power. Rather than it being something that's a terrible thing to happen, it's actually making your character into the most bad ass sort of action hero/spy possible. "

"what Marvel really liked, is that it's funny, but it's a genre film. It's about the level of comedy that IRON MAN has. The idea is to make a high-concept genre film where it's within another genre. His suit and its power is the big gadget and it takes place in the real world"

"I know there’s a big stigma attached to it, mostly because every movie about shrinking has been about people in peril. I think it’d be great to do a shrinking film about a bad-ass secret agent... Even something like The Incredible Shrinking Man, which is a fantastic film, is about a guy in trouble. But this is going to be nothing like that. It’s essentially a high-tech spy heist film with somebody with a very particular power."
I hope the whole Pym in the 60's part has been reworked. I want Pym to be contemporary with Stark and the other Avengers... What is it about the 60's lately anyway?
chamber-music said:
I thought it was worth while posting a list of Edgar' comments about Ant-Man over the years.

Edgar Wright

"'The idea that we have for the adaptation is to actually involve both... Henry Pym and Scott Lang. So you actually do a prologue where you see Pym as Ant-Man in action in the 60's, in sort of 'Tales to Astonish' mode basically, and then the contemporary, sort of flash-forward, is Scott Lang's story, and how he comes to acquire the suit, how he crosses paths with Henry Pym, and then, in an interesting sort of Machiavellian way, teams up with him."

"Most shrinking films are about in somebody in jeopardy and this is something where the shrinker has the power. Rather than it being something that's a terrible thing to happen, it's actually making your character into the most bad ass sort of action hero/spy possible."

"what Marvel really liked, is that it's funny, but it's a genre film. It's about the level of comedy that IRON MAN has. The idea is to make a high-concept genre film where it's within another genre. His suit and its power is the big gadget and it takes place in the real world"

I know there’s a big stigma attached to it, mostly because every movie about shrinking has been about people in peril. I think it’d be great to do a shrinking film about a bad-ass secret agent... Even something like The Incredible Shrinking Man, which is a fantastic film, is about a guy in trouble. But this is going to be nothing like that. It’s essentially a high-tech spy heist film with somebody with a very particular power."

Fixed. :oldrazz:
So he's been working on this since he was 9? Damn
Well that's why, when he made the original statement, the 60s wasn't that far away. But now it is, so he can't stick to that 30 years later. :p

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