Arrow Episode 15: Dodger - Rate & Review Thread

Human Torch

Aug 27, 2012
Reaction score
Kinda mixed about this week's show.It seemed like mostly set-up for the second half of the season.But It worked in that context.

The island stuff was interesting.I'm not sure that's the last we'll see of that guy.Ollie doesn't seem the type to just turn his back on someone.(Heck,last week he ruined his chance to leave,just to help a guy that nearly killed him.)

Cool intro to Roy.Hopefully they do something with him,and not just have him & Thea make eyes at each other every episode.Interesting the way they are progressing with Dig's sister-in-law.It is an awkward situation.I mean,his nephew could be his step-son.

The action was good.I missed seeing Ollie in costume at the end.Maybe it will be Felicity that will turn Arrow killing policy around.
Dodger was pretty cool,but I'm still hoping for a plot that will focus on the villain.

They're on a good streak.Keep it going. 9/10
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Not as good as the past few episodes, but I still enjoyed it. Felicity was smoking in that dress :oldrazz:

I thought the Diggle and sister-in-law thing was kinda weird. And I liked the setup with Roy.

Next week looks gooooood!
Good set-up episode as we head for the last third of the season. I personally would've like to see some sort of wrist gauntlet to fire his arrows instead of just throwing them like knives.

Also I hope we never know the fate of the guy he left behind. After all that he has seen Oliver has the right to be paranoid. He made his choice and I hope they make him stick with it.
Not my favorite episode here as they set up for the next episode and the rest of the season. The intro to Roy Harper was interesting, but I wished they'd use him more and a good way to have him meet Thea.

They're continuing from last episode where Oliver and Diggle try to get Felicity to be in the team full-time as they go after the Dodger.

The flashbacks had me disturbed about Oliver as he turned his back on someone and maybe Slade got to him from last episode. The set-up for the next episode has Moira making a move against Malcolm. A good set-up episode at best.
Also I hope we never know the fate of the guy he left behind. After all that he has seen Oliver has the right to be paranoid. He made his choice and I hope they make him stick with it.

Yeah I agree with you. I think I tweeted "Oliver don't help him! He may be a sleeper planted by Fyers" lol
Last week was definitely better but still enjoyed tonight and Dodger was decent. Haynes did pretty good as Roy and Felicity continues to be one of the best parts of the show. Next looks wicked...Deadshot returns!
This was definitely a different episode from the ones before. The Dodger was cool even though his robbery of the jewel I felt was weak. How dare he try and harm Felicity!

The island section was good it showed that Ollie is slowly transforming into his present self in regards to trust.

Moira reaching out to China White (who looks much better) was a nice twist. Maybe we'll get her vs. Archer Merlyn next week.......oh and Deadshots back!
Why the **** did no one tell me that there would be a BSG reunion tonight?! :argh:
Roy Harper dropping his chain and being so easy to find because he always wears a red hoodie was lame. They also should have made him look grimy. They could have had an episode wear he cleans himself up and impreses Thea. He didn't look poor at all.
It was a decent epsiode. The stuff they are setting up was better than the Dodger plot.
I liked the Dodger stuff. :o
I was actually expecting Dinah to jump over the fence as well. :/
I hope they will turn Roy into Oliver's sidekick. If not, then I'd wonder what his purpose in the show is other than Thea's love interest.
I think it's a little weird for Oliver to have a sidekick when he's still young himself. Besides, he already has a sidekick, Diggle.
He's really pretty, that serves most of his purpose.
I'm pretty sure Ollie will run into that tied-up guy on the island again.....

as a corpse!:wow:
Great episode. I think Amell really stepped his acting up since the pilot. He has more depth now instead of being stone cold.
And the super herbs make a return. I wouldn't be surprised if that stuff cures cancer and aids.
I thought the episode was fine, but a step down from last weeks. This was a big set up episode for sure. I forgot China White was going to show up, and she looked a lot better this time. I also didn't know they were having Roy show up already. I really like Felicity being part of the team now. So China White, and Deadshot going after Malcom Merlyn should be interesting. I bet he'll evade their attack, and repay them a visit as the Dark Archer.
Felicity Looked good in that dress I mean wow.
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Roy Harper dropping his chain and being so easy to find because he always wears a red hoodie was lame. They also should have made him look grimy. They could have had an episode wear he cleans himself up and impreses Thea. He didn't look poor at all.

Yep, cause all poor people look "grimy" right? :whatever:

Anyway, good introduction to Roy, his development into his comic counterpart should be pretty interesting, maybe by next season he's going to train with Ollie. And I won't be surprised if Thea is killed off and Roy decides to use her nickname Speedy to honor her, time will tell. :word:
Does anyone wonder exactly how Dodger was able to slip bomb necklaces on people; especially Felicity? I mean, she knew his MO and was in a packed room with two vigilantes and some police officers. Couldn't she just have made a scene when he went at her or just bear hug him after he got the necklace on her? I doubt he'd blow up anyone's head if they kept it within a few inches of his body. Idk it's probably just a nit pick, but it really stood out to me for some reason.

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